Chapter 1460 Neat and tidy (second update)

In this wave of shopping between the two sides, it was Cang Hailangchen who controlled Xia to take the lead.

But in the end, it ended with the death of Xia and Luo Shuangshuang.

After this scene, the auditorium was completely silent, extremely quiet.

After a brief silence, the auditorium completely exploded!

"I'm relying on relying on relying on, it's too awesome!!!"

"This wave of duels is so fun to watch, and the operations of both sides are against the sky!"

"The beautiful AD of the Lxsky team has a terrible reaction, so she can dodge the sudden forced opening."

"The auxiliary EZ is also terrifyingly strong. Using the body-locking wave operation, it blinds my titanium alloy dog ​​eyes!"

"Langshen and the others have dealt with it very well, without any mistakes, but they still lost the fight. The two girls in the bottom lane of the Lxsky team are really too strong!"


In the auditorium, the discussion was extremely hot.

Simply, to overturn the top of the competition venue!
On the commentary stage, Jokkr only realized it at this time, and shouted excitedly.

"Nice! Team Lxsky's bottom lane duo cooperated perfectly and directly killed Xia and Luo of Team WSF!"

Su Chunyu also said: "This wave of Delevingne avoids the control and fights back, and EZ keeps people to assist the output. The two are indispensable, and the cooperation is perfect to the extreme!"

"Especially Delevingne, relying on his own operations, directly and instantly reversed the situation of the battle!"

After Su Chunyu finished speaking, the audience nodded.

That's right, the cooperation between Draven and EZ in this wave is perfect to the extreme. If you want to kill Xia and Luo on the opposite side, the cooperation of the two is indispensable.

And Delevingne's operation is the most important part of it!
If the EZ operation is wrong, at most it will not be able to keep people so perfectly, and it can only kill Xia.

Even if Lian Xia didn't kill Lian Xia in the end, both sides were safe and sound, and they still made a small profit here.

After all, Xayah's Flash and Ignition had been fully used at that time, and Luo's weakness was also used. On their side, it was only Draven who used Flash and Ignite.

Even if they didn't kill any of them in the end, they won't lose anything, and they even earned a Summoner skill from the opponent.

If they fight again in the next wave, the opponent will directly lose one weakness, and they don't need to worry about their chances of winning in the fight.

But in this wave, if Delevingne didn't rely on his heaven-defying reaction and operate E to dodge Xayah's barb, W skill to avoid Luo's W skill, and then give Xayah an ignition first.
All of that is hard to say.

Maybe, the situation will be completely reversed, and Lu Shiyan and the others will be killed!

In this wave, it is said that Delevingne's operational response is more important, and there is no problem at all.

"That's right, Delevingne's wave is really the crowning touch of the entire anti-killing process!"

"Draven's operation reaction just now really surprised me, I can't believe it, this is an operation made by a girl!"

"This game is already quite convincing. The beautiful AD of the Lxsky team should be stronger than Langshen. Langshen, the number one AD in the national server, can't keep his position."

"Blood Lian Cangming was abused by the Lxsky team long ago, and the number one mid laner in the national server has long since changed hands, but the official statement has not been released yet. It seems that the Lxsky team needs two players with the double number one position in the national server Already!"

"Two players with double first positions in the national server, if this is the case, the Lxsky team will probably be able to compete with the QWG team!"

In the auditorium, the audience started to discuss enthusiastically.

Lu Shiyan's manipulation is obvious to all, and many people feel that her current strength, especially in terms of manipulation and reaction, has already surpassed the waves of the sea.

In addition, Luo Xia and Feiying had one arm and one arm before, and they did not use their full strength to blow up Xuelian Cangming. Since the start of the LPL Summer Split, they have abused all the team's mid laners.

Even though the official certification has not yet started, in the minds of the audience, Luo Xia has long been the number one mid laner in the national server.

Lu Shiyan's performance today fully deserves the title of No. [-] AD in the national server!

Many people are saying that maybe the Lxsky team needs a team of two players with double first positions in the national server, and they can completely compete with the QWG team.

After all, among the LPL teams, only QWG is a team with two national server double first position players, respectively the first top laner on the national server and the first support on the national server.

The other three players at the top of the national server were originally divided equally between the MTC team, WSF team, and EAF team.

Although the strength of the entire team cannot be judged by the strength of just one or two players, the top players also reflect the strength of the team to a certain extent.

From this aspect alone, the Lxsky team will definitely not be weaker than the QWG team!
At this time, the team voice of the WSF team was quiet.

When Chen He saw his gray-white screen, he didn't recover for a long time.

Not only Chen He, but also other people who saw the bot lane fight just now, and they were all shocked by Lu Shiyan and Ling Yan's operations.

For a while, I didn't know what to say.

After a while, it was Cang Hailangchen who spoke first: "We lost this round."

Hearing Cang Hailangchen's words, Chen He was startled, came back to his senses, and opened his mouth hastily.

"Captain, we still have a chance. Besides, this wave of Delevingne didn't get two heads, but one head and one assist. If you are more stable, you can still play."

In this wave, if his head is also taken away by Draven, it is basically impossible to fight at all.

But as it is now, there is still a little leeway, although the leeway is very small.

Others also agreed with Chen He's point of view.

Just like Nunu's head just now, if Lucian took it away, the mainspring might collapse immediately, and it would be impossible to fight online.

Now, although it is also very difficult, it is always better.

After Chen He finished speaking, Cang Hai Langchen shook his head slightly, and said, "You guys, take a closer look at the distribution of heads on the opposite side, and then think about how each head corresponds to our hero."

Population distribution?

Hearing Cang Hailangchen's words, the others all looked at Luo Xia's head distribution.

At first, they didn't feel anything, but soon, their expressions changed slightly.

As Su Chunyu said before, Luo Xia and the others seem to follow a certain pattern in taking heads.

Each of Luo Xia and the others had a human head on their bodies.

And if it corresponds to the heroes killed on their side of the WSF team, it is the top laner on their side on the opposite side, and the mid laner killed their mid laner.

The jungler killed the jungler on their side, the AD killed the AD on their side, and the support killed the support on their side.

Moreover, the kills are taken in the order of top laner, mid laner, jungler, AD, and support.

Neatly, without the slightest mess
Without strong control, it is absolutely impossible to do it!

(End of this chapter)

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