Chapter 1479 Luo Hai's Method (Part [-])
After Luo Xia finished speaking, Luo Zhixuan didn't know how to speak.

It doesn't work if you say you want it, and it doesn't work if you leave it to Luo Xia. It seems that you can only say you don't want it.

But if she said she didn't want to, Luo Hai looked so angry today, and she was worried that Luo Hai's body would get sick from anger.

She and Luo Xia were already extremely filial, and neither of them would like to see such a thing.

Besides, she had to admit that she also had deep expectations in her heart for being with Luo Xia.
For a moment just now, after Luo Zhixuan had let go of all her thoughts, she discovered that her true heart was to be with Luo Xia.

Although Luo Hai put pressure on her today, this situation may be her only chance
Seeing the change in Luo Zhixuan's expression, Luo Hai looked at Luo Xia again, and said, "There's no need to ask Xuan'er's opinion, just ask your opinion."

"Xuan'er has liked you since she was a child. As a father, how could I not know?"

Hearing Luo Hai's words, Luo Xia couldn't help being shocked.

Luo Zhixuan liked herself since she was a child?

This. How is this possible!

At this time, Luo Hai was also preparing to use a strong medicine, saying: "Xiao Xia, Xuan'er, if you don't agree to what happened today, then our relationship will be completely broken!"

Luo Xia hadn't recovered from what Luo Hai said that Luo Zhixuan liked him, Luo Hai took such a strong medicine again.

Although Luo Xia had some suspicions due to a misunderstanding of his relationship with Luo Hai before, Luo Xia has always been a very filial person.

Otherwise, he wouldn't go back to worship Shen Lanxin regularly every year.

Even after finding his biological mother, he did not give up worshiping.

If it was true that he severed his previous relationship with Luo Hai because of this incident, Luo Xia would absolutely not accept it.

The atmosphere became more and more tense, but Jin Yuena smiled and said, "Since Uncle Luo and you have family matters to discuss, I'll come back another day."

"Don't worry, I won't say anything I heard today."

After finishing speaking, Jin Yuena got up from her seat and walked towards the door.

She came here today just because Luo Xia took a break today and happened to meet Lu Shiyan on the same day, so she wanted to come here as usual to disturb the two of them.

But I don't want to, there is such a rich windfall.

Luo Hai will become so strong today, and she fully understands the reason.

"Zhixuan is the same age as me this year, both are 22 years old. You should think carefully about her happiness."

"Uncle Luo, some decisions don't have to be made too early, because they may be overturned later. I just want to tell you that Zhixuan and him are extremely filial children~"

This is what Jin Yuena said to Luo Hai after the worship that day.

During the period, the two had other conversations, but the most important ones were obviously these few sentences.

Jin Yuena gave Luo Hai enough hints, and Luo Hai obviously understood the meaning of the hints in the words.

For Luo Xia and Luo Zhixuan to be together, the normal method won't work, let alone let them develop freely.

With Luo Zhixuan's personality, no matter how much she likes Luo Xia, she will definitely not take that step.

As for Luo Xia's carefree and extremely insensitive personality, he probably will never feel Luo Zhixuan's thoughts for him.

In this case, if you want the two to be together, you must use external force.

Just like what Jin Yuena said before, Luo Xia and Luo Zhixuan are both extremely filial, and the key to decide all this falls on Luo Hai.

The method Luo Hai used today is also extremely correct, that is, to use his own status to be stronger and let the two of them be together.

With the filial piety of the two, if Luo Hai gets angry, he will be furious, and even threaten to sever the relationship.

Perhaps, under the fuel of this external force, it can really pierce the last window paper.

Jin Yuena had hinted clearly enough before, with Luo Hai's wisdom, it is impossible not to understand.

Jin Yuena just wanted to see what kind of decision Luo Hai would make.

Is it a strong direct pressure on the two to keep them together, or not to ask, or even deliberately keep the two at a distance.

Now, Jin Yuena already knows.

And now that she knows Luo Hai's thoughts and decisions, some of Jin Yuena's own decisions can finally be made.
After Jin Yuena left, Luo Hai knew that he had to give Luo Xia some time to think about it, and he couldn't force her so blindly.

At the same time, he is not such an unreasonable person. On Su Chunyu and Lu Shiyan's side, he is also going to tell them the truth.

Although he regards his daughter's happiness as the most important thing, if this incident hurts the other two girls, he will definitely not be able to do it.

Looking at Luo Xia, then at Su Chunyu and Lu Shiyan, Luo Hai said, "Xiao Xia, think about it first, Xiao Yu, you two come here with me."

After finishing speaking, Luo Hai turned around first and walked into the bedroom, obviously wanting to say something to the two girls.

Su Chunyu and Lu Shiyan quickly followed.

After the three of them walked into the bedroom, only Luo Xia and Luo Zhixuan were left in the living room.

If it is normal, getting along alone like this, there will be no embarrassment.

But at this moment, Luo Xia felt uncomfortable all over.

Luo Zhixuan's pretty face was still blushing, she wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to say it.

She didn't even know what to say.

After a while, Luo Xia was still the first to speak: "Umm. I just said that you liked me since you were a child. Is this true?"

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Luo Zhixuan's delicate hands were quietly twisted again.

Afterwards, she said, "Xiao Xia, I don't know what happened to him today, but most of what he said was just a joke, so don't take it to heart."

After Luo Zhixuan finished speaking, Luo Xia did not speak, but stared at her.

No matter how slow his reaction was, he could tell that Luo Zhixuan didn't answer his question directly, but changed the subject.

From this point of view, maybe Luo Zhixuan really has that kind of affection for him
Since childhood, his relationship with Luo Zhixuan has been very good.

Not knowing what came to mind, Luo Xia gently called Luo Zhixuan.

Hearing this, Luo Zhixuan raised her head, but before she could speak, she felt a burst of masculine breath rushing toward her face.


(End of this chapter)

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