Chapter 1484 Heart Knot Opened (Second Change)

Hearing Luo Zhixuan's words, Luo Xia couldn't help but stop.

Then, he said with a face full of surprise: "You agreed, agreed to be my girlfriend?"

Luo Zhixuan lowered her head, Yuyan was already blushing, and said: "You are so domineering, how can I not agree..."

After saying that, she also felt relaxed all over.

When she didn't say it before, she didn't know how many times she was at a loss.

But after she really said it, she found that it was not as difficult as she thought.

After confirming again from Luo Zhixuan's mouth, Luo Xia felt a big stone fall from his heart, and laughed happily.

"Haha, you agree, I am so happy!"

Seeing Luo Xia's excited appearance, the corners of Luo Zhixuan's lips raised slightly unconsciously, and the gaze she looked at Luo Xia was even more tender.

Afterwards, she only heard her raving: "Xiao Xia, this is the first time I know that you still have such a domineering side..."

Hearing what Luo Zhixuan said, Luo Xia scratched his head, and laughed: "Haha, if you don't want to be a bit more domineering, what if you don't agree?"

With that said, Luo Xia directly hugged Luo Zhixuan into her arms.

Luo Zhixuan also slowly closed her beautiful eyes, quietly enjoying the warmth brought by Luo Xia's embrace.

Seeing that the two finally opened their hearts, Su Chunyu walked over with a smile and said, "This way everyone is really happy, can you stay for dinner?"

Lu Shiyan also nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, stay for dinner later."

Hearing what the two said, Luo Zhixuan glanced at Luo Xia and nodded slightly.

When it was time to cook, Luo Zhixuan wanted to help several times, but was gently pushed out by Su Chunyu and Lu Shiyan.

In the words of the two women, Luo Zhixuan finally came here, how could she let her cook?
Of course, the most important thing is that the two of them are going to let Luo Zhixuan and Luo Xia communicate more about their feelings.

The facts were exactly as they thought, Luo Zhixuan failed to come to help in the kitchen, so she sat on the sofa and chatted with Luo Xia.

Before today, they had talked countless times, but this time, Luo Zhixuan felt extremely nervous.

The state of mind is different, and even the identity is different, so the feelings will naturally be somewhat different.

Luo Zhixuan was in a trance now. Are the two of them considered lovers now?

"What are you thinking about?"

When Luo Zhixuan was in a trance, Luo Xia asked softly.

Luo Zhixuan came back to her senses and said, "'s nothing..."

While speaking, the jade hands were already quietly entangled.

Luo Xia could tell that Luo Zhixuan was a little nervous, but he was not the same.

After getting along with Luo Zhixuan for so long, only this time, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Luo Xia thought of something, and said, "In the future, do you want me to call you Xuan'er, or...other names?"

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Luo Zhixuan said, "It's all good."

Immediately afterwards, she only heard her whisper: "But I hope that in your heart, I am unique..."

After finishing speaking, Luo Zhixuan's pretty face couldn't help turning a little red.

Even she couldn't believe that one day she would say such things in front of Luo Xia.


Hearing what Luo Zhixuan said, Luo Xia understood instantly, because he also said similar things to Su Chunyu.

In his heart, Su Chunyu, Lu Shiyan and Luo Zhixuan are all unique.

"Of course, in my heart, you will always be unique, and no one can replace you." Luo Xia smiled.

After Luo Xia finished speaking, Luo Zhixuan didn't know how to respond, so she could only hum slightly.

It's just a pretty face, but it's getting redder...

I don't know if Su Chunyu and Lu Shiyan did it on purpose, but today's meal was cooked very slowly, and the time Luo Xia and Luo Zhixuan spent alone became very long.

After the meal was finally ready, the tension in Luo Zhixuan's heart was completely relieved.

With Su Chunyu and Lu Shiyan at the dinner table, facing Luo Xia was not so nervous.

While eating, Su Chunyu looked at the two of them, turned her beautiful eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "Why don't you leave tonight."

"Let's give up the room. Let's take care of the matter between you and Luo Xia tonight, so as not to make Uncle Luo miss you all the time."

Hearing Su Chunyu's words, the chopsticks in Luo Zhixuan's hand fell directly on the table.

Then her pretty face turned completely red.

And Luo Xia. Get things done tonight?
Will it be a little too fast.
Luo Xia also coughed dryly, and said, "Eat, eat, Xiao Yu, stop joking."

Although what Su Chunyu said was something that would happen sooner or later, but now, it is really too fast.

The change of identity, as well as the change of emotion towards Luo Zhixuan, couldn't be completed overnight.

At the beginning, he and Lu Shiyan were just good friends, and it took a long time for them to turn from good friends to a couple of lovers.

Not to mention, Luo Zhixuan.

Now it's not so easy to treat Luo Zhixuan as his girlfriend so quickly.

As Lu Shiyan said before, this matter has to be done slowly.

At the dinner table, after Luo Xia's interruption this time, this topic was not brought up again.

Luo Zhixuan didn't express her position, but whether she was relieved or a little disappointed, only she knew.
After dinner, after a while, Luo Zhixuan did not stay here, but chose to return to the capital.

After all, her profession cannot give her so much freedom to accompany Luo Xia.

Besides, Luo Xia also knew that Luo Zhixuan's skin was still a bit thin, she had to digest this matter slowly and accept it.

However, Luo Xia didn't have the slightest worry in his heart. Since Luo Zhixuan had already promised him, it was only a matter of time before the relationship between the two changed.

After opening this knot in his heart, Luo Xia only felt extremely relaxed, and slept extremely peacefully this night.

(PS: Maybe many book lovers don’t have a deep concept of the competition system. Let me explain, Luoxia and the others are already playing the summer split. What is the concept of the summer split?
After the summer split, the three seeded teams were selected to play the World Championship directly. It can be said that this book is very close to the end.

Luo Xia's relationship issues, as well as other foreshadowings, must be explained one by one, so there have been more emotional dramas recently.

In addition, although I racked my brains to think about a lot of lineups and playstyles for the summer split, it seems that many people don't like to watch them, so I will try my best to skip the next games. )
(End of this chapter)

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