Chapter 1492 Recovering both hands! (Second more)
The solo of the two is no longer a one-sided crush like it was at the beginning.

Perhaps under the inspiration of Maple Leaf Setting Sun, Moying's strength gradually recovered to the level of Maple Leaf Setting Sun!
The solo of the two became more and more inseparable.

All the skills were used by the two of them superbly.

For ordinary players playing Ruiwen, it is almost impossible to master a light speed QA.

But high-end players play Ruiwen, and what they play is Ruiwen's small skills that can be used.

A master's fight, a detail may be enough to determine the outcome!
"Go ahead!"

"Soul-shocking roar!"

On the big screen, Ruiwen of the two moved forward with the E skill at the same time, and a W skill stunned the other party, neither of them took advantage.

Afterwards, both retreated.

The W skills of the two were not released at the end of the E skill casting, but were released during the sprinting process of the E skill!
Ruiwen, the hero, casts spells during the sprinting process of the E skill, without any forward or backward swing.

The scope of this spellcasting is very wide, not only the skills itself, but also the skills carried by the items.

In other words, Ruiwen can use W skills, W skills, R skills, and even Hydra during the sprinting process of E skills.

In this way, a skill can be released during the sprint of the E skill, saving the casting time of a skill.

In addition to the E skill, the Q skill also has a hotness, that is, it can not only cancel the back shake, but also release the skill when interrupting the reading of other skills!
Taking advantage of this, it is completely possible to release W skills in seconds and R skills in seconds!

If it is coherent with the E skill, it is completely possible to use W in the process of E, and use Q to interrupt the reading of W in an instant, and play a wave of EWQ at the speed of light!

For these characteristics of Ruiwen, the ghost and Maple Leaf Setting Sun are completely familiar with it.

Some of the operations of the two were almost perfect. For a while, it was difficult to tell the winner.


Two white glows lit up, and the two reached level six almost at the same time.

It is completely impossible for either party to make a time difference.

The hearts of Luo Xia and Fei Ying couldn't help but tugged a little.

This time, it may be the closest the two sides have fought against each other, and it is also the one where Specter has the best chance.

If they lost this round, it would be impossible for Specter to win again in Solo today.

Both Luo Xia and Fei Ying could tell that the hands of the phantom were trembling slightly.

It is conceivable that his hands are under a huge load at this time.

At this time, Moying's expression became more and more excited.

That's right, his hands were trembling all the time, bearing great pressure.

Even every time he pressed the keyboard, he felt an unbearable pain like a needle prick, and that feeling almost pierced his bone marrow.

But at the same time as the pain, he felt faint warm currents from his fingertips, and the numbness in his hands gradually subsided.

All this made him feel excited.

For some time, he hadn't felt this way.

I don't know how long, he hasn't enjoyed the feeling of having a pair of normal hands like ordinary people!
Compared with this feeling, those pains are nothing at all.

Moreover, this kind of pain, compared with the pain suffered during the blood slaughter, is simply a drop in the bucket!
The confrontation between the two became more and more stalemate, and the expressions of the two became more and more focused.

In their eyes, there is no longer any existence of the outside world.

Yes, just everything on their respective screens.

not good!

At a certain moment, the expressions of Luo Xia and Fei Ying changed slightly.

In the fight just now, Moying was beaten by Maple Leaf Setting Sun, and now his blood volume has almost dropped to the killing line.

If Maple Leaf Setting Sun seized this opportunity to attack, the phantom might not be able to hold on!

Just as the two of them thought, at this moment, Maple Leaf Setting Sun's gaze suddenly narrowed, and Rui Wen, who was under her control, immediately exploded in figure!

"Go ahead!"

"Go ahead!"

"Soul-shocking roar!"

"Soul-shocking roar!"

"Dance of Broken Wings!"

"Dance of Broken Wings!"

At this moment, the two made exactly the same decision.

At the same time, it is also the most correct decision.

If the R skill is turned on during the E skill, of course the R skill can be turned on without any back shake, but in this case, the release of the W skill will be slower.

In the confrontation between the two Ruiwen, it is not that important who will activate the ultimate move first.

If he was stunned by the opponent because he activated the big move first, this wave of confrontation would be over.

The competition between the two Ruiwen is who will stun the other first!


After the speed of light operation of the two ended, a figure was directly stunned!
At the same time, Maple Leaf Setting Sun's pupils couldn't help shrinking suddenly.

Because it was not the phantom who was stunned, but him!

Rui Wen from the Specter hit him with a flat A, and then the field flashed golden light.

"Front of Exile!"

Rui Wen of the Specter directly activated her ultimate move!
In the fight between masters, a single detail can determine the outcome.

Not to mention the huge gap between being stunned by the opponent first and being activated by the opponent first!

After Rui Wen's dizziness in Maple Leaf Setting Sun was lifted, it was completely impossible to restore the situation.

"Wind Slash!!!"

With the last big move of Rui Wen of the Specter, the picture almost completely freezes for a while.

The shocking notification sound resounded through the entire Summoner's Canyon!
"First Blood!"

Ruiwen of Specter, killed Ruiwen of Maple Leaf Setting Sun, and took first blood.

At the same time, he also won the game!

Looking at his gray screen, Maple Leaf Setting Sun also felt a momentary sluggishness.

Then, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


In this game, he lost, and he was convinced.

Standing up from his seat, Maple Leaf Setting Sun said: "You won, you are very good."

"It's just a fluke." The ghost said.

Maple Leaf Setting Sun smiled and said: "It's not a fluke, you used Rui Wen's anti-stun mechanism just now, and you can still think of this kind of response in that situation, you are better than me."

The corner of Moying's mouth also showed a smile, and said: "I just won you one game, it's not a win, how about we play a few more rounds?"

"Haha, it's nothing. With your current state, I'll be ashamed if you continue to fight." Maple Leaf Setting Sun laughed and said, "Besides, my purpose of coming here today has already been achieved."

Immediately afterwards, Maple Leaf Setting Sun looked at Luo Xia and said, "Captain Luo Xia, I'm leaving, you don't have to send it off."

After speaking, he walked out of the training room.

Even though he lost the last solo match, he seemed to be in a good mood.

Luo Xia couldn't care about anything else, and said eagerly: "Moying, your hand..."

The phantom smiled, and there was an unprecedented ease in the smile.

"My hand has fully recovered!"


(End of this chapter)

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