Chapter 1619 Results (first update)
After Qian Jue's back squat on the road, the barrage of the live broadcast of the game was full of curses.

Originally, if Scory squatted behind the mantis and took the head off the mantis, the audience would not say anything.

Seeing the situation at the beginning, and the Gank of this wave of Mantis was also squatted back, the audience knew that this round was probably going to be lost.

If it loses, although it is a pity, there should be no problem for the MTC team to qualify. After all, even if they lose this game, the MTC team has already won two games.

Even if they lose another game in the second round, as long as they win against the other two teams, they will still have a 4-2 record, and the qualifying situation is relatively stable.

But they never expected that Scory would not even count as the mantis who had no front in the dark night, but also adopted such a humiliating and mocking style of play.

The audience couldn't stand this kind of ridicule, even playing tricks on their opponents!

In the MTC team, every member's face was full of anger.

There was still a bit of shame on the face of the top laner in the team.

If it weren't for the fact that his line has been under pressure all the time, and his own state is not very good, the two-on-two wave just now may not be unbeatable.

At the very least, if his blood volume is healthier, it shouldn't be a problem to delay and let Dark Night Wufeng's Praying Mantis run away.

Compared to the anger of his teammates, Dark Ye Wufeng remained silent.

Scory's move just now was undoubtedly the biggest taunt for a jungler.

Someone in the team noticed all this, and said with some concern: "Captain, you..."

"I'm fine." An Ye Wufeng whispered.

After speaking, they continued to focus on the game.

The result of this match was the same as Luo Xia predicted at the beginning.

As expected, the MTC team has never played against the KT team.

This version is still more suitable for the multi-core KT team than the MTC team.

In addition, the MTC team still used the single-core Carry style of play in this round, and all their treasures were placed on the mantis of the dark night without front. The mantis is the only point in the MTC team that can take off.

But after the two-on-two counter-squatting on the top lane, the hope of Mantis taking off was almost shattered. What's more, the MTC team couldn't fight every lane, and Mantis' follow-up opportunities were not easy to find.

Although the MTC team is not as helpless as the four-star team and the FNA team when facing Luo Xia and the others, it has always been stuck in the rhythm of the KT team.

In the end, he lost the game directly.

"This... still lost..."

Seeing that the MTC team lost the game, Zhao Hao sighed lightly.

The MTC team is also an LPL team. Seeing that the MTC team lost to the KT team, Ke Bei also felt a little uncomfortable.

However, thinking about the next thing, he adjusted his mood a little bit.

He had the same opinion as those spectators. Although the MTC team lost a game to the KT team, they won both the C10 team and the G3 team.

Even if they still can't beat KT in the second round, as long as they can beat C10 and G3 again, they will be able to qualify.

At most, it is not possible to qualify as the first in the group, but to qualify as the second in the group, which is still acceptable.

It's just that Ke Bei noticed that compared to before the game, Luo Xia's brows were tightened even more.

"Brother Xia... Are you unhappy that the MTC team lost the game?" Ke Bei asked cautiously.

Luo Xia nodded, and then shook his head again.


(End of this chapter)

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