Chapter 1683 Things Before (Third)

As for Shi Haochi, Luo Xia remembered that it was Su Chunyu who used Su Tianxiong's relationship to settle the matter easily.

She directly told Luo Xia that Shi Haochi was kept far away by Su Tianxiong's methods, and she would not come back to disturb Luo Xia and the others. The facts also proved that she was right, Shi Haochi did not come back.

There are two explanations for getting far away and not coming back. One is literal, that is, the distance is far away, plus Su Tianxiong's warning or something, so that Shi Haochi dare not come back.

The other is that if you are not in this world, you will naturally not come back!

Luo Xia knew that among these two possibilities, the one Su Tianxiong used must be the first one.

Su Tianxiong is upright and upright, and the only one who can make him use his relationship to make concessions is his precious daughter.

But even with Su Chunyu's factor, keeping Shi Haochi far away and not appearing in front of Luo Xia and the others is already Su Tianxiong's bottom line.

It is absolutely impossible for him to do something similar to the second possibility.

Of course, the main reason is also Su Tianxiong's identity, not an ordinary civilian.

His every word and deed, every move, also has a lot of concerns.

Just like in the earliest days, Su Chunyu was almost kidnapped by that man named Fang Peng once.

Luo Xia imagined that Su Tianxiong would try Su Chunyu as the apple of his eye, and when he learned that she was almost kidnapped, he must be furious.

But no matter how furious Su Tianxiong was, at that time, he spared that Fang Peng's life and brought him by his side.

In addition to transforming Fang Peng, there is also a factor of keeping a close eye on Fang Peng.

At that time, when the Internet cafe league was about to finish, Luo Xia met Fang Peng once by Su Tianxiong's side, but he didn't know what was going on now.

Su Tianxiong had his own concerns, and adopted such a treatment method. According to Luo Xia's opinion, Fang Peng's death ten times would be considered light!

After staying in that place for three years, his heart has not become cold or cold-blooded, but he has also seen too many things that he cannot see in other places.

When it is really necessary, he will not be soft!
However, judging from the current situation, Su Tianxiong's handling method is not much different from Luo Xia's.

Su Tianxiong's way of handling this also made Fang Peng 'dead'. It can also be said that the previous Fang Peng 'died', and now there is a new Fang Peng.

To be more precise, Fang Peng's psychological defense has been completely defeated.

Luo Xia knew that when interrogating a prisoner, there were many methods to completely collapse the prisoner's psychological defense.

These methods do not violate humanitarianism. For example, locking a person in a completely airtight hut and enduring loneliness for several days is also a method.

As far as Su Tianxiong is concerned, it is not difficult at all to use some similar methods to defeat the psychological defense.

Besides, Fang Peng doesn't belong to that kind of habitual offender, he is completely an ordinary person, even an ordinary person similar to Keyboard Man, who is somewhat cowardly.

It's about Su Chunyu, it's impossible for Luo Xia not to take it to heart, and Luo Xia has already asked Qin Zong who is beside Su Tianxiong about Fang Peng.

As a result, it also made him a little dumbfounded.

It turned out that the cause of the incident was only because he beat Fang Peng up online, which ruined Fang Peng's plan to date another woman. He was so angry that he kept looking for his ID.

At that time, Luo Xia was calling for Su Chunyu in an Internet cafe, so she used her ID.

In addition, Fatty and the others later posted a video of a game on the Internet, and unexpectedly got a lot of hits, which was noticed by Fang Peng, and then found out.

Of course, even so, Fang Peng didn't dare to do anything, after all, he was just a clamoring keyboard man.

However, many of their cronies were drinking that evening. When they heard about it, the others also drank too much, so they encouraged him to do something.

At the instigation of others, coupled with Jiu Zhuang's cowardice, Fang Peng planned to do something.

But even so, he didn't dare to do anything himself at that time, but let other people kidnap him, and he waited at the spot to call Luo Xia.

That group of cronies and gangsters were also drunk and cowardly, and they went away after drinking too much. However, before they got close to Su Chunyu, they were controlled to death by Qin Zong and others who were sent by Su Tianxiong to secretly protect her.

Poor Fang Peng, thought that his group of cronies had already succeeded, so he called Luo Xia with the help of wine.

But in fact, his gang of cronies didn't even touch Su Chunyu's clothes, let alone kidnap him.

Thinking about it, it is enough to make people dumbfounded.

When Luo Xia saw Fang Peng in the Internet Cafe League, Luo Xia was obviously completely frightened when he saw Fang Peng's appearance, and his psychological defense was completely defeated.

And during that Internet cafe tournament, Su Tianxiong brought Fang Peng with him. Apart from preaching to Luo Xia, the most important thing was to see Fang Peng's reaction when he saw Su Chunyu.

Luo Xia could tell that when Fang Peng saw Su Chunyu, his eyes were not only dodged, but frightened.

After staying in that place for three years, Luo Xia's EQ was indeed not much higher, he admitted this, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to see that Lu Shiyan liked him for such a long time.

But for things like evil thoughts, nausea, and even murderous intent, he is much more sensitive than ordinary people, and he can easily see if a person is pretending.

Fang Peng's terrified look at that time was definitely not faked. That reaction was a subconscious reaction that even an Oscar winner could not perform.

Looking at Fang Peng's appearance, let alone playing with Su Chunyu's idea, it would be good if he didn't hide far away.

Even Luo Xia could see that Fang Peng seemed to have lost interest in women...

It can really be said that the former Fang Peng is 'dead', and now there is another Fang Peng.

As for Fang Peng's gang of cronies, it would be easier to deal with. With Su Tianxiong's means, there are definitely countless ways to deal with them, and their psychological defenses will completely collapse.

As it was about his precious daughter, Su Tianxiong would handle everything perfectly without any mistakes, and Luo Xia had no doubts about this.

But on second thought, Su Tianxiong loved Su Chunyu so much, he didn't punish Fang Peng too much, at least he didn't suffer any physical harm.

Lu Shiyan and him were neither close nor close, at most Su Chunyu asked Su Tianxiong to help, Su Tianxiong naturally didn't take it to heart, taking Shi Haochi away and not letting him come back was his bottom line.

Su Tianxiong would definitely not do anything else.

In that case, it would be too cheap for that Shi Haochi!

(End of this chapter)

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