Chapter 219 You Are Finished! (first update)

Listening to the notification sound in his ear, Wen Bin wanted to cry, but this time the start was almost worse than last time.

The red buff was given to Centaur, and the blue buff was given to Galen. He is only at level two now, how can he fight this!
After a while, he will be thankful for the wild difference being raised by the opposite side!
After the centaur and Galen killed the excavator, they left the wild area of ​​the purple side. Galen continued to return to the top lane to face Rambo, and the centaur went to brush the river crab.

From the audience's point of view, the people and horses are going to brush the blue buff after finishing the river crab.

At this time, the bomber in the middle was still crushed to death, and Guo Yu felt miserable.

Bomberman's style of play is nothing more than online Q consumption. It is best to consume it directly when the opponent is in the army pile. If there is a passive player, A and W escape.

When kills are not considered, Bomberman is a big brush. Before there is a big move, there is almost no support ability, so you must be stable online.

But the problem is, Guo Yu can't stand still!

This Lucian's suppressing power is really too strong, and now his Bomber's blood line is less than half. If he is not greedy for this wave of soldiers, maybe he will go home directly.

However, he didn't know that he had already been targeted by Luo Xia.

Guo Yu controlled the bomber to shrink under the tower, carefully repairing the knife, but at a certain moment, watching the movement of the bomber on the opposite side, the corners of Luo Xia's mouth rose slightly.

"You're done!"

At this moment, Lucian, move!

"Penetrating Holy Light!"

Lucian hit the soldier in front of him with a Q skill, and at this moment, the bomber habitually moved to the side because of making up the knife.

Bomberman's habitual movement completely made him lean towards Lucian's Q, directly taking the marginal damage from Q.

The moment the Q was finished, Lucian made a flat A shot in an instant, and then used his E skill almost seamlessly.

"Cold pursuit!"

The moment Lucian landed on the E skill, the barrels of the double guns were already aimed at the bomber, and he played A again.

"call out!"

A golden light flashed, Guo Yu controlled the bomber, and handed over the flash in a panic!

Although there was a flash of annoyance, Guo Yu still breathed a sigh of relief.

Because Lucian hasn't had time to put the igniter on his bomber, the damage should not be enough.

However, just as he thought this way, he found that his screen was grayed out.

Listening to the notification tone in his ear, Guo Yu was still in a daze.

"It's great, it's amazing!"

On the audience stage, Su Chunyu waved the light stick in his hand and said excitedly.

It's not just the first time she's seen Luo Xia's Lucian's combo at the speed of light, it's really too fast.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but think of when the two met for the first time, a blush appeared on her pretty face.

Su Tianxiong smiled helplessly, he didn't understand these things, and he didn't know why Su Chunyu was so excited.

In his opinion, it was nothing more than the two little figures on the screen fighting each other, the guy with the gun killed the guy with the cannonball.

Looking at other viewers, didn't they say anything?

However, Su Tianxiong was completely wrong. Su Chunyu yelled so excitedly because she knew that Luo Xia would kill the bomber on the opposite side, and she was ready to shout for him.

And the audience didn't have such a big reaction, not because they were in a good mood, but because they were all stunned.

How did you kill this wave?
"Damn it, Lucian's damage is so high at two levels?"

After reacting, some viewers sweared directly, as if they couldn't believe their eyes.

"Lu Xian didn't use the most common combo, how did he hit such a high damage!"

"Replay, this wave must be replayed!"

"We want to watch the replay!"

The audience was a little unbelievable, clamoring to watch the replay.

Mi'er smiled slightly, and at the request of the audience, asked the staff to replay the episode just now.

I saw Bomberman and Lucian appearing on the big screen. When Bomberman made up his sword, Lucian directly hit with a Q skill.

However, sharp-eyed viewers discovered that in this wave, it was Lucian who predicted the bomber's next move, and directly hit the bomber with a Q skill.

However, when making up moves on the opposite side, it is not too difficult to predict this kind of move, and the audience didn't take it seriously, and continued to look down.

Just after Lucian finished using the Q skill, the main event came!

After the Q skill, Lucian took a second to level A, and then directly used the E skill to move towards the bomber. It was not at all the usual way to level A twice after Q, and then use the E skill.

When Lucian and Bomberman were on the line, the audience thought it was nothing, but now with the replay, everyone saw this wave clearly.

For a moment, everyone opened their mouths wide open, as if they couldn't believe what they saw.

They all thought that after Lucian finished using his Q skill to level A, he would interrupt the second round of passive basic attack by using E directly, but it turned out that they were wrong!

I saw that when Lucian used the E skill, the two flat A bullets after the Q skill still flew towards the bomber, and they still flew out from the position where Lu Xian made the flat A shot.

Because Lucian had already used the E skill to leave the original position, the second level A was like hitting out of the air, which looked extremely weird.

However, it was really hit out!

"Damn it, that's fine!"

Some viewers burst into foul language again. If this is the case, it's too buggy!

The next thing is very simple. After Lucian's E skill landed, he made a flat A shot again. Although Bomberman handed over his flash, it was too late.

After the Q skill, two times to level A, after the E skill, two times to level A, and four times to level A!

Although the damage of Lucian's passive second shot will be reduced, Bomberman is a crispy skin after all, and his blood volume is not much.

In addition, he was hurt by Lucian's Q skill before, this time, he was sent back to the spring directly!
At the end of the replay, Mier smiled and said: "Everyone may not know that when Lucian uses the E skill or flash to move when the first passive shot is fired, the second passive bullet will still be fired."

"The mid laner of Team Tenglong Internet Café took full advantage of this and caught Bomberman by surprise."

As soon as Mier's voice fell, the audience became excited. If this is really possible, it would be great!
In the past, they used a small skill, played passively two times to tie A, then used E, and then played two general attacks.

If you use E directly after the first passive general attack, it will definitely save a lot of time.

You must try it when you go back!

The audience was extremely excited, but looking at the 300 gold coins floating above Lucian's head, Luo Xia looked annoyed.

"If Feiying and Laolang slowed down, wouldn't that blood be their own?"

(End of this chapter)

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