Chapter 226 Want a Wave? (Fourth change, asking for a monthly ticket)

Zhong Xiaodie's face also turned red, but with her character, she didn't say anything, and lowered her head slightly.

Seeing what the old wolf wanted to say, Luo Xia sweated profusely, and said, "Old wolf, stop talking!"

If he hadn't been playing with headphones, he really wanted to cover the old wolf's mouth. How could this old wolf dare to say anything!
Moreover, Luo Xia felt a chill on his back, and this feeling came from Lu Shiyan.

You know, he has never felt this kind of coldness from Lu Shiyan before, which means that Lu Shiyan seems to be really angry.

However, Lu Shiyan didn't say anything, and the old wolf didn't tease the two of them anymore. After demolishing the second tower in the middle road, they were forced to go up to the high tower in the middle road.

"Well, the Tenglong Internet Café team pushed directly from the first tower in the middle to the high ground in the middle. It's really strong."

Looking at the situation on the field, Mier analyzed.

"The Tenglong Internet Café team has a double AD lineup, with one Lucian and one Bing Bing. It's very difficult for the opponent to defend."

Just like what Mier said, the Sanctioning Internet Cafe team had a bitter face, and they just defended symbolically, delaying the opponent's tower pushing time a little bit, and then directly let go of the middle lane.


There was a sound, and the barracks in the middle of the sanctioned Internet cafe team exploded.

Now, any audience with a little discernment can see that in this round, there is no hope of sanctioning the Internet cafe team for a comeback.

Mi'er nodded at this time and said: "The Tenglong Internet Cafe team has broken the high ground in the middle of the sanction Internet Cafe team, so it should go home directly."

Her analysis made sense, because the state of the five people is not very good now. Although the blood volume is not bad, but the mana volume is still a lot short.

Of course, Garen, a hero who doesn't consume mana, is excluded.

This round is basically a win-win round, and the Tenglong Internet Café team will not go any further.

It’s not time for the big dragon yet. If you go home at this time, you don’t have to worry about driving the big dragon on the other side. No matter how you look at it, it’s time for this wave of five people to go home.

But soon, Mier was a little stunned, because at this time Lucian and the others were preparing to retreat, but Han Bing's movements were a little strange.
Han Bing didn't choose to retreat, nor did he choose to go home, but continued to lean towards the two base towers on the opposite side.

This wave of ice still wants to fight!

In the auditorium, the audience also looked surprised.

"Is this Han Bing going to make a direct wave, but it seems that his teammates don't want to follow."

"Haha, this girl's style of play is really fierce, I like it!"

"This wave is a bit irrational. Except for Galen, the other teammates are almost empty."

The audience were all expressing their opinions, some were in support and some were against, but they were all paying attention, watching what would happen next.

Seeing this, the old wolf said in amazement: "Young girl still wants to keep pushing, this style of play is more ruthless than mine!"

Lu Shiyan trembled slightly when she heard the words, but she didn't say anything, and continued to walk towards the opposite base tower.

The old wolf wanted to say something more, but he didn't expect Luo Xia to put on a straight face, and said angrily: "Old wolf, don't say it!"

The old wolf was stunned for a moment, and before he could say anything, Luo Xia said again: "Put away your girlish theories, and you won't be allowed to say any more of them in the future!"

It's rare that Luo Xia wasn't nervous this time, and realized that Lu Shiyan was angry because of Lao Lang's somewhat indecent joke.

The old wolf also reacted at this time, feeling that he had gone too far, and said resentfully: "Hey, don't talk about it, and I won't talk about it in the future."

"In this way, you want to push the tower, right? It's just right, we'll finish the job in one wave, and we won't waste any more time with the other side."

The old wolf took the initiative to invite Ying, as if he wanted to apologize to Lu Shiyan, and also controlled Galen to turn around and rush towards the opposite base tower.

Luo Xia took a look at his mana and kept up. Braum and the troops didn't choose to go home, and the five of them piled up towards the opposite base tower.

But Han Bing still walked ahead, looking a little out of touch.

"Damn it, is this really going to be a wave?"

In the auditorium, when the audience saw this scene, someone exclaimed.

In the competition area, the faces of those who sanctioned the Internet cafe team were extremely ugly. The five people on the opposite side must have gone too far!
After pushing the first tower in the middle road and pushing the second tower, after pushing the second tower and pushing the ground tower up, now you have to push the base tower!

Do you really want to attack them directly from the middle?
If their crystal is really pushed like this this time, then they are really ashamed!
So this time, they must fight back!
Thinking of this, the five of them gathered together, ready to fight.

However, to their astonishment, it was not Galen or Braum who rushed to the front, but Han Bing!

This... Is this going to fight Han Bing as a human shield, or as an assassin!
"That's just right. Since Han Bing is going to die, I have to kill her."

A hint of viciousness appeared in Huo Xuan's eyes, and he controlled Rambo to rush forward quickly.

"Constant temperature burning!"

Rambo threw out a big move, and while dividing the battlefield, he swept towards the ice.

At this time, the ice has been moving while pointing the tower. Rambo's big move, while covering the ice, directly predicts her next move.

If Han Bing just makes up the knife and moves in this way, he will definitely go to the center of Rambo's ultimate move and suffer more damage.

There was a sneer on Huo Xuan's face, but soon, the smile on his face froze.

Han Bing danced at a right angle, and instantly changed his position to the opposite direction, dodging Rambo's big move.

This scene completely stunned Huo Xuan.

At this time, the excavator also rushed out. The excavator dived directly into the ground and rushed towards the ice quickly.

"call out!"

A golden light flashed, and the excavator directly used the flash, trying to knock the ice into the air.

However, almost at the same time, another golden glow flashed, and the moment the excavator flashed up, a flash opened the distance from the excavator.

"What a quick response!"

Seeing Han Bing's extremely decisive flash, someone in the audience exclaimed.

And this flash of ice made the sanctioned Internet cafe team Wen Bin's heart completely chill.

The reason why he dared to open Han Bing was because Han Bing was out of touch with his teammates, and if he could not control Han Bing and let her join his teammates
Then there is no way to fight!

(End of this chapter)

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