Chapter 36 E-sports club? !

After defeating Wang Xiuming and others, the group of Civil Engineering Class 1 returned to school.

The little fat man was the first to walk in front, his chest was raised high, and he had never felt so elated in his life.

"Luo Xia, I'm at the full level. You must take me to rank when you go back. My Galen will definitely not cheat." The little fat man smiled at Luo Xia.

"Recently, I'm afraid it won't work." Luo Xia apologized to the little fat man.

The little fat man curled his lips, "Why, you are a master, don't you think I'm a bronze scum?"

"It's not like that."

Luo Xia waved his hands again and again, thinking about it, because he was afraid that the little fat man would misunderstand, Luo Xia still planned to tell him the truth.

"Recently, I have to help a friend make a very troublesome order, so I can't play with you recently."

Hearing Luo Xia's explanation, the little fat man's eyes widened immediately, and Xiao Qi and others behind him also stopped, looking at Luo Xia in shock.

"Are you doing power leveling?" The little fat man pointed at Luo Xia, his chest heaving violently.

"Yes what's the matter?"

Luo Xia asked a little strangely, what's wrong with doing power leveling, he has been doing it for several years.

Although, he is a super lazy booster who only takes one order a month.
"Oh my God, what a great god I have met!" The little fat man felt that his thinking was not enough!
Several people in Civil Engineering Class 1 looked at Luo Xia with some admiration, but Luo Xia became more and more confused.

"Luo Xia, you have this skill, why don't you join the e-sports club in the school, you must be able to beat those old students and win glory for our class."

"E-sports club?" Luo Xia was slightly taken aback, "What is that?"

The little fat man looked at Luo Xia like an idiot, "Luo Xia, you really don't know!"

"Universities have many associations, where people with the same interests gather together. In the e-sports club, there are a bunch of fanatics who love e-sports!"

Xiao Qi, who was behind, also followed up at this time, and added: "Moreover, the e-sports club has very high requirements for ranks. It is estimated that people who are not diamonds and above will not be able to enter. They all have the burden of participating in the national college student e-sports." The burden of the league."

"Yes, yes, I know!"

A boy in the class whose name Luo Xia couldn't name also said, "Our Xincheng University has the fourth best result in the National Collegiate E-Sports League. It's amazing!"

"Uh..." Seeing their heated discussion, Luo Xia scratched his head, he really didn't know about these things
The little fat man lowered his voice and said: "Luo Xia, let's join the e-sports club. I've already inquired about it. The president of the e-sports club is a senior in the junior year, but she's a beautiful girl in our school."

At the same time, the little fat man winked at Luo Xia again, "Luo Xia, don't always guard your house flower, after all, house flowers don't have the fragrance of wild flowers~"

"Luo Xia, what are you guys talking about, about wild flowers?"

Su Chunyu suddenly came up to him at this moment, and asked with a smile.

Luo Xia didn't feel anything, but the little fat man was taken aback. His voice was really low enough just now, but it was still heard by Su Chunyu.

woman, what a horrible creature
"Xiaoyu, it's nothing. Wang Zheng told me that the president of the e-sports club is a beautiful senior in junior year. I don't know much about wild flowers." Luo Xia said honestly.

Wang Zheng: "."

The little fat man could not wait to beat his chest and stomp his feet, and stomped his feet on the ground fiercely. Luo Xia's stupid head is really hopeless!

"Xiao Yu, don't worry, I won't join the e-sports club." Luo Xia assured Su Chunyu.

"No", Su Chunyu brushed her hair, "I want you to join the e-sports club!"

Back in the dormitory, Luo Xia lay on the bed, still wondering, "Xiao Yu, why do you want me to join the e-sports club?"

He thought of many possibilities, but each of them was quickly rejected by him. There was no other way, Luo Xia could only adopt the ultimate strategy——

Don't think about things you don't understand!

Luo Xia turned over, took a book from the bookshelf, and flipped through it casually. At this moment, Qin Hao hesitated for a while, and finally walked towards Luo Xia.

The little fat man mocked, "Why, you haven't been abused enough, and you still want to find Luo Xia Solo?"

Qin Hao blushed, but he didn't speak back. He walked up to Luo Xia, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but there seemed to be something stuck in his throat, and he didn't say anything.

Luo Xia also put down the book in his hand, and looked at Qin Hao strangely.

Qin Hao took a deep breath, and then said: "That. Luo Xia, Wang Zheng, I treated you badly the day you arrived at the dormitory. It's my fault. I apologize to you."

As soon as this remark came out, Luo Xia didn't feel anything, but the little fat man was stunned, because he always thought that Qin Hao was the kind of person who looked down on others, and he didn't expect him to apologize for what happened back then .

"It turned out to be this matter, I had long forgotten."

Luo Xia smiled, he wasn't being modest, he really didn't take it to heart, because in his opinion, it was such an inconspicuous matter.

But although Luo Xia didn't pursue it, it didn't mean that the little fat man just let it go.

The little fat man looked at Qin Hao warily, and asked, "Why did you remember to apologize today?"

Hearing this, Qin Hao was a little embarrassed, "Do you want to hear the truth?"

"of course."

Qin Hao originally wanted to organize his words, but finally he couldn't hold back, and shouted excitedly: "Because Luo Xia abused Wang Xiuming's son of a bitch today, it was so satisfying!"

The little fat man was taken aback for a moment, and then he said loudly: "Yes, it's really too happy. I can't get used to people like Wang Xiuming!"

After shouting, the two looked at each other and laughed, a little embarrassed.

"That's right."

Xiao Qi also came over at this time, "They all live in the same dormitory, and they have to live together for four years in college, so there is nothing to say."

As he said that, Xiao Qi made eye contact with Qin Hao. Qin Hao hesitated for a while, and finally stretched out his hand to the little fat man.

The little fat man rolled his eyes, "It's okay to reconcile, but you can't laugh at me anymore, and you should take me with you when you play games."

"Definitely!" As Qin Hao's voice fell, the hands of the two were tightly held together.

"Wang Zheng, actually I was wrong that day, I'm sorry."

Seeing the reconciliation between Qin Hao and Wang Zheng, Liu Dong couldn't sit still, and apologized to Wang Zheng.

Because on the day when Wang Zheng and Luo Xia first arrived, he also taunted them.

"Actually, there is something wrong with me."

"I have it too. I'm really sorry, Wang Zheng."

Several other boys in the dormitory also joined together, and they chatted together quickly.

In school, boys never get along with each other to reconcile, and sometimes it is really a very simple thing.

If it doesn't work, just have a barbecue and a few bottles of beer, and any conflicts will be resolved.

The friendship between men is so simple, free and easy, and generous!
"Luo Xia, don't read the book, let's play five rows in a game, and we will definitely beat the opponent!" Wang Zheng said excitedly.

Seeing him like this, Luo Xia was too embarrassed to refuse, boarded the number of Silver Five, and had a game with them.

Without any suspense, the battle was resolved in 13 minutes!
The little fat man said with emotion: "It's cool, it's good to have the great god with me, and it's comfortable to lie down!"

Several other people also nodded, a little unfinished.

"By the way," the little fat man seemed to remember something.

"Luo Xia, don't you want to join the e-sports club? Remember to go to the head teacher tomorrow. This kind of entertainment-oriented club needs the approval of the head teacher."

Luo Xia nodded, "Then I'll go to the teacher in charge tomorrow."

"Cough cough", Qin Hao suddenly coughed and looked at Luo Xia with a bit of embarrassment.

"Luo Xia, I'm sorry, I went to the class teacher this morning and told her about your absence last night and your skipping class this morning. She is probably still angry."

After Qin Hao finished speaking, the whole dormitory was quiet, and Luo Xia didn't react for a long time.

Although he had forgiven Qin Hao just now, but now, he seems to regret it.
(End of this chapter)

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