Chapter 454 Coincidence (third update)

After leaving the office, Luo Xia was still thinking about what Yu Mantang had said to him.

"No, too much interference with Xiao Yu, let her work hard on her own," Luo Xia murmured with her head lowered.

Luo Xia walked like this while talking to himself, without looking at the road ahead at all.

He walked very fast, and when he reached a corner, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, Luo Xia couldn't dodge in time, and collided with it!
The person on the opposite side was also hit by him and stopped abruptly.

Opening his eyes and looking forward, Luo Xia saw a very beautiful woman standing in front of him, she was wearing a red cheongsam, her appearance was not much better than Ye Bing's.

What surprised Luo Xia even more was that her beautiful hair turned out to be a light golden color, and the color was extremely pure, as if it was natural and had not been dyed.

"You kid, how do you walk!"

Before the blond woman said anything, the short-haired girl next to her became displeased, and grabbed Luo Xia's collar directly.

Luo Xia instinctively stepped aside, and kept apologizing: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

The blond woman didn't say anything, but the short-haired girl looked surprised. Although she made a random move just now, it wasn't something anyone could dodge.

This seemingly ordinary boy in front of him actually escaped!

Just when she wanted to be serious and teach Luo Xia a good lesson, the blond woman stopped her.

"Forget about Yanzi, he didn't mean it, so don't pursue it." The blond woman said.

These two people are naturally Jin Yuena and Ling Yan.

Hearing Jin Yuena's words, Ling Yan stopped, glared at Luo Xia viciously, and said, "Fortunately, you kid, let's go, don't let me see you next time."

Luo Xia glanced at Jin Yuena, and said worriedly: "Is it really all right?"

"Why, don't leave yet, do you have other ideas?" Ling Yan sneered.

Jin Yuena stopped the speechless Ling Yan, and said, "Forget it, Yanzi, I'm fine, let's go."

After finishing speaking, she glanced at Luo Xia again, turned and left without saying anything.

Obviously, she didn't take this little matter to heart.

Ling Yan also gave Luo Xia a vicious look, and followed Jin Yuena to leave.

Seeing the two leave, Luo Xia breathed a sigh of relief.

Judging from the blond woman's attire, he knew that he had bumped into someone with an unusual status. Among other things, the cheongsam on her body was definitely made of high-quality fabrics.

Fortunately, the blond woman and her companion did not pursue it, otherwise, there might be some troubles.

Shaking his head, Luo Xia didn't think much, got into the elevator and rushed to the first floor.

"That kid just now, if it wasn't for Nana and you didn't let me pursue it, I would have beaten him full of minions."

On the road, Ling Yan still said angrily.

"It's nothing, he just didn't care."

The two continued to walk towards the office on the roof.

Luo Xia finally came to the first floor, and at this moment, his face was still red, and he looked around, and saw Ye Bing in the hall at a glance.

"Sister Bing, I'm here."

Luo Xia yelled, and after finishing speaking, he ran all the way over.

Ye Bing watched Luo Xia running all the way over, frowned and said, "Why is it taking so long?"

"Oh, I was delayed because of something." Luo Xia said casually.

When speaking, Luo Xia's gaze was still slightly unnatural, and he said: "Sister Bing, it's almost time, let's go."

Seeing this, Ye Bing didn't say anything, and soon, the two left here together.

(End of this chapter)

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