Chapter 472 Skin Buff, Guardian Statue! (Second more)


Wang Peng and the others were somewhat surprised when they saw the heroes singled out in the mid-range.

The hero Ryze can really be regarded as the most amazing hero.

It has been reworked countless times, but no matter which version it is, it has never been weak.

As one of the oldest heroes, this hero has really created countless myths, whether in the professional arena or in the ordinary Rank.

The "Big Brother Incident" that shocked the e-sports circle broke out, and League of Legends bugs were flying all over the place. After it was repaired, the famous Ryze's unswerving skin was presented as a gift, which was also talked about by people.

Unswerving until death, it has also become one of the most precious skins. Countless players have tried to obtain it through countless ways, but they have all returned in vain.

But many people don't know that Ryze has a more precious skin.
"Ryze, it seems that the opposite side still has a swing position for us."

Looking at Ruiz on the opposite side, Wang Peng said.

Bron's support has basically been determined, and Niutau and Ryze are both good.

Moreover, there are many mid laners Ryze and Bull Head with teleportation. If these two are not on the line, it is difficult to judge their positions even based on the summoner skills.

It can be said that the opposite side still leaves a swing position for them.

"It doesn't matter. In the face of absolute strength, these small actions are in vain." Ren Sha said disdainfully.

In his opinion, the other party just wanted to take advantage of these small tricks, which also showed the other party's guilty conscience.

At this time, Yang Honglang on the fifth floor chose his hero.

King of the rivers, Tamm!
In fact, this Tahm also has a certain degree of confusion. Both Tahm and Shen can be supplemented, but in this version, Tahm top laners are rare, and the deception is not very strong.

So far, the lineups of both sides have been completely determined.

The blue side is the top laner Tau, the jungle prince, the mid laner Ryze, the AD Ezreal, and the support Braum.

The purple side is top laner Shen, jungle blind monk, mid laner Death Song, AD Delevingne, and support Tamm.

Soon, both parties entered the loading page.

The moment they entered the loading page, Wang Peng and the others were a little dumbfounded.

"Guardian Statue, Ryze?!"

Ding Tianyi lost his voice, and it's no wonder that he lost his composure. This skin is really too rare!

Back then, this skin was only available to internal beta players, and they had to register with an activation code and enter the internal beta in advance.

It can be said that those who own this skin are all old antiques.

"The mid laner on the opposite side actually has this skin, so it seems like he's an old player."

Seeing this skin of Ryze, Wang Peng was also a little surprised.

But soon, he sneered, "The skin is really good, but the technology is terrible. I'm really sorry for this guardian statue."

Ren Sha and Ren Jian just glanced at them lightly, but didn't say anything.

Ke Bei and the others were shocked when they saw Luo Xia's skin.

"Brother Xia, you still have this skin. No wonder you are so good, Brother Xia. I haven't started playing it yet during the closed beta." Ke Bei said enviously.

"Uh, it's okay, but I've only been playing for two years." Luo Xia scratched his head and said.

"Then why do you have this skin?" Ke Bei asked curiously.

Hearing this, Luo Xia felt a little embarrassed, and said: "At that time, the game was just launched, but when I played it for the first time, I was beaten by the defense tower to the super ghost, and then I uninstalled the game."

Ke Bei: "."

The account that Luo Xia is using now is exactly the account that he had not reached the full level on the national server before, and he has just reached the full level recently.

Speaking of which, he had never used this guardian statue skin since he got it back then, and it was the first time he used it this time.

"Well, in the first battle of the Guardian Statue, we must beat the opponent!" Luo Xia thought in his heart.

Looking at the lineup on the opposite side, Mo Yewei said with some uncertainty: "Shen, Tam, is the opposite side planning to play a global support stream?"

"But if it's really a support stream, why didn't you take a card in the middle?"

Looking at the lineup on the opposite side, Ke Bei said: "Maybe they are afraid that we will use Yasuo to suppress the cards, and their support system will collapse."

Luo Xia also nodded, and said: "The other side won't be so stupid, the global flow system is actually very easy to crack."

"If the opponent really dares to take the card, just take the violent hero in the middle without thinking, or push the line without thinking, so that the card can't support it."

"The upper and lower lanes and then directly change lanes. The two-player roadkeeper AD develops in the wild, and the opposite side of the team in the later stage is equal to fewer big moves. It is absolutely impossible to beat us."

Luo Xia's words were very casual, but Mo Yewei and Qi Fei became more and more shocked. It's not that they haven't encountered the global flow system before, but they haven't known any good way to break it.

If during the game, they see such a movement on the opponent, they will directly ban the cards and be careful with such heroes, so that the opponent's system is incomplete.

Otherwise, you can only fight against the opponent in the later stage, because the global flow is stronger in the early and mid-term, and in the later stage, as Luo Xia said, the opponent lacks a few big moves, and it is very disadvantageous to fight in a team.

Mo Yewei and Qi Fei also practiced this system frequently. In their view, apart from being weak in the later stage, this system has no obvious weaknesses at all.

Unexpectedly, Luo Xia revealed the solution in one word, and it hit the nail on the head. If he really fought like this, the opposite system would indeed collapse.

Both Mo Yewei and Qi Fei silently wrote down what Luo Xia said in their hearts, and at the same time kept sighing in their hearts, lamenting the gap with Luo Xia, a great god.

"Welcome to League of Legends!"

A pleasant and solemn female voice sounded, and both parties entered the game at the same time.

After the spring water aperture passed, Qi Fei and Mo Yewei controlled EZ and Braum to help the prince hit the red buff, while Draven and Tamm on the opposite side were also helping the blind monk fight the blue buff. Both sides had a normal start.

Ren Sha controlled Death Song to go online, and found that it was Ryze who was facing him, not the bull head he had thought before.

At the same time, he noticed that the person facing him seemed not to be the one who played Yasuo in the previous game, but the jungler opposite him in the previous game.

Thinking of Luo Xia's series of funny operations, Ren Sha let go of his last trace of vigilance. If it was Ke Bei, he would still feel a little apprehensive.

After all, looking at Kebei Yasona's operation in the last game, maybe he really has the level of a king, and Ren Sha will pay more attention to it.

But Luo Xia, he really didn't pay attention to it.

After the two sides met, Ren Sha glanced at Ryze's equipment, slightly surprised.

Because of Ryze, it turned out to be a killing ring plus a compound potion to go out.

At this time, the guardian statue Ryze was carrying his scroll that was as big as his body, and his body was swinging from side to side.

"Knowledge is the real weapon~"

(End of this chapter)

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