Chapter 476 The Unstoppable Ryze (Third)

Seeing that Sige was directly killed by jumping over the tower, Wang Peng, who was on the road, had an extremely ugly face.

On the top lane, he was already suffering enough from being crushed by this bull's head. The only thing he could count on was that Ren Sha's death song in the middle lane could play an advantage.

There is no need to kill, as long as Death Song can suppress the opponent in the early stage, it is very useful in the middle stage.

But now, Ren Sha's death song was directly killed by Ryze's jumping over the tower, completely shattering his hopes.

"Isn't this kid a good jungler? Why is the mid laner so good!" Wang Peng said bitterly in his heart.

Not only Wang Peng, but also the members of the e-sports club who were watching the game were dumbfounded, jumping directly over the tower?
This is too cruel!

You must know that this is a genuine direct crossing of the tower. There is basically no consumption in advance, and the direct crossing is done.

And Ren Sha, the king and god in their hearts, has no power to fight back under this kind of jumping tower. This plot is wrong!
Shouldn't it be Ren Sha's death song that will kill the opposite Ryze infinitely solo? Why is it completely reversed now?
Looking at his grayed out screen, Ren Sha's face was ashen. Anyone who was killed by jumping the tower like this would feel bad.

Besides, this wave of him is almost like being overrun with blood!

After Ryze killed Death Song, he ran out of the defense tower with his movement speed bonus. When Ryze entered the tower, killed Death Song, and then exited the tower, he was only hit twice by the defense tower.

Ren Sha gritted his teeth, spotted Ryze's position, and shot directly with his Q skill.



Ryze was running out of the range of the tower in a straight line, and this time he couldn't avoid it, and he hit Death Song's Q directly.

And after this Q, Death Song couldn't touch Ryze anymore. Taking advantage of the passive time of death, Ren Sha controlled Death Song, and cleared the tower soldiers Q by Q.

Although he didn't kill Ryze, Ryze's current blood volume is only about a quarter left.

As long as the blind monk can kick Ryze, it's a steady kill!

At this time, Ren Jian controlled the blind monk and rushed over. He was almost in the middle of the road, but Ruiz kept running down the tower, without any intention of turning back. It seemed that he was going to find a safe place to go back to the city.

If the blind monk doesn't touch his eyes to get closer, there is basically no possibility of catching up to Ryze.


Without any hesitation, Ren Jian controlled the blind monk to quickly insert his eyes, touched the eye W, and approached Ruiz.

At this time, his heart was in his throat, and he had almost never been so nervous.

He also saw that the team on the opposite side was not a garbage team at all, and the strength of these people was not weaker than them at all.

In this wave, Ryze must be killed!
With this kind of apprehension, the blind monk's Q finally made a move!

"Heavenly Sound Wave!"


With a Q skill, the blind monk accurately kicked Ryze.

Seeing that the blind monk kicked Ruiz, Wang Peng, who had been paying attention to the middle lane, showed a burst of ecstasy on his face, and Ren Sha's expression was almost crazy.

"Now, are you still alive?"

Ren Sha gritted his teeth and said, while his expression was ferocious, there was also a hint of joy.

In his opinion, Ryze must die!

The e-sports club members who were watching the game showed joy on their faces, while Qiu Yunyun and the others felt their hearts tighten.

At this time, the cooldown of Ryze's W skill is still not good, and Shangbo has handed in a flash again. At this time, he was kicked by the blind monk, which is really bad luck.

Just when everyone was in a complicated mood, the blind monk used his second Q.

"Echo Strike!"

The blind monk yelled, and the second stage of the Q skill shot directly, kicking towards Ryze.

However, Ren Sha didn't know that at this moment, a pair of eyes without any emotion had been staring at his blind monk.

near, near.
Seeing that his blind monk was getting closer and closer to Ryze, Ren Jian also showed a smug smile at the corner of his mouth.

This Boretz is absolutely certain to die, there is no possibility of escape at all.

Yet at this time.

A muffled sound came out, and a figure was sent flying high.

The one who was knocked into the air was none other than the blind monk flying towards Ryze!

Ren Jian just felt dumbfounded, and couldn't react for a while, what happened?
However, upon closer inspection, his eyes widened instantly, as if he had seen the most incredible thing in the world.

His second Q was cut off by the prince!
During the flight, he was hit by the prince and was directly interrupted!
Seeing this scene, the e-sports club members who watched the game were immediately blown away.

"Damn, what did I see?"

"Prince's EQ, knocked the blind monk flying in the second stage of Q?"

"My God, this is a coincidence!"

"It must be a coincidence. If it wasn't a coincidence, this would be too terrifying!"

"This prince is too strong!"

The god-level operation of Feiying's prince directly stunned the group of Ximing University.

While Qiu Yunyun and the others were excited, they also breathed a sigh of relief.

If this wave hadn't been for the prince to fly the blind monk away, Ruiz would have been in real danger.

As for the coincidence mentioned by Ximing University
Qiu Yunyun and Xia Rou looked at each other, and they both came to a conclusion.

This wave is definitely not a coincidence!

If it is said that the people who know Feiying's strength best, besides Luo Xia, they are probably the ones.

And remembering Feiying's terrifying training back then, they still felt chills all over their bodies.
"Fuck, this is all right?!"

Ren Jian no longer had the haughty look he had at the beginning, and swears directly.

The prince's EQ knocked out the blind monk and interrupted the blind monk's second-stage Q?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it even if he was killed!

But the facts are in front of him, no matter what happens, the result will not change. What makes Ren Jian feel chills is that Ruiz is already fighting back!

"Spell surge!"


After the Q skill, Ryze threw out an E skill, refreshed the Q skill instantly, and hit the blind monk.

Just this set of small combos reduced the blood volume of the blind monk to less than half.

Cooperating with the prince's output, the blind monk lost blood in an instant.

"Golden Holy Shield!"

After the blind monk landed, the prince activated the W skill to directly slow down the blind monk.

Ren Jian was already in despair. In this wave, even if he handed in Flash, he would not be able to leave, so he was also appointed.


The kill prompt sounded, and the head of the blind monk was finally killed by Ryze.

After killing the blind monk, Ryze already had three heads.


Another notification sounded, Ryze, it's been a big kill!

Listening to the system's notification tone, Ren Sha's expression froze, feeling like he had fallen from a cloud to a trough.

Not only did the blind monk not kill Ryze in this wave, but he gave Ryze another head.

Ruiz's murder ring has reached six levels, and the current money is enough to issue a murder book.

Anyone can see that this Ryze is unstoppable!

(End of this chapter)

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