Chapter 479 Pure Trust (Third)
Ding Tianyi's expression froze when he saw Tam was killed.

His hand was also frozen on the F key at this time.

Just now he was still mocking EZ for not using the treatment, but he didn't expect that he would make the same mistake so soon.

But this wave, the prince's EQ flash was really too sudden, he didn't react at all.

After killing Tam, the prince didn't stop and walked up.

After being slightly startled, Ren Jian also showed joy on his face. Unexpectedly, another prince came to his door!

"Vice President, kill the prince!"

After finishing speaking, the blind monk quickly touched his eyes and moved towards the prince.

The prince has used this wave of EQ, and also handed in the flash, but there is no return at all.

"Golden Holy Shield!"

The prince activated the W skill to slow down the blind monk. The distance of the blind monk was a little short, and the E skill could not slow down the prince.


When Ren Jian was hesitating whether to hand in the flash, a beam of light fell from the sky.

Delevingne, hand over the treatment at this time!

Relying on the instant acceleration, the blind monk directly caught up with the prince.


"Break the bones!"

The blind monk directly slapped the floor with his E skill, slowing down the prince.

"Bloody sprint!"

Delevingne also activated the W skill and rushed towards the prince.

The violent flying ax slashed at the prince one after another, coupled with the output of the blind monk, the blood volume of the prince dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, Luo Xia was stunned for a moment, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes, but he quickly reacted, smashed down a set of skills, and cleared out the F6 wild monsters.


The light of the upgrade is on, Ryze, it has been upgraded to level six!

After Ryze reached the sixth level, Luo Xia quickly rushed to the bottom lane, but the distance of the first level ultimate move was very close, and he was not sure if he could make it.

"What's wrong with Feiying, it's not like his style."

Seeing Feiying's prince being beaten by Draven and the blind monk, Luo Xia thought to himself.

He knew Flying Eagle so well, so it was hard for him to understand that Flying Eagle took such a risk and handed in Flash just to kill a Tam.

If this wave of princes were killed, it would be a real loss.

Thinking of this, Luo Xia didn't dare to neglect, and controlled Ruiz to rush towards the river quickly.

The prince was still running up the river, Draven and the blind monk followed closely behind, and the prince's blood volume was getting lower and lower.

"He's dead, vice president, take the head!"

Seeing the bloody prince in front of him, Ren Jian said to Ding Tianyi with a cheerful expression on his face.

So what about Ryze with four heads? If Draven kills the prince, Draven with three heads will also put tremendous pressure on the opponent.

Of course Ding Tianyi knew this, controlled Delevingne, and chopped down with the ax in his hand.

"Hit them where they hurt!"

Draven laughed arrogantly, and the ax of harvesting had already slashed at the prince.


A beam of light fell from the sky, and immediately after, Ding Tianyi didn't think of the kill prompt he had expected.

After taking a closer look, Ding Tianyi was stunned, and Ren Jian was also stunned.

"River river crab?"

Just when Delevingne was about to kill the prince, the river crab ran over.

As for the prince, he directly punished the river crab, and in an instant, he regained a little HP.

It was the little blood returned by the prince that caused Delevingne's ax to not take the prince away.

At this moment, a sky-blue beam of light traversed between several people.

"Curved path!"

The Great Demon King Ryze on the opposite side has landed his big move!


"Spell surge!"


A set of skills was thrown out quickly, and Delevingne was instantly caught!
Seeing this, the blind monk flashed forward, desperately trying to replace the prince.

"Rune Imprisonment!"

However, just when the blind monk used the flash, Ryze directly imprisoned the blind monk with a W skill.

The prince also made a slight sideways move to distance himself from the blind monk.

"Just a little bit!"

Ren Jian yelled in his heart, sweat was already seeping from his forehead.

His blind monk is now a little away, but A can't reach the prince on the opposite side.

There is no doubt that under Ryze's terrifying output, the blind monk also fell.


Two reminders sounded, Ryze had a double kill, and at the same time, he already had six heads.


The reminder sounded, Ryze has already dominated the game!

Ding Tianyi and Ren Jian stared blankly at their screen, unable to react for a while.

A second ago, they were still imagining that after Draven killed the prince, Draven would gain a wave of development, which would put pressure on the opponent.

But unexpectedly, they fell from the clouds to the trough so quickly, not only did not kill the prince, but also sent a wave of double kills!

At Ximing University, the e-sports club members watching the game were also dumbfounded.

This style of painting is changing a bit fast!
"This wave, it's a big loss!"

"That's right, two for three is enough loss, and Ryze on the opposite side took two heads."

"Really, unless you can win the small team battle at level six, you won't be able to fight."

"The prince on the opposite side is really bold. If Ryze slows down, he will die."

"In this wave, the river crab is simply the best assist!"


Seeing that Bodlevin and the blind monk were all killed, and the prince escaped with blood, the group of e-sports members talked a lot.

In this wave, he was almost able to kill the prince. Now it is a blood loss.

Ruiz's murder book has already reached the eighteenth floor, if it continues like this, there is really no need to fight.

And that river crab made everyone even more dumbfounded. Who would have thought that the river crab would just run there at that time.

If the prince on the opposite side can even count this, it would be really terrifying!
In the game, after Ryze killed the blind monk and Delevingne, the prince chose a safe place and clicked Return to City.

Looking at Feiying, Luo Xia asked curiously: "Feiying, did you already know that you wouldn't die in this wave?"

"No." Feiying said lightly.

Luo Xia felt even more strange, and said, "Then why are you taking such a risk?"

Feiying turned his head, glanced at Luo Xia, and said, "I trust you, can't I?"

Hearing this, Luo Xia was slightly taken aback, he did not expect such an answer.

"Haha, yes, you are right if you believe me, there will be nothing wrong."

After reacting, Luo Xia said carelessly.

Glancing at Feiying, he said cautiously: "Then what will happen if I don't arrive?"

"Simple, I won't help you Gank in the future." Feiying said expressionlessly.

"Well, luckily, luckily I arrived, haha."

Although Luo Xia didn't know if Feiying's words were a joke, he still breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had been reborn after a catastrophe.

"This guy."

Feiying glanced at Luo Xia, shook his head slightly, and looked at his screen again.

However, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Luo Xia trusted him, believed that he would fly the blind monk's second-stage Q, he also believed in Luo Xia, believed that Luo Xia would rush to take away the two people opposite him.

That's why he chose to take risks in this wave.

It was also because Luo Xia suppressed Sige on the opposite side, which led to Sige not being promoted to level [-], and not using a big move, so the prince can return to the city safely in this wave.

When facing a crisis, they can trust each other unconditionally, even if they hand over their backs to each other, they can feel extremely at ease.

It is precisely because they have such an incomparably pure trust in each other!
(End of this chapter)

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