Chapter 494 Captain VS Sword Fairy (Part [-])
Hearing Luo Xia's words, Wen Art's heart skipped a beat. Hearing what Luo Xia meant, did he not take Simon seriously at all?
"Brother anchor, it's better to be steady. Although Ximen is not the real number one swordsman in the world, his strength is also very strong, so don't take it lightly."

Seeing that Luo Xia seemed a little overconfident, Wen Aate couldn't help reminding him.

"Oh, it's okay, I'll be more stable." Luo Xia said honestly.

Hearing this, Wen Art felt a little relieved, but at this moment, he suddenly thought of a fact that he had ignored all along.

Luo Xia's number has been ranked first in the national server!
At that time, the national server caused quite a stir because of this, and their anchor circles also talked about it.

Many anchors suspected that this was a list number, and Wen Art was convinced at the time.

But after these few times of cooperation with Luo Xia, he has long since changed his original thinking. Luo Xia definitely fought with his own strength!
If so, that Ximen Confucius, who claims to have disciples all over the world, might not be Luo Xia's opponent
But Wen Aate didn't think too much about it, who was strong and who was weak, he would know in a while.

The lineups of the two sides have been determined, and they have already entered the loading page.

The lineup of the blue team is the top laner Jian Ji, the mid laner Kaka, the jungler Reksa, AD Lucian, and the support Thresh.

The lineup of the purple side is the top laner captain, mid laner Yasuo, jungle widow, AD Delevingne, and auxiliary robots.

There is no doubt that the opposite team is also an anchor team.

Ximen for the top laner, Wuhushen for the mid laner, Rhythm for the support, Dong Dasa for the jungler, and Death Suspense for the AD.

"It really is him." Wen'ate said helplessly.

When selecting candidates, he saw that the opposite AD had a small cannon replaced by Lucian, and Wen Art vaguely guessed something. Sure enough, as he thought, the opposite AD was a death notice.

Looking at Lucian's death notice, and then at the robots in Huidian Baidi, Wen Aate didn't know what he was thinking.

The two met together, but it was fun.
"Come, come, open the market, buy it and leave it, the road where the first blood broke out first, which road is it?"

At this time, in Luoxia's live broadcast room, some viewers posted barrage.

"You don't have to ask, of course it's the middle lane. Master Lang's Yasuo is no joke."

"No, the Wuhu God in the middle lane is not weak. The two of them have faced each other so many times, and it's not so easy to burst into a blood. I suppressed the lane."

"Yes, the bottom lane is very possible. Delevingne plus robot, Lucian plus Thresh, are definitely going to fight."

"Jungling is also very possible. How could Dong Dasa be Gu Ayu's opponent? I think it is likely that Gu Ayu will turn against the wild and die."


After this farce-like voting barrage was sent out, the audience all began to express their opinions.

Some talked about the middle lane, some said the bottom lane, and some talked about the jungler, but no one talked about the top lane.

Seeing this, Luo Xia scratched his head, don't you believe me?
After thinking about it, Luo Xia also expressed his understanding. Now the captain is a little weaker than before, and the opponent's top laner is the so-called number one swordswoman in the world in the audience's mind. It is normal for the audience to think that Luo Xia can't beat her.

At this time, another audience asked: "Vote again, which road is the most interesting?"

Seeing this, Luo Xia's spirit was shaken, now it's his turn to go on the road.

Since the sword girl on the opposite side is the number one sword girl in the world in the eyes of the audience, the duel between me and him should be very interesting.

Thinking of this, Luo Xia looked at the barrage full of hope.

After the voting barrage was posted, soon, the barrage was posted again.

"Then there is no need to ask, it is definitely the next way!"

"It must be the bottom road. The most interesting thing is that gay friends fall in love and kill each other."

"It's not just about gay friends falling in love and killing each other, but also the confrontation between the two major trolls in the national server."

"Damn it, that's right, I would have forgotten it if I didn't remind you upstairs. Not only are there two friends in the next lane, but there are also two big trolls from the national server."

"Hey, this bot lane is really fun."


Luo Xia was a little surprised. Why did the audience think that the most interesting thing was the bot lane instead.

And what the audience said in the barrage also made Luo Xia stunned.

The two major trolls in the national service?

Ke Bei once told him that Huidian Baidi was one of the top four trolls in the national uniform back then, and was the top four trolls, but Luo Xia didn't know about the other three.

According to the audience, it seems that there are also a lot of trolls in the national server in the bottom lane.

It is definitely impossible to play a small rhythm, in that case, there will only be one death notice left
Luo Xia only felt speechless for a while, and didn't think much about it. Seeing that the game was about to start, he focused all his attention on the game.

"Welcome to League of Legends!"

A pleasant and solemn female voice sounded, and both sides entered the game.

At the beginning of the game, Luo Xia and the others gathered together in the wild area, instead of going around the small dragon pit, they rushed directly from above the dragon pit to the opposite red buff.

Their lineup is very strong at the first level, so Luo Xia and the others choose the first level to catch a wave!
The speed of the audience's bullet chatting also slowed down at this time, and they all held their breath, watching the result of this wave.


Just when the few people had just walked across the river, a fake eye was inserted on the opposite side, and Luo Xia's intentions were directly detected.

It seems that the other side has already made preparations, and five people have been guarding here.

"Mechanical Flying Claw!"

Seeing that the intention was lost, Huidian Baidi controlled the robot and made a tentative hook.

However, the robot's hook was empty, and Wen'at hesitated for a moment, signaling to retreat.

Their lineup is powerful in fighting, but they have no control ability at the first level, and there is no consumption ability. If the machine cannot be forced to open, it will be very uncomfortable to be consumed by cards.

Luo Xia also agreed, anyway, he has never liked such things as first-level regiments.

As he often said, why do you need a first-level regiment if you can beat others online?

Lang Xiaoyan controlled Yasuo to go to the middle lane, and Wen'ate's Draven and Huidian Baidi's robot helped Gu Ayu's widow to fight blue.

As for Luo Xia, he controlled the captain and went on the road.

Soon, Luo Xia came to the online, and met the sword girl that Ximen Ming said online.

Simon looked at the captain opposite and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's a good thing it's not Prondon, otherwise, it would be really troublesome." Ximen said in his heart.

In the anchor circle, there are also many captains who are good at playing the captain, even if Prondon is one, if they really meet, even Ximen will feel a headache.

He had paid attention to the anchor on the opposite side, and he seemed to be an anchor who only played support.

If that's the case, there's nothing to be afraid of.

When Ximen was thinking about all this, Luo Xia was also thinking about something.

"A few minutes, how about taking Jian Ji's first blood?"

(End of this chapter)

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