Chapter 529 Erqi Red Lotus Step (Third)
"Master, don't you have a fixed habit of walking?"

After thinking about it, Lu Shiyan finally couldn't help asking the question in her heart.

Ling Yan shook her head lightly, and said with a smile: "Good apprentice, you think too highly of me. There may be someone who can break free from the shackles of habit, but it must not be me."

"Then, why exactly?"

Lu Shiyan became more and more puzzled, if Ling Yan really had the habit of walking around, why couldn't she see it at all?
Ling Yan didn't answer, but asked with a smile: "Good apprentice, think about it carefully, it's very simple."

Hearing this, Lu Shiyan thought for a while, but finally shook her head again.

Seeing this, Ling Yan didn't hold back anymore, and said, "Shi Yan, the truth is actually very simple, there are only two words - cycle!"


Hearing Ling Yan's words, Lu Shiyan seemed to understand something, but she was still a little uncertain.

"Master, you mean."

"That's right." Ling Yan nodded, and said, "The three-step direction change you mentioned at the beginning has a period of three, so it's easy to distinguish, while the five-step direction change of Xiaopao is more confusing. .”

"Taking myself as an example, it's not that I don't have the habit of walking, but my walking cycle is longer, so it's difficult for others to judge my walking habits."

Lu Shiyan showed a dazed expression, as Ling Yan said, this is really a very simple question.

There are very few people who can think of it.
"Master, what is your cycle?" Lu Shiyan asked again.

Ling Yan smiled and said, "My good apprentice, come and guess what my cycle is."

"Eight steps?" Lu Shiyan asked with some uncertainty.

Ling Yan smiled and shook her head, but did not speak.

"Ten steps?"

"Wrong, it's 27 steps!"

Seeing that she couldn't guess correctly, Ling Yan stopped keeping her guess and revealed the answer directly.

Hearing this, Lu Shiyan was stunned, two 27 steps?

With such a long period of movement, it's no wonder that I can't see it.

It is estimated that even for those top ADs in the world, it may be difficult to figure out the habit of changing positions every 27 steps.

Ling Yan was able to kill all teams' bot lane back then, and it was absolutely inseparable from such detailed control.

Ling Yan smiled and said: "Good apprentice, isn't it very simple? A real master will always think of things that others can't think of, and turn these things into his own powerful weapons."

Lu Shiyan nodded, feeling even more admiration for Ling Yan in her heart.

"Hehe, my good apprentice is smart. I planned to teach you these things some time ago, but I didn't expect you to understand them so quickly." Ling Yan laughed.

Hearing this, Lu Shiyan felt a little embarrassed, she just asked the question in her heart, if Ling Yan didn't say it, she still couldn't think of the answer.

However, Ling Yan's words also gave her some inspiration, and Lu Shiyan also made up her mind to change her walking habits first.

Ling Yan looked at her, seemed to understand what she was thinking, and said, "Good apprentice, don't take this too simply."

"It is very painful to change the habit of walking, and your strength may decline for a period of time."

"It's okay." Lu Shiyan said firmly, "No matter how difficult it is, I will persevere."

Ling Yan nodded approvingly, she was getting more and more satisfied with this apprentice.

Looking at Lu Shiyan's appearance, Ling Yan smiled and said: "Good apprentice, I haven't finished my words yet. If you want to change your walking habits by yourself, then why do you need me as a master?"

Hearing this, Lu Shiyan was stunned for a moment, she didn't understand what Ling Yan meant.

Ling Yan pressed Lu Shiyan's fragrant shoulder again, looked straight into her eyes, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, when you have a solid foundation."

"I'll teach you, my Erqi Red Lotus Step!"



Huaxia, the training base of the QWG team.

Li Hongwei was analyzing the lineup and tactical system for Maple Leaf Setting Sun, as well as the grouping of the finals, when the highlighter in his hand suddenly fell to the ground.

"Coach, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Xinran was the closest to Li Hongwei, bent down and picked up the pen on the ground, and handed it to Li Hongwei.

"It's nothing, it's just not stable for a while."

Li Hongwei shook his head lightly, shook off the strange feeling in his mind, and said lightly.

"Coach, pay attention to your body. You've been up so many nights lately, and you're really tired." Fei Luo said with a worried expression.

"Haha, I think the coach is Sichun, otherwise, the coach will not be distracted no matter how tired he is."

Zuo Tiande laughed and joked about Li Hongwei without any scruples.

Li Hongwei frowned, and gave him a cold look, Zuo Tiande immediately shut up and didn't speak.

It's just that Zuo Tiande didn't know that his words penetrated Li Hongwei's heart.

In Li Hongwei's heart just now, a beautiful shadow indeed flashed
Weiwei calmed down, Li Hongwei continued to analyze the current situation for them.

"After the trials, the S6 finals will be divided into groups. Our current situation is very serious." Li Hongwei said solemnly.

The summer competitions of each competition area have already ended, and the No. [-] and No. [-] seed teams have been decided. Except for the No. [-] seed team that has not yet been determined in each competition area, the participating teams have basically been finalized.

In addition to the most powerful FKT, there are several other powerful teams standing in front of their QWG team.

Maple Leaf Setting Sun and the others also nodded, they already knew which teams they were.

"In South Korea, FKT is naturally needless to say. In addition to FKT, the strength of the Samsung team SSS should not be underestimated."

"On the European side, the most important thing to watch out for is the FNA team, which is a strong carry point for both internal and external teams."

With that said, Li Hongwei looked at Lin Xinran and Fei Luo.

Both of them understood what Li Hongwei meant, and they nodded silently with serious expressions on their faces.

Fei Luo and Lin Xinran are very clear about Li Hongwei's meaning. If they are facing FNA, their performance is especially important!

(End of this chapter)

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