Chapter 58 Happy Living Together

Leaving Ye Bing's office and walking on the road, Luo Xia still felt a little unreal. After submitting an application, she was semi-forced to recognize a free sister who was also her class teacher.

Is there a more dramatic life than this!
Luo Xia no longer knew how he felt in his heart, happy?It doesn't seem right.

sad?It doesn't seem right

"Wang Zheng, are you telling the truth or not!" Several people in the dormitory stared wide-eyed after hearing the little fat man's words.

"Hey, of course it's true. I heard it with my own ears. Besides, the shy look of the beautiful woman from Bansu at that time, tsk tsk, you haven't seen it." The little fat man said proudly.

Sure enough, as Luo Xia expected, the little fat man returned to the dormitory, and immediately told several other people in the dormitory that Luo Xia and Su Chunyu were moving out of the school.

"Ai" It wasn't just someone who let out a long sigh, but then everyone became emotional.

Qin Hao was more direct, and said airily: "Which bastard told me that there is no girlfriend in e-sports, let him come over, I promise not to hack him to death!"

The hearts of several people are a little sour, it's fine to play games so well, and have such a good-looking girlfriend.

It's fine to have such a good-looking girlfriend, the key is that the two of them are living together now!
In the eyes of the few of them, Luo Xia's life...has been completed!
"Wang Zheng, you just said that Luo Xia joined the e-sports club?" Xiao Qi asked at this time.

Wang Zheng nodded, and couldn't help saying: "Not only that, the shitty vice president of the e-sports club also arranged a so-called Solo match to suppress Luo Xia, guess what?"

"How is it?" Liu Dong also leaned over, his neck stretched out.

"Cough cough", the little fat man deliberately bought a pass, cleared his throat and said: "Three solo matches, Luo Xia won all!"

Seeing that they were not as surprised as expected, the little fat man added, "These three solo matches are top laner, mid laner, and ad solo matches in three different positions."

"And, with Rorschach Solo, it's three different people!"

After the little fat man said this, Qin Hao and the others were shocked. The little fat man seemed very satisfied with their reaction, and smiled smugly.

The other people in the dormitory are not stupid. It is obvious that the vice president of the e-sports that the little fat man said came to suppress Luo Xia. It is conceivable that the three people he is looking for are the strongest in the three positions in the e-sports club people.

However, Luo Xia still slapped them in the face with his strength!

"The great god is the great god." Liu Dong sighed, and at the same time felt a little envious in his heart. If only he had half of Luo Xia's level at some point.

"How about, let's find a chance to go out for a dinner together," Xiao Qi suggested at this time, "Since the beginning of school, our dormitory hasn't had a gathering yet, so let's celebrate it for Luo Xia."

Several other people raised their hands in favor one after another, but the little fat man objected, "You guys, Luo Xia has just started his own happy life, so if there is still time, even if we want to get together, we have to wait for a few days."

These words were impassioned and impassioned, and there was nothing wrong with them. After thinking about it, a few people felt that it was reasonable.

"Then three days later." Xiao Qi said.

"No, five days." The little fat man said seriously.

"Five days?"

Several people were suspicious, Qin Hao asked strangely: "Wang Zheng, why is it five days?"

The little fat man felt a little embarrassed, "Because it's my birthday in five days."

Everyone: "."

Several other people cast contemptuous looks at the little fat man. What he said just now was so righteous, everyone thought he was really thinking about Luo Xia, but they didn't expect that he was out of his own calculations.

"Okay, it's Wang Zheng's birthday, so everyone is happy. Let's go out and get together in five days."

Several people nodded in agreement, Qin Hao said: "Now, shouldn't we start a game?"

"No problem," Wang Zheng was the first to raise his hand in agreement, "I play Galen as a jungler, so I promise I won't cheat you!"

Hearing what the little fat man said, all of them turned pale.

"Ahem, I remembered. I still have something to do. Let's play." Qin Hao coughed.

"Yes, I have something to do too. I'm really sorry that I can't play with everyone."

"I have it too, I have it too."


At night, after Luo Xia moved Su Chunyu's two frighteningly large boxes home, the cohabitation life between him and Su Chunyu officially began!

However, this process is both painful and full of beauty.

Simply put, pain and happiness
For example, at this moment, although Luo Xia is playing the ranking of the Dianyi Masters Bureau, he still can't help but glance towards the bathroom.

The beauty took a bath, and the sound of rushing water came from the bathroom, which aroused Luo Xia's infinite reverie.

"Death sentence!"

But thinking about it, Luo Xia's operation was not deformed. He controlled Thresh to throw a Q skill, which happened to predict the position where the opponent's ad Ezreal's E skill landed, and hooked him perfectly.

After controlling Thresh to take two steps backwards, Luo Xia flew towards the opposite Ezreal with a second-stage Q skill, and at the same time quickly put a lantern behind him.

"The Lamp of Soul Induction!"

AD Jinx of his side directly lit a lantern and flew over with Thresh. The artillery in his hand had already aimed at the opponent's Ezreal.

After several attacks, Ezreal fell to the Summoner's Canyon and sent a precious head.

Luo Xia glanced at his mouth slightly, "This Jinx is a bit weak, should I play ad Thresh?"

With a few simple operations, he has roughly judged the strength of the ADs of both sides. Jinx on his side is obviously much weaker than Ezreal on the opposite side.


At this moment, the bathroom door opened, and after a faint white mist, Su Chunyu came out wrapped in a towel.

Although the bath towel covered most of her body, the skin on her shoulders was still exposed, as white as jade, like frost bullying snow!

Luo Xia sneaked a few glances, her face turned red at some point.

Realizing that Luo Xia was peeking at her, Su Chunyu's face blushed a little, but she didn't choose to go back to her room, instead she walked towards Luo Xia.

Luo Xia was taken aback for a moment, then her heart jumped wildly, what was she going to do?

There was a hint of a smile on the corner of Su Chunyu's mouth, "Luo Xia, do you want to sleep in the room tonight?"

"Alright." Luo Xia said subconsciously.

"Tch, that's a beautiful thought." Su Chunyu gave him a blank look, stretched out her jade finger and tapped his forehead lightly, then turned and went back to the room.

Looking at Su Chunyu Miaoman's figure, Luo Xia felt extremely depressed, and could only vent all his grievances on Ezreal who was opposite.

Poor Ezreal, I don't know when, even under the tower, he didn't feel safe anymore.

If you use the E skill, you will be ticked, and if you use the flash, you will also be ticked. If you use the E skill to connect to the flash, you will still be ticked.

Every time his thoughts are perfectly predicted by Thresh on the opposite side.

How to fight this!
 If you have a recommendation ticket or something, please come here~


(End of this chapter)

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