Chapter 674 Bringing the Master (Second Change)

If Zuo Tiande was here, when he heard Li Hongwei's words, he would definitely shout——

Coach, the size of these two people is out of proportion at all, can you think of this together!

Maple Leaf Setting Sun is not Zuo Tiande, he bowed his head and thought for a while, and gradually understood what Li Hongwei meant.

"Coach, are you worried that what happened to PPD and Yue Lun will also happen to Lxsky?"

Maple Leaf Setting Sun was already very smart, and he knew Li Hongwei very well. As soon as Li Hongwei's words fell, he guessed what Li Hongwei meant.


Li Hongwei sighed, "To be honest, I have never met a talented player like Lxsky, as if he was born for this game."

"But the more genius he is, the more afraid I am, because his life is so smooth."

Hearing Li Hongwei's words, Maple Leaf Setting Sun frowned slightly, and then relaxed it again.

Maple Leaf Setting Sun smiled, and said: "Coach, if you say that you can kill Lxsky online in a one-on-one situation, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Saker to do this alone?"

"The most important point is that in the current version, the overall styles of the major teams are becoming more and more stable."

"In such a big environment, it is even more difficult to see the situation where a single person kills and penetrates all the way."

Hearing Fengye Setting Yang's words, Li Hongwei thought for a while, then nodded slightly.

I have to say that what Maple Leaf Setting Sun said makes sense.

Regardless of the operation, in the current version, it is rare for a solo lane to be killed directly.

Thinking about it this way, Li Hongwei also felt that he was worrying too much.

Looking at the maple leaves in the setting sun, Li Hongwei thought of something, patted his shoulder, and sighed softly.

"Setting Yang, in fact, you are also a manipulative player. Unfortunately, the current version cannot display your full strength."

As Li Hongwei said, the current version is still dominated by tank-type top laners. To be precise, there have been several consecutive versions.

The status of the three fantasy gods in the top lane is unbreakable. From the first Bobby Dashu Titan to the present Chongzi Dashu Shen, other top lane heroes have almost disappeared.

Except for trolls, Jess and Rambo who appear occasionally, other heroes are basically invisible on the battlefield on the road.

A manipulative top laner like Maple Leaf Setting Sun will be greatly restricted by the meta.

Hearing Li Hongwei's words, Maple Leaf Setting Sun smiled and said: "Don't worry, coach, no matter what, you can't go against the version."

"As a top laner and as the captain of the QWG team, I know what I should do for the team."

At this time, Maple Leaf Setting Sun glanced at the live broadcast room, then looked at the sky outside, and said, "Coach, it's late at night, I should go, don't be too tired."

After finishing speaking, Maple Leaf Setting Sun didn't say anything else, put on the coat next to him, and walked out of the training room.

Looking at the back of Maple Leaf in the setting sun, Li Hongwei was thoughtful.

"Is it against the version?"

Li Hongwei silently recited what Fengye Setting Yang said just now, as if he was thinking about something.

"The lineup system of strong heroes in the version, the South Korean side, should have been analyzed countless times."

"That fellow Kim Jong-hoon is even more familiar."

Li Hongwei muttered to himself, the Jin Zhengxun he was talking about was the coach of FKT, and also the only coach of FKT since the establishment of the team——

Kim Jung Hoon, kkoma!

LPL has been criticized for copying South Korea's LCK routines. In fact, this is a helpless move.

The Korean version needs to be updated for a period of time before the national server. By the time the new version of the national server is launched, the lineup system on the Korean server has almost been studied.

It is inevitable to learn something.

In this way, under the similar tactical system, if you want to defeat South Korea, you can only fight for operational capabilities, but...

Thinking of all this, Li Hongwei couldn't help frowning.

"If you really go against the version, what will happen..."



At this time, Luo Xia was still playing three rows with PPD and Da Sima.

They played very late, and Luo Xia didn't remember exactly how many rounds they won in a row.

A victory notification sounded, and Luo Xia and the others won the game again.


After winning the game, Luo Xia let out a long sigh of relief and leaned back on his seat.

Looking at the live broadcast room, I found that there were very few bullet screens, and the audience had almost left, which was enough to prove how late they were playing.

Until now, PPD is full of energy.

"Haha, I, Liu, have finally become a master. Let me see who will dare to say that I am the first emperor in the future!"

Looking at his current rank, PPD said very proudly.

He has been criticized all the time for the first emperor, and he fell back to the second a few days ago. Now, he can finally get rid of this curse!

Hearing PPD's words, Luo Xia kept muttering in his heart.

Even if you hit the master today, as long as you don't continue to hit it, once the protection mechanism is over, won't you still fall off?

Maybe after two days of being proud, the prostitute teacher will want to go back to his diamond emperor again
PPD didn't realize this yet, so he looked extremely excited and asked, "Mr. Ma, are you also a master?"

"Well, already a master."

Looking at his rank, Da Sima also seemed extremely satisfied.

Luo Xia looked at his rank, there was no doubt that he was also a master.

The three of them are in the same rank in the duo. Although Luoxia's Rank score is a little lower, but because he has been winning consecutively, the bonus points for winning a game are very high.

In this case, he quickly caught up with PPD and Da Sima, and finally the three of them finished the promotion match and all went up to the master.

However, he was not as happy as PPD and Da Sima in his heart. After all, for him, becoming a master was a very simple matter.

He even felt a little tired to attend this master this time.
Not much else to say, he has a deep understanding of Teacher Ma's marginal OB Dafa.

As long as Mr. Ma plays wild, he must always be prepared for 1V2 in the middle.

As for Mr. Ma's square jungler and unexplained combos, he is ruthless.
The prostitute teacher's top road is slightly better, but the leakage of soldiers is serious, and the economy is less than that of the opponent.

It has to be said that it is not unreasonable for the prostitute teacher to be the emperor only in the first rank.

After reaching the master rank, PPD and Da Sima did not continue to fight, and after saying goodbye to Luo Xia, they went offline contentedly.

Luo Xia also turned off the live broadcast after greeting the audience in the live broadcast room.

In fact, there were not many viewers at this point in time, and after turning off the live broadcast, he turned off the computer casually.

After doing all this, he looked at the sky outside, then at Su Chunyu's room, and sighed softly.

Afterwards, he collapsed on the sofa and fell into a deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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