Chapter 701 Coincidence? (first update)
Doopa didn't know that Luoxia was queuing up, and at this moment, he was thinking about his own calculations.

Just imagine, tonight he used the banner of sending fifty Ai Crazy 8s to score points. If there is another wave of winning streak, it will definitely be a shocking impact.

As for the fifty icrazy 8s...

A trace of disdain flickered on the corner of Doopa's mouth, he didn't care about the money at all, besides...

If you want him to give away these fifty icrazy 8s, you have to let him lose first!

If he hadn't been played by Pan Gao once, he wouldn't have fallen from the number one position in the national server.

Besides, he doesn't think that anyone in the national server can punish him Doopa!

"If so, if there is one..."

Thinking of something, Doopa frowned slightly.

Perhaps, there is only the one who is number one in the national server now, that is, the guy called 'Little Witch with Dreams'.

But soon his brows were relaxed, as far as he knew, that person was no longer popular.

And even if he is on the number, there is no such thing as such a coincidence that the two of them will line up together.


At this time, there was a ranking notification sound, and Doopa clicked into the queue without thinking too much.

Almost at the same time, when Luo Xia saw that he was in the queue, he also moved his fingers and clicked in...

After Doopa got into the queue, the audience in his live broadcast room ran to each live broadcast room very enthusiastically.

Their purpose is very clear, to see if Doopa has collided with those well-known big anchors.

However, they were soon disappointed, because they visited all the live broadcast rooms of the major anchors, but they didn't see any anchor who collided with Doopa.

"Hey, let's go and come back in 10 minutes. No one can punish Doopa in this round."

In the barrage in the live broadcast room, some viewers have already indicated that they are leaving and will come back later.

Doopa said that he would give away 8 sets of Ai Crazy [-], but that would only happen if he lost!
No one can sanction Doopa if he doesn't meet a big anchor with absolute strength.

Doopa's strength is recognized, and he also has a well-known set of pawn line theory. As long as Doopa wants to be stable, he is not afraid of being targeted at all.

In the eyes of many people, if Doopa loses without those powerful anchors, the game is probably dead.

The other viewers also had the same idea. For a while, the bullet screen was full of moans and sighs, and many people were ready to leave.

However, at this moment, some viewers suddenly discovered something.

"Damn it, brothers, don't leave, there is a big anchor, he should have collided with Doopa!"


"Mia, what are the barrages talking about?"

Doopa was thinking about his hero, but he saw the barrage suddenly explode.

This made Doopa frown and asked his assistant Mia.

He knew that something must have happened to excite the audience, or something that made the audience complain, otherwise it wouldn't have happened.

Mia glanced at the bullet screen, was slightly taken aback, and then felt a sense of uneasiness in her heart.

"Doopa finally had to use a large size to score points, it can't be so unlucky..."

Mia was secretly beating her heart, and heard Doopa asking her, explaining in Korean.

"The audience said that you should have bumped into an anchor named 'Wei Ai Yu'."

Only love rain?
Hearing Mia's words, Doopa had a relaxed look on his face.

He hadn't heard of this name before, and it looked like a small anchor at first glance, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

Seeing that Doopa didn't seem to care about it, Mia hesitated for a moment, and said, "This Weiaiyu is the one who is number one on the national server."

Hearing Mia's words, Doopa sat up straight, feeling that the hairs on her body were all blown up!

Why, what a coincidence!

"Hey, it's Doopa?"

Luo Xia was a little surprised to see the overwhelming comments on the barrage.

He didn't expect that he would be able to rank Doopa just by opening a random ranking.

In fact, Lorshaw didn't know Doopa at all before.

It was Huidian Baidi and others who mentioned it in his ears many times, and the incident of the first score in the national server that night, that he knew about Doopa.

Although he has never fought against Doopa, Luo Xia also knows that Doopa is very strong.

Looking at the barrage of Doopa in the live broadcast room, Luo Xia's militant cells were also aroused.

So many people are swiping Doopa's barrage, which is enough to prove how famous Doopa is.

"The number one in the national server that has been occupied for a long time?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Luo Xia's mouth, "I'll let you know who is the real number one!"

Thinking of this, Luo Xia tapped the keyboard and typed a line.

"Make room on the fourth floor, I'll hit it."

In this round, Luo Xia chose the upper middle, but was assigned to the support position by the system, so he had to ask his teammates for a position.

The players on the fourth floor didn't want to let it go, but when they saw Luo Xia's ID, their eyes widened.

A little witch with dreams? !

Isn't this the one who ranks first in the national server now!
"Haha, I'm actually in line for the Great God, the seat has been given up, and I'm already lying down."

After seeing Luo Xia's ID, the teammates on the fourth floor happily gave up their seats.

The other three teammates were slightly surprised when they saw Luo Xia's nickname, but they didn't say anything.

Hitting their division, I feel a little bit of arrogance in my heart, and I definitely won't go up to kneel and lick without thinking.

Even the player on the fourth floor's tone was mainly joking.

"Thank you."

Seeing his teammates give up their positions, Luo Xia simply expressed his thanks, and the smile on his lips grew stronger.

Now everything is ready, just waiting for Doopa!
In this round, Luoxia and the others belonged to the Ban's side, and they were on the blue side, and Doopa and the others were also on the purple side.

Soon, the ban selection of both sides ended.

The blue side banned the pig girl, the big tree, the prince, the wind girl, and Lulu.

The purple side banned Kalista, Yasuo, Prince, Troll, and Pig Girl.

There are two overlapping Ban positions on both sides, mainly the two points of the prince and pig sister.

There are only so many strong heroes, and there are often repeated bans in high-end rounds, and the two sides don't care much.

Soon, the first floor of the blue square identified its own hero.

"Once a Bandle Gunner, a Lifetime Bandle Gunner!"

Merlin gunner, little cannon!
Just after the small cannon was locked, the first floor of the purple square also locked its own hero.

Gem Knight, Taric!

The thinking on the other side was very clear. It was obviously worried that Luo Xia and the others would get the combination of small cannon and gems, which could be used for both offense and defense, so they took the first to snatch the gems.

Afterwards, the second floor of the purple side also grabbed a strong version of the big bug, and it was the blue side's turn to choose someone.

Seeing that the big tree and the troll were banned, and the big bug was robbed by the opposite side, the players on the second floor of the blue square seemed to hesitate for a moment, and they had also finalized their heroes.

The Eye of Twilight, Shen!

Luo Xia's teammates on the third floor also chose a strong version of the wild wine barrel when the pig girl and the prince were banned.

Seeing the candidates from both sides, Luo Xia nodded.

With this lineup, half the battle has already been won!

(End of this chapter)

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