Chapter 79 Mid-lane AD showdown

Seeing the news from Feiying, Luo Xia also became serious and stopped playing with Su Chunyu.

With Eagle Solo, there must be no distractions!

"I've been waiting for you for a long time too." Luo Xia fought passionately.

Rarely, Feiying, who cherishes words like gold, sent another message, "It's better to break up troublesome things like girlfriends as soon as possible."

Seeing this news, both Luo Xia and Su Chunyu were slightly stunned. Seeing Su Chunyu's puzzled gaze, Luo Xia coughed dryly.

"It's okay, he just broke up with his girlfriend and is looking for comfort."

Su Chunyu hummed, and looked at the screen with a trace of sympathy.

Poor Flying Eagle, inexplicably took a blame
Entering the game, it was the same blind selection mode as before. This time, it was the turn of Solo in the mid laner position.

In the past two days, the two of them soloed all positions. Luo Xia won and lost, but there were more victories than defeats.

But when Solo was in the jungle, Luo Xia almost never won!

On the one hand, it’s because Luoxia’s jungle position is indeed the least played, and on the other hand——

The strength of this combat madman has become stronger again!

"Xiao Yu, don't talk to me for a while." Luo Xia said solemnly.

Hearing this, Su Chunyu nodded obediently. She knew that since that person dared to solo with Luo Xia, he must be very strong.

Moreover, this is the only person among Luo Xia's friends, which is enough to show that Luo Xia attaches great importance to him.

"It's time to perform the real technique!"

A somewhat confident voice came, and Luo Xia chose his hero.

Explorer - Ezreal!
What Luo Xia wanted to play in this round was actually the mid laner EZ.

Su Chunyu's beautiful eyes lit up. Although she hadn't played before, she knew that EZ could be a mid laner, and she was said to be very strong.

After adjusting the runes and talents, Luo Xia clicked the OK button.

Entering the loading page of the game, Su Chunyu was also slightly stunned when he saw the mid laner hero selected on the opposite side.

The opponent's choice turned out to be the mid laner Lu Xian!

In other words, the solo of the mid laner in this game has become the solo of AD in disguise.

Seeing that Luo Xia chose EZ, Feiying's gaze changed slightly, but soon returned to normal.

He knew in his heart that if he played Ezreal, it would be difficult for Lucian to exert his early suppressing power.

Entering the game, Luo Xia bought a Dolan sword and a bottle of blood medicine, and walked towards the line.

Although the extraction has undergone several revisions, the cost performance has been greatly improved, but if you choose extraction instead of Dolan in Solo, it will be very suppressed to death rhythm!
Coming to the line, Luo Xia took a look at Flying Eagle's equipment, and sure enough, it was exactly what he thought, and he chose the Dolan Sword.

"Their weapons are a bit outdated!" Ezreal looked at Lucian on the opposite side, and his body made a mocking movement.

He does have the capital to ridicule, because now he is a future warrior——Izreal, with the most advanced weapons!
After a burst of electricity, the system's humanized female voice sounded.

"The Future Warrior system is being initialized."

"The Future Warrior system has been reactivated."

"Mystery shooting is armed."

Ezreal felt that his body was filled with infinite energy, and couldn't help shouting: "It's time to attack!"

"Secret shot!"

An energy bomb shot towards Lucian, Lucian quickly moved to dodge, but he didn't dodge!

Flying Eagle frowned slightly, and at this time Ezreal on the opposite side said arrogantly again: "You can't beat the inevitable trend of the future!"


Feiying snorted coldly, but did not choose to fight against Ezreal, and retreated slightly.

In 1V1, Lucian's strongest is not the first level, and he can't make a strong fight with the opposite Ezreal when he has no soldiers.

"About their combat power index, what does the scanner say?" Seeing that Lucian chose to retreat, Ezreal asked the system 'Pell' again.

"There are no enemies with a combat power index higher than 9000." The female voice of the system replied.

"Hmph, I think so!"

Luo Xia: "."

This Ezreal is still as arrogant and confident as ever!
Feiying's face was still extremely cold, and there was no fluctuation in his heart because of Ezreal's ridicule.

The minions on both sides came to the lane. Because of the blocking of the minions, Ezreal could not consume Lucian with Q at will, and the two sides entered the laning phase.

When it comes to the laning phase, Ezreal is not so arrogant, and his position is quite a bit behind.

Use Q to fill up the pawns that cannot be replenished, and try to avoid entering Lucian's attack range, but even so, he was shot twice by Lucian.

However, Ezreal didn't seem to care at all, and was still shouting and mocking.

However, even though he was clamoring fiercely, he didn't dare to go forward. He just steadily replenished his sword, relying on Dolan's sword's passivity and talent to slowly restore his blood volume.

The first wave of soldiers was quickly taken away. Although the second wave of soldiers was coming soon, the two heroes seemed to have made an appointment and disappeared on the line at the same time.

"Secret shot!"

"Penetrating Holy Light!"

The roars of the two heroes came from the F6 area of ​​the blue and purple sides at the same time, but both of them obviously knew that the leader of F6 was not easy to mess with, so they just pulled back and took a small wild monster, and then returned to the line.

The light of the upgrade sounded at the same time, and the two of them reached the second level at the same time!

"The arcane leap is ready." The melodious female voice of the future warrior system sounded.

"Hey Pell, run a diagnostic."

Ezreal tossed his hair and said chicly.

"All systems are functioning normally."

Streaks of energy poured into Ezreal's body again, and Ezreal saw clearly the direction of Lucian's oblique movement on the opposite side, and prepared to attack again.

"Secret shot!"

An energy bomb was shot at Lucian, and Lucian dodged one shot of E skill steadily, and at the same time made two passive shots, taking away the two soldiers with ease.

Ezreal stared at Lucian on the opposite side without blinking. It seemed that Lucian avoided his Q skill, which made him very angry!

He stared at Lucian closely, as if he was about to rush up and fight Lucian.

"The upgrade of the future soldier's combat suit is complete!" the voice of the system Pell sounded again.

Gaining energy, Ezreal walked forward boldly, as if preparing to attack Lucian, but soon, under Lorshaw's forced order, he had no choice but to retreat unwillingly.

The blessing of the skin obviously made the little yellow hair swell, Luo Xia is still very sober, the current Ezreal can't beat Lucian!

Seeing Xiao Huangmao's unwillingness to stomp his feet, Luo Xia couldn't help but smile.

"Ezreal, if you really want to win, it's not now."

Looking at Lucian on the opposite side, Luo Xia thought so in his heart.

 The second update, book friends who have tickets come here~
  Friendly reminder: The sound effect of Future Warrior is really cool, but this ultimate skin is too expensive in the national server, so please don’t buy it blindly.

(End of this chapter)

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