Chapter 830 Big or Small (Second)

Seeing the state of Luo Xia and Lu Shiyan at this time, the four of them had different reactions.

When Xia Rou saw the two of them, she immediately covered her eyes with her hands and didn't look any further.

Qiu Yunyun, on the other hand, looked at the two of them with a look of astonishment, and was a little confused for a moment.

Mu Xuezhong's face turned slightly pale, and his expression was a little complicated.

As for Zuo Tiande, he showed a smile that a man could understand, and at the same time, he was still a little uneasy.

He insisted on rushing in at this time, but he ran into this sexy scene. He wanted Luo Xia's help at that moment, would he still agree...

The four people had completely different reactions. In the end, it was Qiu Yunyun who came to her senses first.

"Ahem, Sister Yan, Luo Xia, I didn't see anything, you continue."

Qiu Yunyun gave a dry cough, and a narrow smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

At this time, Lu Shiyan had already got up from Luo Xia, and Luo Xia also hurriedly stood up from the ground.

"Yunyun,'s not what you think!"

Hearing Qiu Yunyun's words, Luo Xia hurriedly explained.

"Well, I know, I know, we all understand."

Qiu Yunyun said to herself, but her expression showed disbelief.

"Rourou, Xueyi, go, go out and play with me for a while."

After saying that, Qiu Yunyun took Xia Rou and Mu Xueyi's hand, and pulled it away.

Lu Shiyan was also a little afraid to look at Luo Xia, and said in a mosquito voice, "I...I will explain clearly to them."

After finishing speaking, she also hurriedly left here.

"Well, since they've all left, I'll stay." Zuo Tiande said without blushing.

Luo Xia didn't hear Zuo Tiande's words very much, and watched them leave one by one, only felt a wry smile.

What is this...


Huaxia, the training base of the QWG team.

Today's first period of training has just ended, and Fei Luo is resting in the rest room eating his 'Miaojiaojiao', but he doesn't know where his mind is wandering.

"Oh, I don't know if Tiande has arrived in City H, and how things are going."

Fei Luo said to himself, thinking about him for a moment.

He had been bullied enough by Zuo Tiande all day long, he was really not used to Zuo Tiande's sudden departure.

"Huh, fortunately the coach didn't find out, otherwise..."

Fei Luo picked up another 'Miaojiaojiao', halfway through the conversation, just as he was about to eat it, he saw Li Hongwei walking in with a fierce look on his face.

"Cough cough!"

Fei Luo coughed violently, and hastily threw the Miaojiaojiao into his mouth, and began to eat big handfuls, pretending nothing happened.

"Fei Luo, where's Zuo Tiande?"

Li Hongwei came over and asked angrily.

"Huh? Tiande... went out to help me buy snacks."

Fei Luo stood up from his seat, and said with a guilty conscience.


Hearing Fei Luo's words, Li Hongwei's expression did not show any relief, and he said in a deep voice.

"Yes... it's true."

Fei Luo's eyes dodged a little, and he didn't dare to look into Li Hongwei's eyes.

Li Hongwei glanced at Fei Luo, and said calmly: "Fei Luo, you may not know that when you tell a lie, your head will subconsciously lower your head and your face will turn very red."

Hearing this, Fei Luo was stunned, for a moment, he didn't know what to say.

He knew, Li Hongwei already knew.

Seeing that Fei Luo didn't speak, Li Hongwei repeated: "Tell me, where did Zuo Tiande go?"

"He... went to City H." Fei Luo finally confessed.


Hearing what Fei Luo said, Li Hongwei immediately became angry.

"The training time is so tight now, and he still has time to go out and have fun. He really has no discipline at all!"

Seeing that Li Hongwei was angry, Fei Luo hurriedly said: "Coach, Tiande is not going to play, he is going to do a big event!"

"Big thing, hmph, what big things can he do, it seems that he is always too kind to him!"

Hearing Fei Luo's words, Li Hongwei hummed directly.

After finishing speaking, he didn't say anything more, flicked his sleeves, and left angrily.

Looking at Li Hongwei's back, Fei Luo could only pray silently for Zuo Tiande in his heart.

"Tiande, you'd better come back early, otherwise, no one will be able to protect you..."


After Qiu Yunyun and the others left, Luo Xia and Zuo Tiande were the only ones left in the huge training room.

Thinking of the scene just now, Luo Xia still felt a little absurd in his heart.

But Lu Shiyan said that she would explain it clearly to Qiu Yunyun and the others, so it should be fine.

Besides, the two of them had nothing to do with each other.


At this time, Zuo Tiande walked over with a smile, "Brother, it's okay, isn't it exciting to have an affair with such a beautiful woman here?"

"But next time, close the door better."

Stealing... cheating?
Hearing Zuo Tiande's words, Luo Xia was taken aback. The word used was a little too much!

Just as Luo Xia was about to say something, Zuo Tiande said, "Don't say you two are okay, even if that's the case, that beauty must like you."

"Like me? How is this possible."

Luo Xia was taken aback for a moment, then said subconsciously.

Seeing Luo Xia's stupid look, Zuo Tiande also showed a trace of helplessness.

"Forget it, I can't explain it to you. Besides, it's not because of this that I came to you this time."

Hearing Zuo Tiande's words, Luo Xia came back to his senses.

Thinking of what Zuo Tiande said just now, and thinking of Xia Rou's hesitant look when she left, Luo Xia vaguely guessed something.

"You, what do you want me to do?"

Looking at Zuo Tiande, Luo Xia said with some uncertainty.

"Hey, there is indeed a little thing."

Zuo Tiande laughed, he seemed a little embarrassed.

"Oh, if you still want to pull me into your team, then it goes without saying." Luo Xia said.

Hearing this, Zuo Tiande staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Wiping off the cold sweat that didn't actually exist on his forehead, Zuo Tiande only felt that his heart was sweating profusely.

Did Luo Xia and Xia Rou make an appointment in advance? Why do they all think so...

"No, it's just a small matter in other aspects."

Seeing that Luo Xia misunderstood, Zuo Tiande said hastily.

Other minor matters?
Hearing this, Luo Xia showed a suspicious expression, but didn't think too much about it, and said, "Then tell me."

Really, Luo Xia still owes Zuo Tiande a favor because of what happened to Ye Bing.

If it's really a trivial matter that can be done easily, then it's not bad to help him and return the favor.

Zuo Tiande heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a hey smile: "Don't worry, it's really just a trivial matter for you."

As he spoke, he took a deep breath, his eyes shone with a bit of brilliance, and his expression became serious.

"I want you, teach me a way to defeat Saker!"

Hearing Zuo Tiande's words, Luo Xia was stunned.

The... way to defeat Saker?

(End of this chapter)

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