Chapter 84 I Hate You!

"How will you know if you don't try, trust me."

Encouraged by Luo Xia, Zhong Xiaodie finally plucked up the courage to shout something, but in the end she didn't.

"I can't shout out," Zhong Xiaodie lowered her head and said.

Luo Xia encouraged her several times, but Zhong Xiaodie still couldn't overcome the psychological obstacle. After a while, Zhong Xiaodie's eyes were covered with mist.

She looked at Luo Xia, and finally shouted out loud.

"I hate you!"

It was hard to imagine that a girl as petite as Zhong Xiaodie would make such a loud voice, and even the entire training room was echoed.

Qiu Yunyun and others outside the training room were startled by the sudden sound, and Qiu Yunyun couldn't help beating her heart secretly.

Letting the two of them get along alone wouldn't be counterproductive, would it?
"I hate you!"

At this time, there was another voice that was louder than before, and now Qiu Yunyun couldn't bear it any longer, and said to Xia Rou next to her, "Rourou, what's wrong with Xiaodie?"

"How do I know?" Xia Rou said angrily.

In the training room, at this time, Xiaodie put her hands in the shape of a trumpet by her mouth, and kept shouting.

It looked really excited.

It can be seen that she wanted to yell like this for a long time.

The corner of Luo Xia's mouth gradually showed a smile, Zhong Xiaodie had already entered the state at this time, and that kind of nervousness would not be there again for the time being.

But at this time, Zhong Xiaodie didn't know what to think of, and her voice was a little crying.

"I hate you, woo hoo"

While she was shouting, she was already crying.

Luo Xia was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "Enough is enough, we can stop."

If this momentum continues, it will have the opposite effect.

Zhong Xiaodie stopped her tears and felt a little embarrassed on her face. She also knew that she was a little emotional in the end.

Luo Xia breathed a sigh of relief, and said seriously: "Xiaodie, let's play against each other again."

Zhong Xiaodie was stunned for a moment, and then said a little unconfidently: "I can't do it."

"Trust me, you can do it." Luo Xia encouraged again.

Hearing this, Zhong Xiaodie raised her head, looked at Luo Xia, and suddenly nodded heavily.

When the two finally finished training, most of the afternoon had passed.

For most of the afternoon, Luo Xia practiced with her to help her adjust her mentality. Fortunately, the effect was remarkable.

Luo Xia touched his nose, what he didn't expect was that he lost a game!

In that round, his Syndra had already suppressed Zhong Xiaodie's fox, and when it had almost reached the bloodline of killing, a sudden change occurred.

The fox's extremely beautiful charm and several extremely elegant big moves actually killed him back!
At that time, Luo Xia's face immediately turned dark, while Zhong Xiaodie smiled with unprecedented happiness.

Although he didn't play seriously in this round at all, and only showed one or two points of strength, it was not something that Zhong Xiaodie could fight against, but he was solo killed by Zhong Xiaodie, which also showed her strength. The strength has been greatly improved.

If the gossip media knew that Lxsky, who made Hanbok even frightened, was solo killed by Zhong Xiaodie, who was a tier [-] player, it would be a real disaster!
At this moment, Luo Xia stretched his waist, relieved the soreness in his shoulders, and stood up from his seat.

"The training is over, let's go out, if we don't go out, it will be night." Luo Xia said to Zhong Xiaodie.

"Wait a minute."

Seeing that Luo Xia seemed to be leaving, Zhong Xiaodie hurriedly got up from her seat, ran over and grabbed Luo Xia's clothes.

At this time, she returned to her usual look, her face blushed, and she was a little embarrassed. The confidence she had in training just now had been thrown away by her for a long time.

Luo Xia looked at her, suddenly thought of something, and felt a little embarrassed at this moment.

He knew that Zhong Xiaodie had a vague affection for him, and he had been deliberately avoiding it all the time, and the two of them had a tacit understanding and didn't mention it during the training.

But at this time, seeing Zhong Xiaodie's appearance, he couldn't help guessing a bit.

Luo Xia had some headaches, he just regarded Zhong Xiaodie as a teammate and a good partner, he really didn't have any other emotions.

And besides brutalizing Hui Yuanzhou in front of the whole society's freshmen that day, it seems that he really didn't have any other feats.

Zhong Xiaodie, why did she fall in love with herself?

If it wasn't for fear of breaking her heart, Luo Xia really wanted to say something—"What do you like about me, can I change it?"

At this time, Zhong Xiaodie hesitated for a while, and finally said with a blushing face, "Can you be mine?"

"Wait a moment!"

Luo Xia interrupted Zhong Xiaodie, because he hadn't figured out how to reject Zhong Xiaodie, the best way was to make her not speak.

He suddenly thought that as long as he told his shortcomings, Zhong Xiaodie would definitely give up.

Yes, that's it!
"That." Luo Xia organized his words, "Actually, I am very lazy."

"it does not matter."

"Actually, I'm also very bad at studying."

"I'm not good at studying either."

Luo Xia almost talked about all his shortcomings, but no matter what he said, Zhong Xiaodie had a word waiting for him.

In the end, Luo Xia lay weakly on the table, "You won"

Zhong Xiaodie smiled happily, "Then I will continue, can you be my brother?"

 The first update today, please recommend tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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