Chapter 845 Not signed yet? (Second update)
Seeing Ke Bei's hand stop suddenly, Xiang Xuezheng frowned slightly, but soon relaxed.

Even if Ke Bei still had some doubts, with a little coaxing, the contract was signed.

He knew that this kind of young man who only knew how to pursue his so-called dreams was the most tempting.

Seeing that Ke Bei was hesitating, Xiang Xuezheng smiled lightly, and reminded softly: "Mr. Ke Bei, after today, there will be no such good opportunities."

"You may have to work hard for another six months or even a year."

Hearing that Ke Bei struggled for a long time, but he still didn't write.

Seeing this, Xiang Xuezheng's brows that had just been stretched out were frowned again. He didn't know why Ke Bei became so hesitant.

You know, when I asked him to meet here before, Ke Bei was very excited, and he was also very moved before.

Why did he become so hesitant at this time.

"Could it be because of that phone call?"

Looking at Ke Bei, Xiang Xuezheng thought with some uncertainty in his heart.

"Ring Ling~"

At this moment, the phone rang again. Under Xiang Xuezheng's gaze, Ke Bei put down his pen and took out his phone as if he had found a savior.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Xuezheng confirmed his thoughts even more.

"Mr. Ke Bei, I think how about you sign the contract first, and then answer the phone with peace of mind?"

Xiang Xuezheng said in a gentle manner, but there was a little more eagerness in his eyes.

"No, I'd better answer the phone first." Ke Bei politely declined.

Xiang Xuezheng still didn't give up, and said, "Mr. Ke Bei, it won't take much time to sign this contract. You sign it early, so I can go through the follow-up procedure as soon as possible."

There was even more eagerness in the voice.

He had a premonition that if Ke Bei answered the call, the contract might not be signed!
Ke Bei looked at Xiang Xuezheng with some doubts in his eyes, and at this moment he also realized that something was wrong.

Although he has little experience and little social experience, the old wolf has told him some things before, and he also understands some social rules.

If it is really as good as this Xiang Xuezheng said, if the opportunity is rare, it should be me who is anxious.

Why does it seem that this project is a little more anxious than myself.
Ke Bei became a little more vigilant, nodded apologetically to Xiang Xuezheng, got up and walked aside, and pressed the answer button.

"Mr. Kebei!"

Seeing Ke Bei leave his seat, Xiang Xue said anxiously.

On the phone side, just as Luo Xia was about to speak, he suddenly heard a strange man's voice on the phone.

Although Ke Bei didn't speak a foreign voice, Xiang Xuezheng's voice just now was not low, and it could be said that it fell into his ears clearly.

"Ke Bei, who are you with?"

Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Luo Xia said with some doubts.

"Brother Xia, I... I'm with the person in charge of the youth training camp of the QAZ team. He came to talk about signing a contract with me."

Hearing this, Luo Xia's expression changed instantly, and he hurriedly said, "Ke Bei, have you signed it yet?"

"Not yet." Ke Bei said weakly.

Hearing what he said, Luo Xia breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't sign.

"Brother Xia, you said earlier that you should not agree to the other party no matter what. I believe in you, so I have been waiting for your call."

On the other end of the phone, Ke Bei's voice came.

Hearing this, Luo Xia was startled for a moment, and then a warm current surged in his heart.

At this moment, Ke Bei said weakly: "Brother Xia, what do you want to tell me?"

Considering that the team leader might be nearby, Luo Xia said, "It's hard to make it clear in a while on the phone."

"Ke Bei, you just need to remember that that place is not as beautiful as you imagined, behind the glamor is the filth."

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Ke Bei didn't react for a while, with a look of half-understanding.

Luo Xia was silent for a while, and said, "Ke Bei, you just said that you trust me, right?"


Ke Bei nodded without hesitation.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Xia said, "In this case, would you like to join my team?"

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Ke Bei was slightly puzzled, obviously not understanding what he meant.

Luo Xia calmed down and said, "I will soon form a team to play professionally. If you believe me, would you like to join my team?"

"I will help you to fulfill your dream of becoming a professional player!"

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Ke Bei's eyes widened and his mouth subconsciously opened slightly, he couldn't believe his ears.

Luo Xia just said that he wants to form a team? ? !

Undoubtedly, Luo Xia's words had an extremely powerful impact on him,

"Ke Bei..."

Seeing that Ke Bei was silent, Luo Xia called softly.

"It's just that this journey may be very difficult. Are you... willing?"

Ke Bei suddenly came back to his senses, recalling Luo Xia's words just now, and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, Brother Xia, I am willing!"

Ke Bei directly repeated three words of willingness, and it could be heard how excited he was.

Compared to going to a strange place and competing for a few places with a group of teammates who are intriguing, of course he would rather follow Luo Xia.

Moreover, Luo Xia's strength is also extremely strong, following him, maybe one day I can reach a very high height...

Thinking of this, Ke Bei became more and more excited, and said, "Brother Xia, how many teammates are you set up now?"

Hearing this, Luo Xia hesitated for a while, unconsciously thinking of Feiying, and said, "There are a few, and there is still some time before the start of the city competition, we have time to prepare."

"Okay, I understand, now I will send the person in charge of that team away!"

Ke Bei finished speaking excitedly, and hung up the phone directly.

After taking a deep breath, Ke Bei returned to his seat.

At this time, Xiang Xuezheng had already recovered his indifferent look, and he also felt that he was a little too impulsive just now.

The call that Ke Bei answered might just be an ordinary call, and if he behaved too impulsively, it would easily make Ke Bei suspicious.

Only by maintaining a superior posture all the time can I grasp Ke Bei's weakness.

Seeing Ke Bei coming back, he said calmly and politely: "Mr. Ke Bei, since your phone call is over, can we talk about the contract again?"

"If you have any questions..."

Halfway through Xiang Xuezheng's words, he suddenly stopped, and a happy look appeared on his face.

Because he saw Ke Bei pick up the pen and slowly moved to the contract.

"Mr. Ke Bei, you will know in the future what a correct decision you made today."

Seeing Ke Bei's appearance of preparing to sign the contract, Xiang Yuezheng praised.

However, just as he finished speaking, Ke Bei put the pen on the contract and handed him the contract and the pen.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Xuezheng's face froze instantly.


(End of this chapter)

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