Chapter 847 Iceberg Beauty (Fourth Change)
It was none other than Ye Bing who knocked on the door and came in. To be precise, it was Ye Bing'er.

Seeing Yu Duoduo still working hard, Ye Binger said: "Boss, I'm leaving first, and you should also pay attention to rest."

Hearing this, Yu Duoduo showed a little helplessness, "Bing'er, didn't I tell you that when we were two, just call me Sister Duoduo."

"Yes, sister Duoduo."

Ye Binger showed a rare smile and said softly.

During the time she and Yu Duoduo came to the Yaodu branch, she changed a lot.

Although there will still be a coldness in her body that rejects people thousands of miles away, but in front of familiar people, she will selectively show the warm side of her heart.

Hearing this, Yu Duoduo had a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and nodded slightly.

Seeing that she was about to leave, Yu Duoduo said suddenly, "Wait a minute."

Ye Bing'er turned around and said, "Sister Duoduo, is there anything else?"

"Bing'er, are you going back alone again today? In fact, you can live with me."

Yu Duoduo said, "After all, it's not safe for a girl to walk alone at night."

Ye Bing'er didn't expect that Yu Duoduo was talking about this matter, and said slightly apologetically: "I'm sorry, sister Duoduo, I'm still used to being alone."

"Don't worry, the law and order in Yaodu is very good at night, and there will be no problems in terms of safety."

Hearing what she said, Yu Duoduo stared at her for a while, and then covered his forehead, showing a somewhat helpless expression.

The law and order in Yaodu at night is very good, but it doesn't mean that there will be no accidents...

What's more, with her daily attire, she would be taken aback when she saw it, let alone others.

An ordinary workplace OL outfit, but when worn on her body, it is shockingly beautiful.

Not to mention her aura like a flourishing ice lotus.

She walked alone on the road like this every night, really challenging the bottom line of those perverts!
After covering his forehead, Yu Duoduo sighed softly and said, "Bing'er, you are alone every day, haven't you thought about finding a boyfriend?"

"The staff in the entire Yaodu branch are fascinated by your fans. I really hope you find a boyfriend quickly so that they can stop thinking about working hard."

Yu Duoduo said half-jokingly and half-seriously, Ye Binger has become a well-known 'Beauty of the Iceberg' in all Yaodu branches during the short period of time she came to Yaodu.

I don't know how many male employees were fascinated by her, but everyone who confessed their love was beaten to the bone, without exception.

In the branch, she treated Yu Duoduo a little better. The others were kept away by the coldness of her body and were difficult to get close to.

It is also true that she won the title of 'Beauty of the Iceberg', and some even called her 'Queen of the Iceberg'.

Many people are saying that no man can approach the iceberg beauty.

Hearing Yu Duoduo's words, Ye Bing'er smiled slightly and said, "Sister Duoduo, no need, I'm used to being alone."

"Besides... I already have a boyfriend."

Hearing this, Yu Duoduo laughed and said: "Bing'er, you lied to me again, I don't believe that you iceberg beauty will have a boyfriend."

Although he said so, Yu Duoduo actually believed it in his heart.

Because every time the topic of boyfriend is mentioned, Ye Binger's cheeks will turn slightly red.

Yu Duoduo also noticed that when she mentioned the word boyfriend, she would subconsciously purse her lips.

Based on the experience of a person who has been there, Yu Duoduo knows that this iceberg beauty who has made countless male employees of the Yaodu branch mad, her first kiss is no longer there.

And looking at her subconscious action of pursing her lips, the first kiss was probably taken away by her so-called boyfriend with a forced kiss.

It's just that the more this happened, the more confused Yu Duoduo was.

Because when Ye Binger said "get used to being alone", her tone was very natural, not like she was lying.

It was this that made Yu Duoduo feel strange.

Getting used to being alone and having a boyfriend, don't these two really conflict?
In fact, Yu Duoduo didn't know that Ye Binger and Feiying were not in conflict with each other...

After Yu Duoduo finished speaking, Ye Binger smiled slightly and said nothing.

After checking the time, he said to Yu Duoduo: "Sister Duoduo, it's getting late, I should go."

"Well, be careful on the road."

This time, Yu Duoduo didn't keep her anymore, and nodded.


The office door was gently closed, and Yu Duoduo lowered his head again to process the documents in his hand.

After a while, for some reason, her heart couldn't calm down.

After thinking for a while, she sighed softly, sorted out the documents in her hand, and walked out of the office.

"Li Wan, are you reliable or not, and when will you wait!"

In Piao Piao Yu TV's Yaodu branch, not far from the office building, there are two men with yellow hair squatting.

The two seemed to be waiting for something, but one of the men seemed to lose patience and complained to the other.

The man named Li Wan also showed a puzzled expression, and said: "No, she should have come here at this time."

"It should be soon, Sun Wei, just wait a little longer."

Hearing that the man named Sun Wei looked aggrieved, but he could only wait.

After all, after waiting for such a long time, he was a little unwilling to give up like this.

"Li Wan, that girl is really as beautiful as you said, can't she be a lie?"

Sun Wei couldn't help asking, it can be said that he had asked this question countless times in one night.

Hearing this, Li Wan snorted softly, and said, "If you don't believe me, you can leave now. Anyway, I can handle that girl myself, and you still have so much to say when you kindly ask you to come."

"Tell you, this girl is definitely the best looking one I've ever seen in my life."

As if he was afraid that Sun Wei might have concerns, Li Wan said again: "I've been watching her for several days. She walks alone at night all the time, so it's definitely easy to attack."

Hearing this, Sun Wei curled his lips in disdain, and said, "I don't believe that there will be such a beautiful woman as you said."

At the door of the office building, the two were talking with each other.

Didn't notice at all, Ye Bing'er was slowly walking out of it
(End of this chapter)

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