Chapter 859 Plan Change (Third Change)

Hearing Yu Mantang's words, Su Chunyu was stunned.

Not just to explain the finals, what does it mean...

Yu Mantang didn't explain too much, and asked with a smile: "Xiaoyu, do you know the rules of the college league after the top 32 is decided?"

Hearing this, Su Chunyu nodded. She had already done homework many times about the college league.

"The rules of the college league have gradually moved closer to urban hegemony. Now there are four divisions in the college league across the country."

"They are the Magic City Division, the North China Division, the South China Division, and the Shenzhen Division."

"For the sake of the efficiency of the competition, the games before the quarter-finals will be held in these four divisions at the same time, and the subsequent games will be unified in the largest Magic City division."

Hearing Su Chunyu's words, Yu Mantang nodded in satisfaction.

As she said, the top 32 to advance to the top [-], and the top [-] to advance to the top eight are all held simultaneously in these four divisions.

After that, the eight rounds and the finals will all be held in Shanghai, which is the most developed city in China's e-sports.

But Su Chunyu still didn't understand, Yu Mantang asked her what this meant.

As if knowing what she was thinking, Yu Mantang said, "This year, the venue for the competition in South China will be in City H."

Su Chunyu was slightly taken aback when she heard this, she never expected that City H would be the competition venue for the South China Division.

As he said that, Yu Mantang said, "Xiao Yu, originally I planned to arrange you for the finals, but something happened temporarily."

"There are two commentators, one male and one female, who are in charge of the game commentary in City H, but I received news that the female pregnant, and it's not too late."

Su Chunyu was startled when she heard that, she naturally knew who the two commentators in charge of the commentary activities in City H were.

She also went to see Luo Xia and their competition several times before, but she didn't know that Mier's commentator was pregnant now.

Yu Mantang has been observing her reaction, but soon, there is a trace of surprise in his eyes.

Because he saw that when he heard that Mi'er was pregnant, Su Chunyu's eyes showed a bit of envy...

Seeing this scene, Yu Mantang was a little strange.

Su Chunyu came back to his senses, seemed to have thought of something, and asked, "Uncle Yu, what do you mean..."

Yu Mantang nodded slightly, and said, "That's right, that female commentator named Mi'er can at most accompany her male commentator partner to finish explaining the round of [-] rounds."

"In the next match in Shanghai, due to her physical condition, she couldn't move around anymore. Therefore, the team decided to give the male commentator another partner during the match in Shanghai."

"So, I recommended you, and the competition has now approved it."

After Yu Mantang finished speaking, Su Chunyu couldn't calm down for a long time.

Originally, she thought that she would have no chances in this college league, but she didn't expect that she could not only continue to explain, but also have more opportunities than before.

Now this situation is much better than directly explaining the finals.

When it comes to directly explaining the finals, her performance is still secondary. She is mainly afraid that the audience will be dissatisfied.

Imagine that a commentary that you have never seen before suddenly appeared during the finals, and the audience will inevitably have resistance.

In this way, it would be much better to explain the quarter-finals to the semi-finals first, so as to gain popularity in advance and accumulate some fans.

You can also exercise yourself, and by the time of the finals, you will be able to do it to a large extent.

After figuring this out, Su Chunyu sincerely thanked Yu Mantang: "Uncle Yu, thank you."

She knew how much benefit Yu Mantang had brought her this opportunity.

"Haha, it's nothing, it's just a trivial matter."

Hearing Su Chunyu's words, Yu Mantang laughed.

After laughing a few times, Yu Mantang's expression became serious again, and he said, "Xiaoyu, it's your first time playing, you might be a little nervous."

"The male commentator named Wan Tao has quite a lot of experience. If you are really stage frightened, you can hang out with him in the first round and accumulate experience."

Although Yu Mantang was very confident in Su Chunyu, she was somewhat worried when she played for the first time.

"Well, Uncle Yu, I know, I will learn from my predecessors."

Hearing Yu Mantang's words, Su Chunyu nodded.

Hearing this, Yu Mantang felt relieved and didn't say anything more.

At this moment, Su Chunyu suddenly remembered something, and said, "Uncle Yu, Ban... Will Sister Binger go this time too?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, she almost used the wrong address for Ye Binger, and quickly changed her words.

Yu Mantang shook his head lightly, and said: "For her, we have to wait for a while, at least she won't go to the college league this time."

Seeing Su Chunyu's suspicious eyes, Yu Mantang said: "Ye Binger's situation is different from yours."

"Xiaoyu, your character and style are already very suitable for commentary, all you need is a little training and guidance."

"Ye Binger's words, her personality, determine that she is destined to adopt a different commentary style, and it will take a while to get used to it."

Hearing this, Su Chunyu nodded lightly, and she also knew that what Yu Mantang said made sense.

At this moment, Yu Mantang smiled and said, "Xiao Yu, I'm fine for a while, I'll give you a few days off, if you miss your boyfriend, go find him."

Hearing Yu Mantang's words, Su Chunyu was startled for a moment.

After recovering, she hurriedly waved her hand and said, "Uncle Yu, no need, the college league game is about to start, I'd better get ready."

Yu Mantang smiled and said: "Really don't want it, you know, there are not many opportunities like this."

Hearing that Su Chunyu bit her vermilion lips lightly, she also hesitated for a moment.

Seeing her reaction, Yu Mantang said meaningfully: "Xiao Yu, envy is not enough for some things."

"You know, quantitative change produces qualitative change~"

After speaking, Yu Mantang walked out of the office happily.

He somewhat understood why Su Chunyu showed such an envious expression when he heard Mi'er explaining her pregnancy.

As for whether she understood what he said, it's none of his business...


The door of the office was gently closed, leaving only Su Chunyu in the office.

This is enough to show how much Yu Mantang trusts her.

After Yu Mantang left, Su Chunyu still stood there, thinking about what Yu Mantang said last.

After a while, she didn't know what to think of, and red clouds quickly appeared on her delicate face, which looked extremely alluring.


(PS: The previous writing about Mier’s pregnancy was also a foreshadowing, just for this matter.

As I said before, I will not write useless plots. In fact, there are already many, many foreshadowings ahead.

An event, or even a character's language, action, and demeanor may be foreshadowing, everyone pay more attention...)
(End of this chapter)

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