League of Legends: I really don't want to master all positions

Chapter 865 The wind is surging, the clouds stop thunder

Chapter 865 The wind is surging, the clouds stop thunder (third)
When Luo Xia rushed to the e-sports club, he didn't see Lu Shiyan and others in the training room outside.

Sweeping around, Luo Xia's eyes narrowed slightly, and he walked towards the small training room.

"Ke Bei!"

Luo Xia was far away, and greeted Ke Bei who was next to the training room.

Seeing Luo Xia, Ke Bei had a look of surprise on his face, and he also walked towards Luo Xia.

"Brother Xia, you're here." Ke Bei walked up to Luo Xia and said.

A smile appeared on Luo Xia's face, and he said, "Ke Bei, do you still have the habit of doing that part-time job recently?"

After Xiao Qi and Luo Xia talked about it last time, Luo Xia told Ke Bei about the part-time job in the cafeteria on the phone.

Ke Bei was also very happy, and agreed almost without hesitation.

Now Ke Bei's part-time job should have been done for several days.

It's just that Luo Xia has been getting tired of being with Su Chunyu these days, and didn't ask him about his situation in detail.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Ke Bei nodded and said, "I'm used to it, I'm not tired at all, and brother Xiao is very nice and taught me a lot."

"That's good."

Hearing what Ke Bei said, Luo Xia finally felt relieved.

"By the way, where are you all in the small training room?"

Seeing that Lu Shiyan and the others were not there, Luo Xia had already guessed in his heart, but he still asked Ke Bei.

"Well, they are all in the small training room, waiting for the news of the Kyoto and Modu teams to be released online." Ke Bei said.

Hearing Ke Bei's words, Luo Xia was startled.

"The four teams of Kyoto and Modu haven't been decided yet?"

Luo Xia just felt incredible, the schedule was going to be set today, why didn't even the participating teams be decided?
Hearing this, Ke Bei shook his head and said, "Not yet, so I will post it online after the decision is made."

Hearing what Ke Bei said, Luo Xia could only reluctantly accept it.

At this time, thinking of something, Luo Xia's face became weird, and said: "Ke Bei, they are all waiting for a place inside, why are you alone outside?"

It's okay if Luo Xia doesn't talk about it, but when Luo Xia brings up this topic, Ke Bei's expression is loveless.

"It's not that bad woman who kicked me out and asked me to wait here for Brother Xia."

After finishing speaking, Ke Bei seemed to be aware of the ambiguity in his words, and hurriedly said: "Brother Xia, don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't want to wait for you here, I just..."

"Okay, I know, let's go in."

Luo Xia had a look of helplessness on his face, thinking of Qiu Yunyun and Ke Bei, he felt a headache.


The two walked into the training room, and Luo Xia saw Qiu Yunyun and the others gathered around a machine, as if they were waiting for something.

As if feeling something, Lu Shiyan turned her head away, meeting Luo Xia's gaze.

The two looked at each other and smiled, then looked aside in a very tacit understanding.

"Luo Xia, you're here."

Seeing Luo Xia coming in, Qiu Yunyun greeted him.

Before Luo Xia could say anything, Qiu Yunyun said again: "This little brat is still useful."

Luo Xia: "..."


Hearing this, Ke Bei snorted lightly, and without saying anything, he turned his head aside.

Luo Xia took a look, walked to Lu Shiyan's side very naturally, and stood beside her.

Lu Shiyan subconsciously wanted to stand up and make way for Luo Xia, but he gently pressed her shoulders to prevent her from getting up.

Only Mu Xueyi noticed this detail, and seeing this, her eyes couldn't help flickering slightly.

"Senior sister, haven't the teams from Kyoto and Modu settled yet?"

Luo Xia quietly removed the hand that was on Lu Shiyanxiang's shoulder, and asked softly.

Lu Shiyan smiled slightly, and said: "The team of Shanghai Magic City has been decided, which is the team of Shanghai University and Danfu University."

"From Kyoto, there is no news yet."

Hearing this, Luo Xia nodded, if there is no news, then he can only wait.

"Actually, I don't think it's necessary to take such a long time. Basically everyone knows that the team in Kyoto must be the team from Huaqing University and Jingbei University."

At this time, Xia Rou interjected.

In her opinion, it can be said that it has already been decided, and there is such a lengthy competition rule.

"It's not the same. The situation this year is a little different. For example, the finals in Kyoto and Shanghai are all indoor competitions and are not open to the public."

Hearing Xia Rou's words, Lu Shiyan shook her head slightly and said.

Hearing what she said, Qiu Yunyun and the others were startled.

No... open to the outside world?
"It's so mysterious, I want to see what team it will be."

Qiu Yunyun snorted softly, reached for the mouse, and clicked Refresh on the web page.

In fact, she didn't hold out much hope.

However, the moment she saw the contents of the refreshed screen clearly, her face froze instantly.

"Yunyun, has the quota come out?"

Seeing Qiu Yunyun's abnormality, Zhong Xiaodie also came forward.

However, seeing the content on the screen clearly, she also opened her mouth in surprise.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing that both of them were obviously shocked, Xia Rou also looked at the screen.

At the same time, Lu Shiyan turned her head to look at the screen.

When Xia Rou saw the content on the screen clearly, she was just as dumb as she was.

Seeing the two places on the screen clearly, although Lu Shiyan was not as weird as them, her exquisite and pretty face also changed a bit.

The Huaqing University quota was directly ignored by her, and all her attention was focused on the other quota.

She almost said word by word: "Hua... Xia... Da... Xue..."

At this time, Qiu Yunyun finally recovered, but her expression was still shocked.

"Oh my god, what we are going to face in the final is actually five geniuses from Huaxia University!"

She never expected that the other team in Kyoto came from Huaxia University!

Hearing Qiu Yunyun's words, Luo Xia's gaze froze slightly.


At the same time, all the media reporters who were paying attention to the league quotas widened their eyes.

What's more, he fell directly from the stool.

With their hands trembling almost non-stop, they wrote one news story after another, using all the "shocking" headlines.

When the news came out, the entire e-sports circle was in an uproar.

Not only the entire e-sports circle, but the entire China was shocked.

In this college league, a team composed of five geniuses from Huaxia University, the highest institution in Huaxia, is participating!

(PS: Everyone should have guessed it from the title of this chapter, the third volume is surging, it’s over, the next chapter will open the fourth volume, the peak event.

To be honest, the performance of this book is not good, and it has something to do with me, mainly because I don't like to write those brainless routines that pretend to be forceful.

Maybe because I am a science student, I like to be more logical when I write, and I like to ambush.

In fact, it is not pleasant to write like this at all, because many readers read the book in one glance, ignoring all the plots I carefully conceived.

Some people are talking about water. Indeed, if you follow the outline of an ordinary LOL novel, it’s nothing more than a competition from small to large, and finally won the world championship. Everything else is water.

I tried my best to add other elements, and wanted to present a more real e-sports circle and a more real world to everyone, but it seems that not many people understand it...

In the past two days, I am adjusting the outline, and I plan to cut some appropriately. Some unimportant pits may not be filled, or they may be taken away.

Of course, it is also possible not to cut it. After all, I have devoted too much effort to this book, um...it can only be said to depend on the situation. )
(End of this chapter)

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