Chapter 873 The pace is fast! (Second update)
Looking at the form on the field, FNA's jungler can be said to be in a daze.

He chose a poodle, just to help his teammates build an advantage in the early stage.

But for a while, the three roads are at a disadvantage, so which road should he help!
The only one that looked easy to catch was Jess on the road.

Jess doesn't have a lot of health now, and he's been pressing the line all the time, so it looks easier to catch.

But there are many issues involved.

The first point is that Jess doesn't have a lot of HP, but the big bug has even less HP, and he hasn't double-summoned yet.

If you go to catch it, even if you catch Jess to death, it is very likely that Jess will replace the big bug.

The second point is that the control of the big bug is not very stable, nor is it instant control. Now that there is no flash, it is even more difficult to control Jess.

And Jess still has a flash on him now, even if Jess really makes a mistake in his position, he can use his flash to dodge his skills.

The third and most important point is that the blind monk's current location is completely unknown!

If you really go to grab the road and run into the blind monk squatting back...

In the case of 2V2, there will be ghosts if you can fight!

FNA's jungler just simply thought about it, and gave up the idea of ​​going to the road to catch it.

Don't even mention it if you go down the road.

Because Ou Cheng was caught in the first wave, the bottom lane has been suppressed and beaten, and it is impossible to achieve any results by grabbing the bottom lane now.

Looking at it this way, it seems that there are some opportunities in the middle...

After going around in a circle, FNA's jungler still set his sights on Zuo Tiande's middle lane.

There are also skills in catching people in the wild, and you must not catch people without thinking.

In a simple analysis, the most basic is nothing more than a few points.

One is to see whether the opponent is pressing the line, and the other is to see whether the control of teammates and oneself is stable.

In some special cases, you can also consider jumping over the tower with your teammates to kill.

In the middle lane, Lucian has been pressing the line, which is easier to catch.

Syndra's control is relatively stable, and Lucian has been consuming Syndra. Although the blood volume is dominant, he is already dissatisfied.

Lucian's body is also relatively fragile, even if there is a flash, maybe the two of them can kill him in seconds after Syndra stuns him, so that he can't use the flash.

After making up his mind, FNA's jungler controlled the poodle and slowly moved towards the middle.

His field of vision was not complete in the early stage, and he habitually turned his eyes around, thinking that he would not be discovered.

But I don't want to, the current him has already appeared in the field of vision of all QWG members.

Seeing the poodle coming to the middle, Zuo Tiande sneered.

"You actually came to my middle lane. It seems that you think I'm easy to bully, so don't even think about leaving!"

As he said this, Zuo Tiande murmured again in his heart: "But the coach is really clever, he has figured out all the ideas of this group of Euro-Americans."

Thinking of the tactics Li Hongwei formulated for them before the game, Zuo Tiande felt admiration in his heart.

Of course, the most important thing now is to get rid of Syndra and the poodle in front of me first!

Seeing the poodle coming to catch it, Febiven put a Q skill on the ground calmly.

After Lu Xi'an moves forward and presses forward, he finds the right opportunity and pushes hard!
"The weak retreat!"

"call out!"

When Syndra used the E skill, Zuo Tiande had to be prepared, and directly flashed obliquely, avoiding Syndra's push.

Seeing this scene, Febiven couldn't help but froze for a moment.

He didn't expect Zuo Tiande to dodge this push without warning.

After avoiding Syndra's E skill, Zuo Tiande directly controlled Lucian and began to output Syndra quickly.

Syndra's blood volume was not much in the first place, but was beaten down by Lucian, and her blood volume was almost bottomed out.

At this time, the poodle appeared from behind the wall, and Syndra also hurriedly flashed back.

Lucian was in a dangerous situation in an instant.

However, he didn't know that Zuo Tiande was already shouting in the voice of the team.

"Chenxing, if you squat down again, I will die!"

Accompanied by his shout, the blind monk who was filled with stars behind the wall came out like a ghost.

"Golden Bell Jar!"

The blind monk's W skill directly landed on Lucian.

The two broke up immediately. Lucian chased Syndra directly with his E skill, and the blind monk hit the poodle with his Q skill, and kicked the poodle with his second Q.

Seeing this scene, the bearded FNA coach really panicked.

If the poodle dies together with Syndra in this wave, then this round is really over.

This wave of 2V2 in the middle of the two sides ended with Syndra being killed in battle, the poodle handed over Flash, and fled in embarrassment.

Lucian had only a trace of blood left, and almost died with Syndra, but he survived in the end.

If it weren't for the blind monk's W shield, Lucian would have died too.

Seeing this scene, the bearded coach really turned green.

It was so embarrassing to be short of that blood volume, but there was nothing he could do!

The audience who were watching the live broadcast were also excitedly brushing up the barrage.

"Damn it, these two waves of blind monk's anti-squatting are perfect!"

"666, if the blind monk is allowed to bring the rhythm up in the early stage, the opponent really doesn't need to play."

"This Lucian is not bad. He dares to fight. If he flashed away just now, he would not be able to kill Syndra."

"Indeed, if Lucian didn't have the idea of ​​exchanging with Syndra, but calculated the damage and rushed forward, it would be really powerful."

"Haha, Europe and America is still Europe and America, how could it be my opponent in the LPL!"


Seeing that the situation on the court had reached [-]-[-], the audience cheered loudly.

Many people are full of praise for Mantian Chenxing and Zuo Tiande.

As for this wave of Zuo Tiande's performance, Luo Xia only gave a two-word evaluation: "Yes."

He knew that this wave of Zuo Tiande must have calculated the damage before rushing forward, otherwise he would not have waited for the blind monk to give him a shield before heading towards Syndra E.

In Zuo Tiande's wave, he did a good job in both damage calculation and timing.

Still, it's a little risky.

If the poodle didn't hand over to flash away in this wave, but flashed to kill Lucian, there was a great chance of killing Lucian.

Perhaps the European and American teams are used to playing in the late game, and the concept of stability, or counseling, has been deeply ingrained in their minds.

Perhaps because of this, the first thought of this wave of poodles was not to fight, but to run away, losing a chance to bet.

From the beginning of the jungle invasion, QWG played fast, and FNA can be said to have no power to fight back.

After looking at the situation on the field, as well as the handling of various details, Luo Xia's eyes flashed with a gleam of brilliance.

"If QWG continues to maintain this rhythm, FNA will undoubtedly lose!"

(End of this chapter)

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