Chapter 877 Defend the glory of LPL! (third update)
"Fuck, what kind of question is this, you ask this kind of question?"

"The host did it on purpose. Such a sensitive question, can you ask it?"

"It's clear that it's deliberately making things difficult, what kind of rubbish host!"

"I can't afford to lose at first glance. Look at the few questions he asked earlier. If you don't answer any of them well, you will easily lose the conversation!"


After Iamsb asked, the audience who watched the live broadcast on the Internet were already full of curses.

Almost everyone can see that this Iamsb is deliberately making this kind of problem difficult.

Luo Xia also frowned suddenly, and he also felt that this iamsb was a bit too much.

This kind of problem can be said to completely put Li Hongwei into a dilemma.

"I don't know how Coach Li will respond to him"

Looking at the live broadcast screen, Luo Xia muttered to himself.

This time, Li Hongwei obviously took a longer time to think.

After a while, Li Hongwei spoke slowly as before.

"As for the world championship, I can't make a judgment. Any participating team has a chance."

"Since any team has a chance, it naturally includes our QWG and FKT, as well as today's FNA."

Li Hongwei finished his speech very quickly, it can be said to be extremely brief.

But with his two words, even Miwa and Lewa in the audience admired him.

Li Hongwei cleverly avoided Iamsb's problem, and didn't bother about who had the greater chance of winning.

Instead, it turned to explain that every team has a chance, and used today's FNA as an example.

If Li Hongwei said that QWG had a better chance of winning, the media would definitely say that QWG won the first match, and that it was already inflated to the limit.

And if Li Hongwei said that FKT has a greater chance of winning, there must be some media saying that LPL is still afraid of Korea. Even if they win the European and American teams, they will not have the confidence to win against the Korean team.

It may even involve the topic of 'slavery'.

Now Li Hongwei's answer is watertight, no matter how difficult Iamsb is, no matter how difficult the European media reporters are, they can't find anything wrong.

And the viewers who were watching the live broadcast gave Li Hongwei a hundred thumbs up in their hearts when they heard Li Hongwei's words.

"666, Coach Li's answer is so perfect!"

"This is the number one coach of our LPL, what a general!"

"Haha, now, don't these European and American rappers have anything to say?"

"So what if you make things difficult, our Coach Li sees his tricks, and you can do the same!"

"Coach Li is awesome, shut up the mouths of these Euro-Americans!"


After Li Hongwei finished speaking, the audience who were watching the live broadcast all fired up the barrage.

It was because Li Hongwei's answer was so perfect, it was absolutely watertight.

Hearing the words translated by the translator, Iamsb was completely convinced and did not make things difficult again.

After the two sides shook hands briefly, all three of them left the stage.

The group stage is a double round BO1, so tonight's match between QWG and FNA is over.

The second match was the North American C10 team against the wild card XCC team, it can be said that there is not much to watch.

Basically, as long as the C10 team is not deceived by the lard, it will not lose to the wild card team.

The third game was LPL's EAF team against Baodao's AHH team.

However, because the reputation of the EAF team is not very good, the attention of this game is not high.

Many viewers have already turned off the live broadcast after watching QWG vs. FNA.

The number of live viewers on the official website has dropped a lot.

Because today's game is over, after Li Hongwei shook hands with Iamsb, he also walked directly to the backstage.

After the director shot gave him a back shot, he quickly cut away.

Luo Xia looked at Li Hongwei's back, his brows were still slightly frowned, and he didn't let go.

Just now almost all the audience praised what Li Hongwei said was watertight, but Luo Xia did not.

Because he always felt that what Li Hongwei said just now was deliberately suppressing something.

Seems to be... angry?

White Country, San Francisco, Bill Graham Municipal Auditorium.

Li Hongwei returned to the backstage rest area, took off his suit casually, and changed into casual clothes.

He didn't want to wear a suit at all, and it was more comfortable to wear this kind of ordinary attire.

"Coach, you're back."

Zuo Tiande said with a chuckle, obviously he was able to play in the first game of the opening match, and he still won a crushing victory, which put him in a good mood.

Li Hongwei just hummed lightly and didn't say anything else.

"Coach, what you said just now was really good. The host of Lobby wanted to make trouble, but it turned out to be nothing."

Hearing Zuo Tiande's words, Li Hongwei remained silent and didn't say anything.

Zuo Tiande praised Li Hongwei lavishly, and after finishing speaking, he became a little angry again.

"Speaking of which, the Lobby host is really too much, anyone can see that he is deliberately making things difficult!"

This time, after Zuo Tiande finished speaking, Li Hongwei finally sighed softly.

"It doesn't matter if he's making things difficult. In the final analysis, the LPL has failed too many times to be looked down upon by these Europeans."

Hearing Li Hongwei's words, the atmosphere in the team immediately became dull.

Even Zuo Tiande, who was joking just now, his face froze slightly, and he didn't speak for a while.

That's right, it's an indisputable fact that the European host made things difficult.

Even if they are QWG, even if they are the No. [-] seed team, even if they are the strongest team in LPL, so what?
Still in the hands of FKT, it failed again and again.

That feeling of wanting to win glory for the country, but powerless.

Carrying the hope of the Chinese people, carrying the glory of the competition area and working hard to move forward, but in the end they have to leave sadly, who can understand?
There has always been tremendous pressure on them, but they know that they cannot fall down.

If they fall, who will defend my Greater China LPL glory?
But if they can't achieve results, they can only bear the pressure brought by domestic trolls, and they will be ridiculed by other competition areas like today!
Thinking about it carefully, this is a kind of silent sorrow...

The atmosphere in the team became dull, Zuo Tiande also lowered his head.

After a while, Zuo Tiande raised his head, he no longer had the usual laughing and resolute look on his face.

"Coach, this is the way it is now, but it doesn't mean it will be like this in the future!"

"I believe that even if we can't do it, the LPL division will eventually be able to stand on top of the world one day."

"The arrogance of these European and American hosts, as well as their defeated character, will also have a powerful Chinese team to slap them in the face with their strength!"

"At that time, they will no longer dare to speak out and ridicule, and when they mention LPL, they will tremble!"

Zuo Tiande's words moved Li Hongwei for a while.

His expression became slightly dazed, and he subconsciously asked, "Will there be such a day?"

"It will, I believe, that day will never be too far away!"

Zuo Tiande said firmly, unknowingly, he thought of Luo Xia.

Lin Xinran and others looked at Zuo Tiande in surprise, as if they were meeting him for the first time.

The corner of Fei Luo's mouth showed a smile, only he knew that Zuo Tiande's heart had always been like this.

Li Hongwei took a deep breath, patted Zuo Tiande's shoulder, and said: "Tiande, you are right, there will be such a day, besides..."

As he spoke, a trace of coldness flashed across Li Hongwei's eyes.

"Besides, this year, we may not fail!"

"Right now, it's too early to talk about FKT. Why don't we set a small goal first..."

After Li Hongwei finished speaking, Zuo Tiande and the others looked at each other, and suddenly spoke in unison.

"Eliminate the Korean SSS four-star team in the same group!!!"


(End of this chapter)

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