Chapter 880 What's Your Idea? (third update)
Hearing Luo Xia's voice on the other end of the phone, Lu Shiyan was obviously taken aback.

She didn't expect that Luo Xia would choose to call her at this time.

After recovering, she looked at the roommates around who were still crazy, turned down the volume of the phone a little, and said softly: "Not yet."

Luo Xia directly ignored the noisy voices around her, and asked, "Shi Yan, did you watch the game between EAF and AHH tonight?"

"Well, look, what's the matter?" Lu Shiyan replied softly.

Hearing what she said, Luo Xia asked: "Then, do you feel that there is something wrong?"

"Something is wrong."

Hearing this, Lu Shiyan frowned slightly, as if she was thinking about something.

After a while, she still couldn't think of anything wrong, so she said, "It seems there is nothing."


Hearing what she said, Luo Xia became more and more puzzled.

Could it be that he was thinking too much?
"However, there are a few places that make me feel a little strange. I don't know if it's something wrong."

At this time, Lu Shiyan spoke again.

Hearing this, Luo Xia's heart moved, and he hurriedly asked, "What is it?"

"EAF team made too many mistakes." Lu Shiyan replied.

Hearing her words, although Luo Xia didn't say anything, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Of course he knew this, and even many viewers who watched the live broadcast knew this.

Lu Shiyan didn't know what Luo Xia was thinking, and continued: "And I think many of their mistakes are within the allowable range."

Hearing her words, Luo Xia was slightly taken aback.

"Mistakes within the allowable range."

Luo Xia recited it silently in a low voice, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

He finally knew what it was that he hadn't grasped in his mind all this time!

"Haha, so that's the case, Shiyan, thank you!"

Luo Xia was as happy as a child, she was almost dancing, and after saying thank you to Lu Shiyan, she hurriedly hung up the phone.

Hearing the blind voice coming from the phone, Lu Shiyan still hadn't recovered.

Now she just feels at a loss, not knowing why Luo Xia is so happy.

Seeing her in a daze with her mobile phone, a roommate came over and joked, "Miss Lu, who is calling, boyfriend?"

The voice of Luo Xia's last words just now was not low, and almost everyone else heard them.

Naturally, they could tell that it was a boy's voice.

Hearing this, Lu Shiyan came back to her senses, shook her head lightly, and said with a smile, "No."

The girl obviously didn't believe it, and said: "I don't believe it, at least it's the first time I saw you talking on the phone with a boy, and it was so late."

After she finished speaking, Lu Shiyan hadn't said anything yet, when she heard the conversation between the two, someone interrupted: "Xiao Lan, you really think too much."

"How is it possible? In this world, how is it possible that there is a boy that our big beauties from Lu can look up to?"

Others also became interested, saying: "That's right, that Shi Haochi entangled him for so long before, but he still returned without success."

"Actually, that Shi Haochi's conditions are pretty good. His family is rich and powerful, and he's also handsome. If you ask me, I'll definitely agree."

"Tch, that's you. Can our campus belle Lu University be the same as you? I dare say that Shi Yan is the prettiest one not only in Xincheng University, but also in H City!"


Hearing their chatter and chatter, Lu Shiyan kept silent and didn't say anything.

They have been arguing about something, but in the end they didn't come to any conclusion.

After a while, Lu Shiyan said in a voice that only she could hear: "It's because I don't like him, in fact, it's because he doesn't like me..."

After finishing speaking, Lu Shiyan sighed softly, lay sideways on the bed, leaning against the wall, and forced herself to fall asleep.

And the girl who was called Xiaolan at the beginning, looked at Lu Shiyan's extremely graceful back, but her eyes flickered.

She didn't hear what Lu Shiyan was talking to herself just now, but she still guessed something when she saw Lu Shiyan's dazed look.

"Things, it seems that it is not that simple..."

Qin Lan looked at Lu Shiyan and muttered to herself.

At first, she was indeed just joking, but Lu Shiyan's reaction was somewhat beyond her expectations.

She also felt that things might not be that simple.

After being reminded of this incident, Qin Lan also suddenly realized that Lu Shiyan spent the night outside some time ago.

That was also the first time she had spent the night outside since she was in college.

That night was the night of her and Luo Xia's birthday, because it was too late, she didn't go back to the dormitory.

It was originally a very simple matter, and it has been a while, but after what happened tonight, Qin Lan still couldn't help but think about it.

"It seems that I found something extraordinary."

"I didn't expect that the beauty of Lu would one day fall..."


After hanging up the phone with Lu Shiyan, Luo Xia was still very excited.

He finally knew what the flash of light in his heart was.

Lu Shiyan's phrase 'mistakes within the allowable range' reminded him.

"I just said something was wrong, it turned out to be here!"

Luo Xia said to himself: "On the surface, there is nothing wrong with the EAF team playing. The loss is due to mistakes."

"But the most abnormal thing is that they made mistakes in every place where they could make mistakes!"

Now Luo Xia finally understood where the strange feeling in his heart came from.

In some big ways, EAF teams simply don't make mistakes.

But in some small ways, arguably every place where a mistake can be made, they made a mistake.

This point is basically difficult to notice, and the audience watching the live broadcast, including the three commentators, probably didn't notice it.

Even Luo Xia didn't figure this out himself, and only realized it after Lu Shiyan inadvertently reminded him.

Mistakes are not surprising, everyone will make mistakes, but making mistakes in every place where mistakes can be made is very deliberate!
After realizing this, the smile on the corner of Luo Xia's mouth gradually disappeared.

"But why did the EAF team do this? Did they collude to fight fake matches?"

"But, it's not quite like..."

Thinking of this, Luo Xia became more and more puzzled.

"EAF team, what are you planning..."


(PS: I saw some book friends asking where Treasure Island is. It’s very simple. Treasure Island is Taiwan. Because the policy can’t show the real name, I use Treasure Island instead.

As for the others, the island country is Japan, the Bai country is the United States, and the United States is the Ying country, which should be easier to understand. )
(End of this chapter)

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