Chapter 89 Zhong Xiaodie's AD Fox
After returning home and upgrading the second-level blue wild knife, the widow touched down the road, ready to look for opportunities.

The bottom lane is still in the laning period, but the laning period between the two sides is not boring at all!
With the double shields of Fengnv and Lulu, the two sides fought a few waves, and they were evenly matched.

And the mouse who was relatively weak in the early stage did not lose at all to the policewoman on the opposite side.

"This mouse is too good at finding opportunities."

Tan Xu's face gradually turned ugly. The mouse on the opposite side gave him such a lot of pressure in the early laning phase.

This is still a relatively weak mouse in the early stage. If the opponent is holding a strong AD, maybe he has been severely suppressed by now.

The strength of the ad on the opposite side is really strong!

"This position is too dangerous, the widow may be there, step back."

Feng Yang looked at the current time and couldn't help but say.

Tan Xu knew that what Feng Yang said was correct. At this time, the widow should have returned to the city to get her equipment. If she wasn't coming to the lower half of the jungle to clear the jungle, she would have come to gank.

But he is not reconciled!

In the early stage, the policewoman Jia Lulu couldn't hold down the mouse and Fengnv. If it goes on like this, it will be harder to beat the later.

But he had no choice but to retreat, not daring to press so deep.

"The consciousness on the other side is not bad, and it should be a team around Diamond."

In the voice of the blue team, Lu Shiyan said softly.

"Well, if that's the case, I'll go wild."

Seeing that there was no chance, Xia Rou directly chose to farm stone beetle wild monsters.

Luo Xia shook his head slightly in his heart, Xia Rou's jungler widow brought ignition and punishment, which was used to gain an advantage in the early stage.

But her style of play has become a developmental jungler.

However, he knew that Xia Rou was not to blame, because he originally thought that the widow would be caught at the third level and cooperate with the fox to take away the bomber's head, but he didn't expect the fox to directly complete the solo kill.

Blame only the fox.

At this time, the reminder that the enemy hero was killed came again, and the bomber in the middle was once again single-killed by the fox!

Luo Xia was taken aback for a moment, and unconsciously changed his words halfway through what he said in his heart, it was only his fault.
Fluttershy is so strong!

Sun Wen, who was killed again, turned green. Just now he was secretly proud that the fox's ability to hit him didn't hurt, but he didn't expect to be single-killed again so soon.

But now, he took a good look at the fox's equipment.

A dark seal, a bottle of blood medicine, and two long swords.

In addition to the killing ring for going out, the updated equipment after the fox took the first blood turned out to be two long swords!
"AAD Fox?"

Sun Wen was stunned for a while, he never expected that the opposite fox's style of play turned out to be a rare AD fox.

It's good not to have discovered this, but upon noticing this, Sun Wen instantly felt an unprecedented sense of frustration.

Because AD Fox was not strong in the early stage, it was difficult to get a kill, but he was single-killed twice.

"Sun Wen, calm down, you just need to farm your soldiers to develop, the opposite fox is no match for you in this regard, I will find a chance to help you catch her."

The wild male gun brushed the three wolves while talking to Sun Wen.

He also discovered that the opposite fox was an AD fox, and the AD fox was extremely weak before without the machete. Even the difference between the two heads was very likely to catch him to death.


Sun Wen nodded. He also knew where his advantage was compared to the fox. After being resurrected, he managed to get another Dolan Ring and started the journey of clearing troops.

"Hex blasts the minefield!"

"Bouncing bomb!"

While spawning soldiers online, Bomberman never let go of the F6 in the wild area. Once they refresh, they will quickly use E skills and Q skills to close them.

Although the line was still crushed badly, but at least he made up the knife and looked a lot better.

Because he has been developing the wretched last knife, the fox can't kill him effectively.

On the contrary, Bomberman's quick line-pushing characteristics entangled Fox and prevented her from supporting the side lanes. It seemed that the situation seemed to be stable.

Sun Wen heaved a sigh of relief, however, he forgot one thing, the sixth-level fox is the real nine-tailed demon fox!
When the time came to 6 minutes and 30 seconds, both sides were in the fifth level of the bottom lane. Fengnv and Mouse seized a wave of mistakes on the opposite side, successfully played two flashes on the opposite side, and firmly suppressed the opponent.

Yet at this time.


Zhong Xiaodie's mid laner Fox, in the 1V2 situation, can kill two people at the limit!

Seeing the moment when the screen turned gray, the jungler gun was a little confused, he was completely shown by the opposite fox.

"Looks like this game will depend on Xiaodie's carry."

In the voice of the team, Lu Shiyan smiled lightly, but she was also a little humble. The fifth-level Mouse and Fengnv overwhelmed the female policewoman Jia Lulu on the opposite side. In the later team battles, the effect was much greater.

Zhong Xiaodie was a little embarrassed, but her face became extremely ruddy, and her eyes shone with excitement.

Luo Xia once commented on her in her heart - she is the kind of player who is strong when she is strong!

Of course, this strength can't be much stronger than her. If the current Zhong Xiaodie is going to line up with the king of Dianyi, it is definitely not enough.

But thinking of being solo killed by her online last time...Luo Xia secretly added in her heart, "That was an accident!"

If Zhong Xiaodie's potential can really be fully tapped, Luo Xia dares to assert that——

The king of electricity must have her place!
"Xiaodie's fox already has four heads, so I can't fall behind." Top laner Qiu Yunyun said with a little anger.

"Tactical sweep!"

Camille used the W skill, perfectly stuck an outer circle, and hit Nuo's hand. Seeing that Nuo's hand was slowed down, she stunned Nuo's hand with a hook of E skill.

Nuoshou's heart skipped a beat, the Camille on the opposite side was suddenly so fierce, probably someone came!

Sure enough, at this moment, the widow hiding in the darkness started to speed up, and rushed over sinisterly, "Painful Embrace!"

A big move was thrown on Nuoshou's body, and Nuoshou only felt incredible. At this time, Camille finally threw out her terrifying big move.

"Hex ultimatum!"

Nuoshou was tightly trapped, unable to escape, and soon died under the beating of the two.

Among the three roads on the opposite side, only the top road still has some small advantages. Nuoshou was caught and killed this time, and this small advantage was directly sent back.

A few minutes later, Zhong Xiaodie's fox turned on the massacre mode, and the fox who destroyed the endless murder book became a nightmare for the audience on the opposite side!
And the biggest team battle on the opposite side was also defeated by the wretched pair of widow and mouse.

Originally, they managed to catch Fengnv who was alone, and they were just about to chase after them, but the widow and the mouse suddenly appeared from the side.

The widow's ultimate move directly retained the four of them, and the mouse activated the ultimate move "full firepower", reaping a wave of four kills!

 The three changes are over, please recommend tickets~


(End of this chapter)

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