Chapter 897 Poor? (fourth more)
Luo Xia is very clear that after the ordinary players have drilled to the third level, each rank is a huge watershed.

Although Qiu Yunyun hasn't really reached the first level yet, she has already touched that threshold.

Based on this, Qiu Yunyun is already stronger than Xia Rou.

In addition, she is playing in the upper unit, Xia Rou is a jungler, and her online laning ability is much better than Xia Rou.

Not to mention too much Carry, but if the line is more stable, few people can kill her solo.

Luo Xia couldn't understand her transformation.

It's not like Luo Xia didn't know what Qiu Yunyun was like before.

When Luo Xia and their team were first formed, before Mu Xueyi and Ke Bei joined.

The original members were Luo Xia, Lu Shiyan, Qiu Yunyun, Xia Rou, and Zhong Xiaodie.

Zhong Xiaodie trains very hard, Qiu Yunyun and Xia Rou are the favorites to play, they never like to go to training, and a few times almost made Lu Shiyan, who is very tempered, angry.

Now that Qiu Yunyun has suddenly become so hardworking, Luo Xia can't believe it.

"Uh... Brother Xia, why are you looking at me?"

Seeing Luo Xia was looking at him all the time, Ke Bei said a little strangely.

"It's nothing, I just think you and Yunyun are a natural couple... Enemies..."

At the end, Luo Xia had a short pause.

But it was his pause that directly shocked Ke Bei.

"Xia... Brother Xia, don't breathe too much when you speak, who... who and that woman are a natural match."

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Ke Bei almost jumped up from his seat.

"Uh haha, I didn't say that you are a natural couple, no matter how you look at it, it seems impossible."

"I was just wondering if it's appropriate to describe the state of the two of you as enemies."

Seeing Ke Bei's reaction so big, Luo Xia scratched his head and smiled happily.

Hearing this, Ke Bei breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Of course, how could I like that woman."

"I'm not as good-looking as Sister Shiyan, nor as gentle as Sister Xiaodie, so my legs are thin and long, but I'm not ladylike at all. They always kick me with them!"

In the end, Ke Bei obviously became more and more angry as he talked.

"If I fall in love with that woman, I will... I will..."

As for what, Ke Bei couldn't say anything.

Luo Xia didn't want to make fun of him at first, but after hearing what Ke Bei said, he suddenly became interested again, and asked casually, "Just what?"

"Just...just punish me to be tortured by her for the rest of my life!"

Ke Bei thought for a long time, and finally thought of a punishment that made him feel extremely cruel.

"Haha, okay, I've made a note of your flag today, and I hope it will come true one day."

Seeing Ke Bei with such a pure heart, Luo Xia's mood also improved, and he couldn't help teasing him.

But Luo Xia didn't believe that what Ke Bei said just now would come true one day.

If the two are really together... With their character of pinching each other when they meet, it would be nice if they don't fight every day!

"Don't mention that woman, just thinking about it makes people uncomfortable. By the way, Brother Xia, what were you thinking just now?"

Ke Bei and Luo Xia didn't stay long on the topic of Qiu Yunyun, and quickly changed the topic.

In fact, it's not a change of subject, because when he saw Luo Xia's expression just now, he clearly looked a little nostalgic.

Hearing this, Luo Xia smiled and said, "I remembered the original intention of my senior sister and the others to form this team."


Hearing Luo Xia's words, Ke Bei groaned lightly, unable to react for a while.

Hearing this, Luo Xia smiled slightly and explained to Ke Bei.

Just like what Luo Xia thought in his mind just now, when Luo Xia and Lu Shiyan's team was first formed, there were only five people.

The original members were Luo Xia, Lu Shiyan, Qiu Yunyun, Xia Rou, and Zhong Xiaodie.

The original intention of the establishment at that time, even thinking about coming to Luoxia now feels a little funny, but it was only for the mere tens of thousands of league bonuses.

But that time, Luo Xia also knew the importance of money for the first time.

If there was no money, Luo Hai's medical expenses at that time were not enough, and he might have left him directly, and Luo Zhixuan might also be taken advantage of by some men with ulterior motives.

If there wasn't that money back then...

Luo Xia didn't even dare to think about the consequences!
But in the end, the money for participating in the Internet Cafe League wasn't enough to pay Feiying back. Of course, Feiying didn't care at all.

In the last Internet Cafe League, only the first league trophy in Luoxia's life was left. Although it was small, it had extraordinary significance and was always treasured by Luoxia.

At the same time, Luo Xia gained an extremely precious friendship with Lu Shiyan and the others.

Thinking about it now, I really miss it.

However, it seems that in this process, it is not limited to friendship...

Thinking of this, Luo Xia couldn't help but think of the time when Zhong Xiaodie liked him before, and Mu Xueyi's confession recently.

Luo Xia couldn't help thinking, if Mu Xueyi could treat him like everyone else, it would be great.

Just like Qiu Yunyun often teased him before, Luo Xia also felt that there was nothing wrong with it, but felt very relaxed.

It's okay to be like Lu Shiyan, treat him as a relatively close friend, but have no other feelings, just a pure friendship.

Instead of being like this now, I feel embarrassed when I think about it...

In fact, Luo Xia dragged Ke Bei to the audience to watch the game today, to a certain extent, to temporarily avoid Mu Xueyi.

Otherwise, that stubborn and stubborn girl might not be able to do anything.

Of course Luo Xia would not tell Ke Bei about the last ones, he is still suffering from a headache!
Hearing what Luo Xia told him, Ke Bei nodded with a vague understanding.

Ke Bei knew some of what Luo Xia said before, but this was the first time he heard Luo Xia mention it in such detail.

At this time, Ke Bei didn't know what came to mind, and suddenly asked: "Brother Xia, how is your training for sister Xueyi going? Is the effect obvious?"

Hearing Ke Bei's words, Luo Xia's expression became obviously unnatural.

"Training... is okay, but the effect should not be so fast, after all, the time is too short."

Luo Xia casually found a reason, but only he himself knew it, so it was not a reason at all.

Luo Xia didn't need to think about the training that day, but he knew that it didn't have much effect.

Luo Xia didn't even know whether Mu Xueyi had listened or not. After all, her mind was not on training at all.

"oh, I see."

Ke Bei didn't know what Luo Xia was thinking, but when he heard Luo Xia's words, he nodded slightly.

"In this case, brother Xia, you must help sister Xueyi train well."

"I feel that sister Xueyi is really pitiful."

It was just Ke Bei's unintentional words, but Luo Xia was completely stunned.


(End of this chapter)

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