Chapter 915 What the hell kind of play! (third change)
Caught off guard by the sea waves and dust, he was directly hit by the E skill of the spider.

Seeing this spider web, Cang Hai Langchen didn't come to his senses for a while, and Chen He was also a little confused.

The wild spider on the opposite side has been squatting here?
He is not developed yet!
Before the two could react, something else appeared in the grass.

"Phantom chain!"

A long chain was thrown straight from the grass, and it was directly attached to Xia's body.

It's the E skill of Enchantress, Phantom Chain!

Now Chen He is also a little messy, the spider and the witch are all squatting here?
This... what the hell kind of play is this.

Wait, if both the spider and the witch are there, then Delevingne
"Who wants some Draven!"

And just halfway through the thoughts in his heart, there was an arrogant laugh, and Delevingne rushed out of the grass spinning a throwing axe.

Chen He is completely dumbfounded now, spider, enchantress, Draven
The three of them have been squatting here since the beginning!
He seemed to recall the time when he just played League of Legends and didn't understand anything.

At that time, two people in the bottom lane were squatting in the grass and preparing to face each other in the early stage. It was a very naive style of play, and I didn't expect to see it today.


Draven's throwing ax slashed on Xia's body, sparking a long line of blood.

Chen He finally came to his senses, no matter what the opponent's routine was, it really worked now!

Xia, who is in the sea and the dust, is only at the first level now. She was swallowed by a spider and chained by the demon girl's chain. The situation is very critical.

Besides, the AD on the opposite side is still a very strong Delevingne in the early stage!

"Pendulum of doom!"

When Delevingne's second ax was about to come out, Thresh pushed Delevingne away with his skills one by one.

Draven is only level [-]. At such a close distance, he doesn't need to flash, otherwise he won't be able to dodge Chen He's E skill at all.

Lu Shiyan didn't seem to care about it at all, she was still trying her best to calm down the chaotic Xia.

Xia Rou's spider and Luo Xia's bewitching girl are also using flat A to touch Xia non-stop.

Cang Hailangchen's eyes were a bit more dignified. As a professional player, how could he not know that the control time of the spider's first-level E skill is 1.6 seconds.

The enchantress' chain takes effect after 1.5 seconds after being chained to a person.

The co-operation between the enchantress and the spider is almost a kind of endless control!

The stun time of the spider E skill is released, and Xia Hailangchen will be restrained by the enchantress again for 1.5 seconds, which can be said to be a seamless connection.

In addition, the restraint time of the enchantress chain is 1.5 seconds, and the restraint time of the spider E skill is included, which is a full 3.1 control time.

Because of Luo Xia's little routine, Cang Hailangchen was restrained for three seconds, unable to move!
Even though Delevingne is only level [-] now and his attack speed is not fast, he can already deal a lot of damage in three seconds with Enchantress and Spider.

Xia's blood volume was abruptly reduced to less than half blood.

"call out!"

After the restraint time ended, Cang Hailangchen directly and decisively handed in the flash, and flashed to the rear.

At the same time, his eyes were a little more solemn, and he kept pressing his fingers tightly on the F key.

If the Enchantress on the opposite side or Delevingne followed suit, he would definitely press Heal without hesitation.

Because the opponent dodges, it means that the opponent has murderous intentions against him.

The enchantress is carrying an ignition, if the enchantress is ignited first and then healed, the healing effect will be halved.

Of course, Canghai Langchen would not make such a mistake, he would not turn in treatment after seeing that he was about to die after being hung up and ignited.

What made him feel a little relieved was that after he flashed, neither Draven nor the Enchantress chased after him, and quickly retreated.

The spider also left quickly and walked towards the wild area.

Seeing this, Cang Hailangchen still had a calm expression on his face, drank blood medicine and slowly recovered, and began to develop A soldiers.

Although his hand was pressed tightly on the F key just now, in fact he was still not afraid of Draven or the Enchantress following him.

He has deduced countless times in his mind about the possible results just now, as well as the damage calculation.

If the enchantress flashes over, he will heal directly without hesitation, even if the enchantress turns in the ignition later, he will not be afraid.

If Draven also flashes over, Chen He's Thresh will decisively weaken Draven.

As for the spiders who learned the E skill at the first level, their combat effectiveness can already be ignored.

Even if the two sides really fought to the death just now, at most the two sides exchanged the skills of the summoner to the same level.

It is absolutely impossible for Xia who wants to kill him on the other side.

But now, he still lost a flash and a bottle of blood medicine.
Seeing the results of this wave of both sides, the youth academy players below were about to explode.

"What kind of play is this, it's too weird!"

"What a weird thing, it's almost shameless."

"That's right, there's no level one called jungler to squat, it's almost impossible for spiders to develop."

"Isn't this kind of routine only seen in matches that are not at the full level? How can it be used in games like this!"

"Let them do it like this, the captain is really at a loss. A flash plus a bottle of blood medicine is very fatal in the early stage!"

"Hmph, this kind of reckless style of play, they will suffer in a short while, the spiders share the experience, let's see how they grab the second!"


The youth academy players below are really about to blow up, and they don't care about whispering, and they are very dissatisfied.

This wave, Luo Xia's routine is really too dirty.

Canghai Langchen was caught off guard and directly suffered a big loss.

You know, this is a loss of a flash and a bottle of blood medicine, and the next line will be greatly affected.

The only thing that made them feel a little relieved was that this wave of spiders shared the experience of Delevingne and Enchantress.

Xia and Thresh must be able to arrive two times earlier than Draven and Enchantress. If they make good use of this opportunity, they may be able to fight back these disadvantages.

"Captain, my question, I should have gone to insert the ward earlier."

In the voice of the team, Chen He said with some shame.

If he had gone over to intervene in advance, there would be no such thing.

"Chen He, it's not your fault. I didn't think of it either. It can only be said that the opponent hit us in a psychological blind spot."

Canghai Langchen skillfully repaired the knife, and said lightly.

"After all, one thing is good. The spiders share the experience of the opponent, and we can grab the second. This is what we can use."

Hearing this, Chen He nodded, and he stopped blaming himself, and focused his attention on the opposite line.

"Chang Hai Lang Chen, in your heart right now, you don't want to compete with Thresh for second place, do you?"

Looking at Xia and Thresh on the opposite side, Luo Xia's mouth gradually revealed a smile.

"If that's the case, then you're really hooked..."


(End of this chapter)

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