Chapter 920 Littering skills? (Second update)
After the resurrection of Xia from the waves of the sea, she quickly rushed to the line.

Even with his state of mind, he felt a little uneasy at this moment.

Apart from meeting Luo Xia and Lu Shiyan last time, this was the first time he suffered such a big loss online.

It can be said that he was completely calculated in the last wave.

And it's not just an ordinary calculation. What's even more frightening is that Draven and Enchantress are also very powerful.

Thinking of Delevingne's bob E dodging his barb, Cang Hailangchen's face became more and more serious.

"Captain, do you need me to help out in the bottom lane?"

At this time, the substitute jungler in the team asked softly.

"No, just proceed as planned." Cang Hailangchen said.

Hearing what Cang Hailangchen said, the jungler didn't say anything.

In his opinion, although Canghai Langchen had his first blood removed, fortunately it is the early stage, and the resurrection time is very short.

What the sea waves and dust lose is just a blood, a wave of soldiers, and a little bit of experience and level.

With his strength, the disadvantage can definitely be easily recovered.

Unless... Cang Hailangchen is killed again...

But thinking about that situation is impossible, the jungler also felt relieved and went to other roads to find opportunities.

Luo Xia and Lu Shiyan have also come online. At the beginning, because of the lack of experience, the overall experience of the two of them was slightly lower than that of the other.

Now because of killing Xia, who was in the sea, and eating a wave of soldiers, the experience of the two of them has already surpassed!

Enchantress is already level two, and Draven is already level three!
On the other side of the waves of the sea, there are two levels of Thresh and two levels of Xia.

Draven and Enchantress have a level lead. Although it is not obvious, such a level lead in the bottom lane is enough for them to take the lead.

And when Delevingne returned to the city just now, he updated his equipment.

Compared with the pitiful Dolan sword on Xia, Delevingne has a Dolan double long sword!

Coupled with Delevingne's incomparable oppressive power, Xia will definitely feel extremely uncomfortable online.


During the process of making up the knife between the two sides, Delevingne found an opportunity and exchanged another blow with Xia.

With a slash of the axe, Xia's blood volume dropped by a large amount.

Compared to the damage Delevingne caused to Xia, the damage Xia caused to Delevingne is simply negligible.

Fortunately, Xia's support is a Thresh, and the damage of the basic attack in the early stage is hardly weaker than that of AD.

Coupled with his control skills, it can somewhat shock Delevingne.

Otherwise, if Xia's support was a soft support, she would have been crushed by Draven for a long time.

Even so, after a few waves of blood changes, Xia's blood volume has already been significantly short.

Luo Xia has been waiting for an opportunity

A burst of white light lit up, and Luo Xia's enchantress was promoted to the third level, while Xia was still at the second level.

"The Shadow Lost!"

When he was about to reach the third level, Luo Xia's enchantress position had already moved forward obviously.

At the moment when she was promoted to the third level, Yao Ji stepped on Xia's body with a W skill while Xia was making up the sword.


After Yao Ji's W landed, Xia Fei quickly gave Yao Ji a flat A.

After activating the second stage W to return to the original position, Luo Xia glanced at Xia on the screen with admiration.

"Very good response."

After the revision of the enchantress, although her abilities have been enhanced in all aspects, there is one thing that has been weakened, and that is her W skill.

In the past, the hand speed was fast enough, and the W skill can really change positions without delay.

Now after the W skill has passed, there is a delay of about 0.75 seconds before it can be changed back.

For some ordinary players, maybe this 0.75 seconds makes no difference, but for masters, this 0.75 seconds is enough for them to catch a lot of things.

For example, after he stepped on it just now, Cang Hailangchen hit Ping A on him almost subconsciously.

Such a reaction is not something ordinary people have.

"However, that's all there is to it..."

Thinking of this, Luo Xia counted the time and blasted over with a Q skill.

"Break the magic ball!"

Seeing this scene, the group of players on the sidelines curled their lips.

I thought the bot lane combination on the opposite side was so powerful, but it doesn't look like much!

In their opinion, Delevingne is very powerful, but this enchantress is obviously much worse.

Except for the E chain on the side of the grass at the first level, there is also an E flash that is barely a bit more showy, so there is nothing too eye-catching.

Just like after the W was canceled, he was hit by the waves of the sea, and now he threw a Q skill around.

Why do you say littering?
Because anyone can see that the passive that the enchantress just put on Xia has not finished turning.

Now this Q skill is just an ordinary Q, and it can't deal passive damage at all.

The hearts of this group of people were full of disdain, but soon, everyone's faces froze.

I saw Yao Ji's Q skill flying over, and Xia's passive was also slowly turning.

When Yao Ji's Q skill hit Xia, Xia's passive just turned to full.


After this Q skill, Yao Ji's passive damage was directly hit, and the group of youth training camp players outside the field were completely dumbfounded.

Also. Can it still be like this?

They didn't even notice just now that the moment the demon girl raised her hand with her Q skill, she immediately hit a tie A.

This hair tied A, almost to the point of seamless connection.

I don't know if they would have ridiculed them if they noticed this.

"It takes about 1.5 seconds for Yao Ji to turn around passively. His Q skill just now was thrown out in about 1.25 seconds."

"Calculate the ballistic speed of the Q skill, and directly hit the skill damage when the passive is improved, this enchantress..."

Seeing that the amount of HP was reduced, even Cang Hailangchen gritted his teeth lightly.

The two people on the opposite side are not only Delevingne, but even the auxiliary enchantress is extremely strong.

His current confidence has even shaken in the slightest. If the jungler is not allowed to help, he and Chen He may...not be able to fight?


At this time, Chen He's Thresh had also risen to level three.

Clicking on the W skill gave him an extra guarantee in his heart.

The only thing he regrets now is that he learned the Q skill in the second level Nabo, but did not learn the W skill.

In the last wave of confrontation between the two sides, his Q skill can be said to have no effect.

After clicking on the W skill, he felt relieved a lot.

Now when the Enchantress comes to consume, he can use the W skill to help the sea waves offset the damage.

And his current position is slightly behind the waves of the sea.

If the opponent has a jungler to catch, you can also use a lantern to help the sea and waves escape.

After all, the sea waves and dust did not flash, his lantern, now can be said to be a very important displacement.

However, Chen He didn't know that at the end of the hero selection of both sides, his lantern had already been counted by Luo Xia...


(End of this chapter)

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