Chapter 923 Good Die! (Second update)
The waves of the sea, now it can be said that everything is understood.

When Spider came to the bottom lane at level [-], his seemingly naive play style achieved great results, playing his flash and blood potion.

He and Chen He originally thought that the spider would share the experience of Draven and Enchantress, and the two of them could grab the second place.

As a result, it was too aggressive, and the first blood was sent directly.

Spider, who thought that if he ordered the E skill at the first level, the jungler would be very hurt, after sharing this experience, he defeated those little monsters and rose to the second level.

It can be said that Canghai Langchen and the others always felt that the opponent had a somewhat naive style of play, but it was actually a set.

A chain set, a big set!
Level [-] handicap experience, a style of play that seems to be full of flaws, is actually extremely subtle.

Because of this, they relaxed their vigilance twice, and the price of these two vigilances was the two heads of Chao Hailangchen!
The spider also relied on the experience rune to reach the second level with the help of Galio.

After clearing the wild and countering the wild, he quickly reached the fourth level and came to Gank.

Needless to say, spiders have the ability to jump towers. After a set of flying to transfer hatred, even in the early stage, they have the ability to jump towers.

Not to mention that Delevingne's damage is so high that there is no need for spiders to carry many towers, and there is no danger in jumping towers.

The sea waves and dust finally understood Luo Xia's other intention in choosing Galio.

Galio's Q skill does too much damage to F6 mobs.

A Q skill will directly smash them to a bloodskin.

The spider can be taken away by leveling A a few times, and they can fight big monsters after getting the second level.

Simply, it is an incomparably deep routine!

But Cang Hailangchen didn't know, Luo Xia's intention to let Zhong Xiaodie choose the mid laner Galio, he still hadn't guessed a few points.

Luo Xia's routine is much deeper than he imagined...

Looking at the enchantress on the screen, Cang Hai Langchen felt a chill run down his back.

To this young man named Luo Xia, it was really terrifying!

"Who is this male captain opposite?" Cang Hai Langchen couldn't help thinking this way.

If it is said that Luo Xia is just the captain of an ordinary university team, Cang Hailangchen will never believe it!

"An ally has been slain!"

At this time, there was another notification sound on the field, and Luo Xia looked at the screen, and the source of the sound came from the top road.

"How could this prince come around from there, it's really hateful!"

After being caught to death by the prince, Qiu Yunyun said extremely annoyed.

She made all the eye positions for the river, but the prince didn't go there at all, but got stuck in a field of vision and squatted in the grass in front of the opposite tower.

Compared with Jess, although Dashu's laning ability is weaker, he is stronger in other aspects.

The game all pays attention to a balance. Heroes who are strong in laning are mostly weak in team battles, and heroes who are strong in team battles are mostly weak in laning.

As for Dashu, although he is weaker than Jess in laning ability, his ability to cooperate with the jungle is much better than Jess.

A flashing W skill tied up Jess tightly, no matter how disabled the prince is, he can still knock Jess into the air.

In addition, Qiu Yunyun's Jess didn't have much health, and under the output of the two opposite people, he directly sent his own head.

"It doesn't matter, Yunyun, you have done a good job, at least you have kept the big tree on the road."

"If the big tree teleported around and came down just now, nothing might happen to our bot lane."

"Besides, Dashu's ability to cooperate with the jungler is already strong. The opponent is still a prince with a knock-up ability. It's not your problem if you get caught and killed."

Hearing what Luo Xia said, Qiu Yunyun felt a little better.

All she wanted in her heart was to keep the big tree on the road, and she did it to some extent.

And this wave of opponents didn't know whether it was because of a mistake or something, her head was taken away by the prince.

Dashu didn't get any economy, and couldn't update any equipment, so she won't have too much pressure on the line in the future.

After the gank of both junglers in the bottom lane and the top lane, the score on the field is now 2:1.

It seems that the gap is not big, but in fact, anyone who cares can see that the WSF team has fallen into an absolute disadvantage.

Their strongest bottom lane, not only failed to crush the opponent, but was restricted by the opponent's development.

The waves of the sea are even more miserable. They were targeted and killed twice in the early stage, and their development has become a problem.

Under the ebb and flow, Luo Xia and the others have a much greater advantage in the bottom lane.

Especially their AD in the bottom lane is Draven. I believe it is a player who knows how terrible Draven has the advantage.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many incidents of Draven's abuse of springs.

After killing Xia, Yao Ji and Spider have not much health because they took turns fighting against the tower, so logically speaking, they should retreat directly.

Luo Xia originally had this idea in his heart, but now he has changed his mind.

"Haha, Yunyun, you've done a good thing this time, a good death, a good death!"

Qiu Yunyun: "..."

If she wasn't playing a game now, with her violent temper, she really wanted to push Luo Xia to the ground and beat her up.

I was caught dead, and you said I died well?

Why do these words sound so irritating!
"Haha, I laughed so hard, Yunyun, it's a good death for you~"

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Xia Rou finally couldn't help laughing.

She still remembered how Qiu Yunyun laughed at her just now, so she fought back directly.

Luo Xia didn't realize it, and directly controlled the enchantress to tear down the tower.

Lu Shiyan knew what he was thinking, and she also controlled Draven, slashing at the defensive tower with one axe.

Xia Rou also quickly stopped laughing and helped the two of them dismantle the tower together.

It wasn't the time when she didn't understand anything, her consciousness had improved a lot, so she naturally knew what Luo Xia meant by 'die well'.

Although Qiu Yunyun's Jess was caught and killed, he also used this to expose the position of the opposite prince.

The prince is on the road now, and he must not be able to catch up, and the spring in the middle road is also held back by Galio.

Xia who went down the road was killed just now, as for Thresh...

He doesn't even have a flash, if he dares to come back to defend the tower, Lu Shiyan's Draven can take his head away with a few axes!

The only thing to worry about now is the teleportation of the big tree, but the big tree alone can't play much role.

Such a good opportunity, how could the tower not be demolished!
Although it is impossible to take down this tower directly, it can greatly consume the blood volume of the tower.

After all, they now have three people, and there is still a large wave of troops fighting against the tower!
Seeing the three of Delevingne demolishing the tower, the youth academy players who were on the sidelines were a little anxious.

Draven's current economy is already very good. If the economy of the first tower is completely eaten up, it will be invincible during this period of time!
(End of this chapter)

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