Chapter 934 Discovery (Second Update)

"Eh, master?"

Hearing Lu Shiyan's words, Luo Xia couldn't help but pause slightly, feeling a little surprised.

Although he had such an idea in his mind, every time he thought of it, he rejected it.

Unexpectedly, this is really the answer.

After recovering, Luo Xia said with interest: "Shi Yan, what kind of master is it?"

After Luo Xia finished speaking, Lu Shiyan didn't answer, as if she was embarrassing something.

After a while, just when she made up her mind and was about to tell Luo Xia, Luo Xia waved her hand lightly.

"Shiyan, needless to say, if I guessed correctly, your master won't let you tell others."

"I'm just asking casually, you don't have to be so embarrassed."

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Lu Shiyan bit her lower lip lightly, and her jade hands were also entangled subconsciously.

"I'm sorry, Luo...Xia, I didn't mean to hide it from you."

Seeing her at a loss, like a child who made a mistake, Luo Xia couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, Shiyan, why are you so nervous, I really just asked casually."

"I didn't ask you before, and it's normal that you didn't tell me. Of course, you didn't hide it from me on purpose."

"Besides, you were ready to tell me just now, which means that you really regard me as a friend. How can I let you break your promise?"

Luo Xia laughed. Although he looked carefree, he was not stupid at all.

From Lu Shiyan's embarrassed expression, he knew that she must have agreed to something to her so-called master.

The most likely thing is not to reveal her identity, how could Luo Xia force her to break her promise.

Lu Shiyan can be said to be the person who understands him best, and Luo Xia, isn't it the person who understands her best?

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Lu Shiyan's hanging heart was relieved.

"Luo Xia, thank you." Lu Shiyan said.

Luo Xia copied the noodles in his hand, and said casually, "What's there to thank for that?"

After finishing speaking, he added a little worried: "Shi Yan, is your master male or female?"

Seeing Luo Xia's expression, Lu Shiyan smiled slightly, instinctively trying to deceive him, and said, "Man."


Hearing Lu Shiyan's words, Luo Xia froze for a moment, if the chopsticks were not stuck in the noodles, they would definitely fall on the table.

Putting down the chopsticks, Luo Xia wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

Persuade her?
It must be a good thing for her to improve her strength so fast, but...

After a while, Luo Xia could only scratch his hair vigorously.

"Shiyan, that...protect yourself."

Seeing his hesitant expression for several times, Lu Shiyan covered her mouth and smiled lightly, finally she didn't lie to him again.

"Pfft~ I'll believe anyone who lied to you, my master is of course a woman."

Hearing what he said, Luo Xia was slightly taken aback, but then grabbed his hair vigorously.

It seemed that he was a little angry, but he was really relieved in his heart.

If it's really a man, he would pretend to be Lu Shiyan's master and leave her alone...

Luo Xia didn't need to think about it, he knew what kind of idea that man was up to!

Looking at Luo Xia opposite, the smile on the corner of Lu Shiyan's mouth grew stronger.

But in her heart, she was indeed thinking about other things.

"Now, I should have passed the second stage that Master said. Recently, do you want to..."


At this time, an exaggerated sucking sound sounded, interrupting Lu Shiyan's thoughts.

Seeing Luo Xia's head down, eating noodles without saying a word, Lu Shiyan also picked up her chopsticks.

But she didn't eat, but sent half of the noodles to Luo Xia's bowl as before.

Afterwards, he carefully picked all the meat slices into his bowl.

Luo Xia looked up at her, his cheeks bulged suddenly.

"Let you lie to me just now, and let me worry about you for a long time."

"When I left today, when I shook hands with that Cang Hailangchen, you didn't speak for me!"

Luo Xia read it angrily, and under Lu Shiyan's astonished eyes, copied her remaining half bowl of noodles into her own bowl.

"Don't even think about eating this half bowl of noodles. How about it, are you afraid?"

Seeing Luo Xia's childish temper, Lu Shiyan was stunned for a while, and then couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing lightly.

"Don't be afraid, you can eat, I will watch you eat."

As she spoke, she gently leaned her two jade arms on the table, supported her flawless chin, and looked at Luo Xia with beautiful eyes.

Luo Xia was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect his threat to have no effect.

"I really ate it." Luo Xia said carefully.

Hearing this, Lu Shiyan blinked her eyes lightly, and the corners of her mouth raised a very nice arc.Did not speak.

Seeing this, Luo Xia took a mouthful of noodles carefully, and found that she didn't react at all, and was still looking at him with beautiful eyes.

Luo Xia extravagantly ate several slices of meat in succession, and Lu Shiyan still looked at him with a gentle face.

That way, it looks like a husband stone...

Luo Xia couldn't stand being watched by her, and said: "Forget it, you are not afraid, but I am afraid of you."

After speaking, Luo Xia called the waiter over and ordered another bowl of noodles for her.

During this process, Lu Shiyan still didn't say anything, and didn't even make a move to stop Luo Xia.

Luo Xia looked at the large bowl of noodles made up of two bowls of noodles in front of him, and exhaled lightly.

"It's okay, okay, although the two bowls of noodles are a little too much, they are still edible." Luo Xia said to himself.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, a sly smile appeared on the corner of Lu Shiyan's mouth.

"Luo Xia, you are wrong, I can only eat half a bowl, what you want to eat is not two bowls of noodles, but..."

Lu Shiyan stopped talking in the middle of her sentence, and still looked at Luo Xia with her beautiful eyes blinking.

"Two... two and a half bowls of noodles?"

After understanding the meaning of Lu Shiyan's words, Luo Xia had a bitter look on his face.

"Why... why is this..."

If he had known, he wouldn't have copied Lu Shiyan's half bowl of noodles in a fit of anger just now.


Seeing Luo Xia's appearance, Lu Shiyan finally couldn't help but chuckled again.

This smile, like a hundred flowers blooming, is extremely beautiful.





In the noodle restaurant, I don't know how many sounds of tableware touching the ground, and the sound of swallowing saliva can be heard faintly.

Many boys looked at this beautiful scene blankly as if they had lost their souls.

It wasn't until the ear was grabbed by the female companion beside him that he finally came back to his senses.

Lu Shiyan didn't realize it, she only had Luo Xia in front of her eyes.

Luo Xia was even more ignorant, looking at the big bowl of noodles in front of him, the corner of his mouth was full of bitterness.

He didn't notice at all that he had become the envy of all the men in the noodle shop.

Behind his back, he did not know how many murderous looks he had endured.

In this small noodle restaurant, the beautiful girl who covered her mouth and smiled lightly, and the handsome boy with a sad face became the focus of everyone.

At this time, outside the noodle shop, a petite figure stood in a corner by the wall.

This petite figure was none other than Mu Xueyi.

Through the glass, she saw clearly Luo Xia and Lu Shiyan who were sitting opposite each other, and she couldn't help turning slightly pale.

Her eyes lingered on Lu Shiyan's beautiful side face for a long time.

After a while, Mu Xueyi pursed her lips lightly, and left silently.


(End of this chapter)

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