Chapter 936 A Subtle Change (Part [-])
Hearing Fei Luo's words, Li Hongwei didn't say anything, he still had that cold expression.

A trace of shame appeared on Fei Luo's face, and he said, "Coach, I was wrong, I shouldn't have such thoughts."

Hearing what Fei Luo said, Li Hongwei's face softened a little.

"It's good to understand, Fei Luo. It's good to be able to eliminate the four-star team, but if you can't be eliminated, don't force it."

"Compared to eliminating the four-star team, I don't want to see you lose that will to win!"

At the end, Li Hongwei's voice was obviously a little higher, and he looked around at everyone in the backstage area.

What he said was not only for Fei Luo, but also for everyone!

Seeing Zuo Tiande and the others' bodies tremble, and then their expressions became firm, Li Hongwei didn't say anything, pushed open the door and walked out.

After closing the door, Li Hongwei frowned gradually, and picked up the folder that he had looked through countless times.

Above, the grouping of each team, as well as the current number of wins, are clearly marked.

In addition, there are many long lines connected to each team, which looks extremely complicated and even a bit messy.

Only Li Hongwei could understand this folder.

After a few days of competition, the qualifying situation between each group has gradually become clear.

Li Hongwei is not at all worried about qualifying for the QWG group.

No one knows better than him what kind of iron-blooded lion this team trained by him is!

However, he couldn't help paying attention to the grouping of the quarter-finals and the semi-finals.

Just as Li Hongwei said, it is good for the Korean four-star team to be eliminated, but if they cannot be eliminated, they will not force it.

The grouping of the quarter-finals is closely related to the situation of the group stage, and has always affected the subsequent grouping of the semi-finals.

Even if it is a smart person, it is impossible to make a complete prediction.

Li Hongwei has long guessed several worst outcomes
"I hope the truth is not that bad." Li Hongwei sighed.

Staring at the folder for a while, his brows were first furrowed, and finally slowly relaxed.

After closing the folder, he strode away from the backstage area.



In that noodle shop, after Luo Xia ate the last bite of noodles, it seemed like he had accomplished such a huge achievement.

He didn't care about his image, and burped heavily.

"Luo...Xia, is it okay for you to eat so much?"

While Luo Xia was eating this big bowl of noodles, Lu Shiyan first smiled, then slowly turned into surprise, and finally turned into worry.

"No problem, I've eaten them all."

Luo Xia said triumphantly, raised the corner of the bowl a little while speaking, and shook it lightly at her as if to show off.

Except for the half of the soup left in the bowl, there was no trace of any noodles.

"Phew, I finally ate them all. If there is more than half a bowl, I really can't eat it anymore."

Luo Xia patted his slightly swollen abdomen, and said with some fear.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Lu Shiyan was a little puzzled: " don't need to eat them all. If you can't eat them, just put them here."

"Why, do you have to force yourself to eat them all?"

Luo Xia: "..."

Lu Shiyan's words really woke him up.

Why does he want to eat them all!

This is a question that he has never thought about
"Ah, Shiyan, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Luo Xia grabbed his hair vigorously, "If you had reminded me earlier, I would not have eaten so much, and now I am well fed."

Hearing what Luo Xia said, Lu Shiyan was slightly taken aback.

She didn't expect that Luo Xia didn't realize this aspect at all.

Seeing Luo Xia grabbing her hair vigorously, she finally couldn't help but chuckled.

Luo Xia, was so simple that it couldn't be more simple.

Grabbing her hair vigorously, Luo Xia raised her head, just in time to meet Lu Shiyan's smiling face.

Seeing her beautiful smile, Luo Xia felt that the irritability in his heart had disappeared a bit.

"Shiyan, you laugh more now than before."

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Lu Shiyan was slightly stunned.

Soon, she came back to her senses and said, "I used to love to laugh too, didn't I?"

"That's different."

Luo Xia said: "In the past, you laughed very... Standard, yes, it is standard!

Luo Xia scratched his head, and finally thought of a more appropriate metaphor in his opinion.

In the past, when Lu Shiyan smiled, there was always a very faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

It looks neither humble nor overbearing, giving people a feeling of being neither close nor distant.

That kind of smile is not the smile that comes out when the heart is really happy.

However, recently Luo Xia found that she really laughed more and more times, and it was no longer the standard light smile.

This increased her overall charm by a large margin.

Lu Shiyan was originally beautiful, just by her exquisite pretty face, it was enough to attract the attention of passers-by.

Now she is even more confident than before, her gestures are elegant, and her frown and smile are charming.

The beauty that blooms inadvertently has fascinated many men.

Looking at Luo Xia in front of her, Lu Shiyan still had a smile on her lips, but her eyes gradually became hazy.

She, has become fond of laughing?
Only she knew that Luo Xia had inadvertently opened up many knots in her heart.

And Luo Xia's unintentional few words helped her point out the direction of her life and gave her an unprecedented warm feeling.

Luo Xia even let her know what it means to worry about someone, to care about someone, and...

"All of this is because"

Lu Shiyan spoke softly, speaking in a voice that only she could hear.


Luo Xia didn't hear what she said, and asked subconsciously.

Lu Shiyan shook her head lightly and said, "It's nothing."

Seeing that she didn't want to talk, he didn't ask any more questions, but couldn't help muttering: "Not only does she love to laugh more, but she also becomes mysterious."

Luo Xia's muttering was not loud, but it still fell into Lu Shiyan's ears.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, the smile on the corners of Lu Shiyan's mouth became even stronger, and she looked at him without blinking her beautiful eyes, as if she wanted to stare at him for a while longer.

Luo Xia's stomach was still a little bloated because of that big bowl of noodles, so naturally she didn't want to leave now.

Her little wish was fulfilled.

"Although time does not stop, it has been presented in other ways."

"That's actually pretty good."

When the two came to this noodle restaurant for dinner for the first time, she once lamented that time would not stand still, thinking that the opportunity to be alone would never come again.

Now, in her view, although time cannot stay there, it has been presenting in other forms.

Just like the two are now, they are still sitting opposite each other.

Lu Shiyan herself didn't realize that after meeting Luo Xia, her perspective on problems had changed a lot...


(End of this chapter)

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