Chapter 938 What are you planning again? (third change)
After the match between the two teams, the audience in the live broadcast room had already scolded.

"Damn, what are you playing?!"

"It's like this for a wild card team, what a shame!"

"As expected of the No. [-] seeded team, it's garbage like always!"

"I won't watch any EAF games from now on, the more I watch, the more irritable I will be!"


Seeing that the EAF team lost the game again, the audience was almost cursing.

The three commentators also had a slightly unsightly expression on their faces.

Maybe the audience was really angry watching it, or maybe the second game had nothing to do with LPL and didn't appeal to the audience.

After the first match, the number of spectators plummeted.

Luo Xia frowned again, "It's really an incomprehensible team."

He couldn't understand this EAF team more and more.

"Ring Ling~"

Just when Luo Xia was feeling very strange, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Luo Xia took the phone casually, and when he saw the number on it, a look of astonishment flashed across his face, and the hand that was about to press the answer button also hesitated.

This number is none other than Jin Yuena!
Although she didn't know what this goblin-like woman was calling for, Luo Xia subconsciously felt that it was definitely not a good thing.

"Ring Ling~"

The phone was still ringing, but Luo Xia still didn't pick it up.

After a while, Luo Xia took a deep breath and pressed the answer button.

"Hehehe, good brother, do you miss your sister?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Jin Yuena's soft and charming voice came from the other end of the phone.

Even though Luo Xia was ready, he still couldn't control his whole body going limp, and almost threw his phone on the ground.

Before Luo Xia could say anything, she only heard Jin Yuena say angrily and resentfully: "Actually, my sister knows that you don't have a sister in your heart at all."

"I have to hesitate for such a long time to answer my sister's phone call. Are you really not afraid that my sister will be sad?"

Hearing Jin Yuena's words, Luo Xia was slightly taken aback. He was about to say something, but Jin Yuena spoke before him.

"Good brother, do you want to say that you just heard the phone ringing? This kind of lie can't fool my sister~"

After Jin Yuena finished speaking, Luo Xia was stunned, and couldn't help but hold back what she wanted to say.

After regaining consciousness, Luo Xia thought of some terrible possibility, and looked towards several remote locations on the wall with lightning speed.

"Good brother, you are not looking to see if my sister has installed surveillance at your place, are you?"

Luo Xia: "."

"Heck, it looks like my sister guessed right, don't worry, my sister won't do such a shameful thing~"

"If I see the strong body of my good brother, my sister will blush~"

Hearing Jin Yuena's words, Luo Xia suppressed the shock in his heart, and didn't know what to say for a while.

He was sure that, as Jin Yuena said, there was no surveillance in the room.

But in this way, it was surprising that she had guessed all his actions just now!
If she had a pair of eyes, it would not be surprising that she could do all this, but the problem is that she doesn't have such a pair of eyes at all.

Her incomparably precise calculations are equivalent to a pair of invisible eyes, this woman...
Luo Xia moved his lips, wanted to say something a few times, but in the end he held back.

He knew that he must not follow this goblin woman's train of thought, otherwise, he would fall into her trap sooner or later.

"Well, the goblin is wrong, sister, it's really easy for a woman who is too smart to find a boyfriend." Luo Xia said carefully.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Jin Yuena's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of charming light gleamed from them.

"Fairy? Good brother, has sister always been like this in your heart~"

Luo Xia only felt sweat profusely in his heart, and for some reason, he just blurted out the thoughts in his heart.

"Ahem, sister, sister, what do you want from me?"

Luo Xia didn't linger on this topic, and hastily changed the topic.

After finishing speaking, he bit the tip of his tongue vigorously, taking advantage of the pain to calm down a lot.

"She's a goblin woman, and whatever she says next don't believe it, don't believe it"

Luo Xia repeated it over and over again in his heart.

With Jin Yuena's shrewdness, she naturally knew that Luo Xia was changing the subject, but she chose to see through this time without telling the truth.

Leaning lazily on the seat, Jin Yuena said slowly:
"Good brother, my sister wants to ask you, do you want to watch a good show?"

Hearing her words, Luo Xia was slightly taken aback, what a joke?

What is this woman thinking!
"If you don't speak, my sister will take it as your acquiescence. When the show starts in a few days, my sister will inform you~"

After finishing speaking, Jin Yuena hung up the phone directly.

Hearing the blind voice next to his ear, Luo Xia still hadn't recovered.

What is the good show that this fairy-like woman is talking about.
After hanging up the phone with Luo Xia, Jin Yuena was still lazily leaning on the seat, her curvy figure outlined to the extreme.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

At this time, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

Jin Yuena straightened up and said, "Please come in!"

In the voice, there was no trace of coquettishness, and there was even a coldness that strangers should not enter.


The door of the room was pushed open, and Jin Yuena's assistant Wang Tianzhe walked in.

"President, you are looking for me."

Wang Tianzhe lowered his head slightly, and said cautiously.

"Well, Assistant Wang, you go to the branch office in Yaodu. There is a project that I don't worry about. You go and supervise it." Jin Yuena said expressionlessly.

Hearing this, Wang Tianzhe was slightly taken aback, and didn't recover for a while.

"What, is there a problem?"

Jin Yuena's crescent eyebrows slanted, and cold eyes shot out cold lights, which made Wang Tianzhe's heart tremble, and the invisible coercion made him breathless.

"No problem, President, I won't be in a while, I'll go right away!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Tianzhe didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurriedly withdrew.

In fact, he was still very excited in his heart.

Since Jin Yuena found a female secretary, he has been afraid that his status will be affected. Now it seems that his worry is completely unnecessary.

Jin Yuena obviously values ​​him a little more!
Thinking of this, Wang Tianzhe didn't dare to delay any longer, and hurried downstairs, ready to go to the branch of Yaodu.

After Wang Tianzhe left, Jin Yuena leaned lazily on the seat again, and yawned softly.

"Hey, being the president is getting more and more boring~"

Now she didn't have the slightest dignified look on her body, and the coldness she showed in front of Wang Tianzhe just now had completely faded away.

Yuzhi lightly tapped on the table, counted the time, Jin Yuena took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Zhixuan, do something for me."

Her tone was neither as soft and charming as she was to Luo Xia, nor as cold and majestic as she was to Wang Tianzhe, but rather gentle.

"Well, it's not a big deal, I just need you to help me mobilize a small amount of money. The amount of money doesn't need to be a lot, just..."

Jin Yuena made a simple calculation and said, "Just adjust 500 billion first."

Hearing Jin Yuena's words, Luo Zhixuan's hand on the other end of the phone trembled slightly, and she almost couldn't even hold the phone firmly.

Jin Yuena's words made her completely stunned, her beautiful face was full of astonishment.

Five... 500 billion? !
(End of this chapter)

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