Chapter 954 The Heart Is Lost
Among the five members of the WSF team, except for Chen He, who had a gentle face, and Chen He, who looked normal, the other three were all in a daze.

This was the first time they saw Lu Shiyan, and they were a little absent-minded for a moment.

"It's so beautiful..."

Looking at Lu Shiyan in front of Cang Hailangchen, one of them murmured.

The beauty that simply shouldn't exist in the world deeply shocked him.

On that world-beating face, everything including the facial features are extremely delicate.

He has no doubt that even if the Creator wanted to create such a beautiful face, it would take a lot of effort.

"It''s really beautiful."

After the man finished speaking just now, the second man quickly nodded in agreement.

Although the last person did not speak, his eyes were already fixed.

"Look at how promising you are, it's like you've never seen a beautiful woman before."

Chen He lowered his voice so that Lu Shiyan could not hear him, and looked at the three of them with disdain.

It seems that he also completely forgot how he lost his composure when he saw Lu Shiyan for the first time.

Hearing Chen He's words, the three of them came back to their senses, their expressions were slightly embarrassed.

Seeing Canghai Langchen and Lu Shiyan talking about something, one of them thought for a while and said, "Chen He, you said that the captain came to this university because of this girl?"

Hearing this, Chen He shook his head, and said without thinking, "Impossible."

"Why not?" the man asked back.

Chen He glanced at him with contempt, but when he was about to explain, he froze for a moment.

A simple sentence choked him to death.

"Yeah, why is it impossible?"

If his teammates hadn't reminded him, he would never have thought about this problem.

Is it true that Chao Hai Lang Chen came here purely for the purpose of playing games?

"Langshen, why are you here this time?"

Lu Shiyan and Cang Hailangchen walked side by side, and asked softly.

Although in her heart, she had already guessed a similar one.

Cang Hai Langchen smiled slightly, and said: "President Lu, we gained a lot from the last appointment match."

"I think, if we have time, maybe we can have another dating match."

Cang Hailangchen's face was gentle, with a faint smile on his mouth, without any arrogance and indulgence, which made people look very fond of him.

However, after Cang Hailangchen finished speaking, Qiu Yunyun, who was not far behind the two, felt her legs go limp and almost fell to the ground.

Hearing Cang Hailangchen accurately express his future intentions, the last trace of luck in her heart was completely gone.

Sighing softly in her heart, she looked at Cang Hailangchen's face, hoping to see even a little joking expression on his face.

However, she didn't hold out much hope.


In the next second, Qiu Yunyun let out a sigh in her heart.

She didn't see any joking expression on Cang Hai Langchen's face, but saw other things.

Although the sea waves tried their best to hide it, but if you look carefully, you can still see something from his eyes.

He looked at Lu Shiyan with an obsession?

Lu Shiyan didn't notice Cang Hailangchen's gaze, and said: "Langchen, you're flattering us too much, our strength is really far behind yours."

Hearing the words, Canghai Langchen shook his head and said, "President Lu, don't underestimate yourself too much, I know your strength very well."

"You guys are qualified to be our opponents."

As he slowly walked into the e-sports club, Cang Hailangchen began to look at the environment here.

Compared to their training base, Lu Shiyan's e-sports club is really too small.

Looking around, you can have a panoramic view.

The decoration of some places such as the walls can also be seen to be a little old.

However, with the eyes of the sea waves, it can be seen that the machine configuration in the e-sports club is good.

The hardware facilities are still very passable, at most the place is a bit small.

"Langshen, we're so small here, it makes you laugh."

Lu Shiyan seemed to know what Cang Hailangchen was thinking, and said softly.

When she went to Wang Peng's Ximing University to play a dating match, Qiu Yunyun once lamented that the e-sports club of Ximing University was much bigger than theirs.

In fact, it does.

Ximing University attaches great importance to the development of e-sports. Whether it is venues or facilities, the school has given great support.

In contrast, Metro University is not the case.

Xincheng University has not always supported e-sports.

Even, there are some ideas of suppression in it.

At the beginning, Lu Shiyan wanted the school to approve the venue of this e-sports club, but it took a lot of effort.

Even now, the school has not stopped the pace of suppression.

The school has always wanted to turn this place into a fee-based network activity center, and this is no secret in the e-sports club.

Qiu Yunyun, Mu Xueyi and the others, and even the other male members all knew about it.

It is conceivable how much pressure Lu Shiyan has been bearing on her shoulders.

If she hadn't been dealing with the school, the e-sports club might have ceased to exist long ago.

And this college league has become her last chance.

She knew very well in her heart that they won the semi-finals last year, and even if they won the runner-up this year, the school would disband the e-sports club without hesitation.

Only under the honor of winning the championship, which makes the school proud, and under the pressure of public opinion, can the e-sports club be preserved.

She has always had a reason to win the championship.

No one else knew, not even Luo Xia, that Lu Shiyan's desire to win the college league championship was not for herself at all.

She has always been for the entire e-sports club!
As for the machines and equipment in the e-sports club that made Cang Hai Langchen admire, the school didn't pay a penny.

Most of them were made by Shi Haochi back then.

For Shi Haochi, although Lu Shiyan couldn't understand his style of work and always kept a respectful distance, she still had a little gratitude for him in her heart.

Without him, this e-sports club might not have existed long ago.

But it was limited to a little gratitude, in other respects, Lu Shiyan treated him no differently than an ordinary passerby.

This bit of gratitude has completely disappeared since the day he drugged her.

If it hadn't been for Luo Xia's sudden appearance that day, I don't know what terrible consequences would have happened.

Although her consciousness was a little unclear at the time, she vaguely remembered that Luo Xia held her in her arms like a princess, and ran all the way to get rid of Shi Haochi and others.

Thinking about it now, perhaps from then on, Luo Xia's shadow was imprinted in her heart.

Everything that followed was just a further sublimation of the relationship between the two.

Thinking of Luo Xia inadvertently, the corners of Lu Shiyan's lips subconsciously curved slightly, evoking a very beautiful arc.

Let the waves of the sea, can't help feeling disappointed.

But he didn't know that what Lu Shiyan was thinking about at this moment was another boy.
(End of this chapter)

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