League of Legends: I really don't want to master all positions

Chapter 959 The water of the sea, the cloud of Wushan

Chapter 959 The water of the sea, the cloud of Wushan (second update)
once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking.

How many people have never heard of such a famous sentence?

Hearing Cang Hailangchen's words, Lu Shiyan said: "Of course I have heard of it."

Cang Hailangchen turned his head and hit Lu Shiyan: "Then do you know what it means?"

Lu Shiyan nodded lightly, "As far as I know, there are many interpretations of this sentence, but I prefer the one that is the easiest to understand but has the deepest meaning."

The easiest to understand and the most meaningful, the two seem contradictory at first glance.

It came out of Lu Shiyan's mouth, but there was not much sense of disobedience.

Looking at the spring and stream flowing on the rockery, Lu Shiyan gently opened her lips and said:
"It is said that the sea is the vast, deepest, and most beautiful sea. Those who have seen the sea will find it difficult to attract them to water elsewhere."

"The clouds in Wushan are the most beautiful clouds in the world. The clouds are steaming and rosy, and the beauty is too beautiful. For those who have seen the clouds in Wushan, the clouds in other places are hard to attract him."

"These two poems have a beautiful artistic conception, which is a metaphor..."

Having said this, Lu Shiyan's words suddenly stopped.

She already understood the meaning of these two poems mentioned by Cang Hailangchen.

"It is a metaphor for the deep love a man has for a woman."

Seeing that Lu Shiyan didn't continue, Cang Hailangchen continued.

"Because this man has seen the waters of the sea and the clouds of Wushan, just like he has seen the most perfect woman."

"Other mortal women are no longer in his eyes."

Hearing Cang Hailangchen's words, Lu Shiyan said: "Langshen, I... don't understand what you mean."

Cang Hailangchen's eyes dimmed slightly, but at this point, he naturally couldn't back down.

"Oh, maybe I got a bit out of the way, President Lu, to me, you are the most perfect woman."

"You are just like the water in the sea and the clouds in Wushan Mountain!"

After finishing speaking in one breath, Cang Hailangchen felt a lot more relaxed.

Although he looked so calm and breezy, he was still extremely nervous.

It was the first time for him to confess his love to a girl.

And when he saw Lu Shiyan's expression, his heart became slightly colder.

Lu Shiyan's expression was extremely calm, and she couldn't even see the slightest wave.

If she had that kind of shy reaction, or dodged eyes, Cang Hai Langchen still had some confidence in his heart.

Her expression now is unwavering, as if the words of the waves of the sea have not caused the slightest ripple in her heart.

Lu Shiyan's expression was very calm, and she said: "Langshen, your joke is not funny at all."

"President Lu, everything just now is what Lang Chen said from the bottom of his heart, absolutely no joke."

Hearing Lu Shiyan's words, the waves of the sea said.

After talking, he became more courageous and lost so many scruples.

Lu Shiyan moved her lotus steps lightly and left the rockery, "Langshen, there are so many good girls in the world, why do you waste your unnecessary attachment with me?"

"But I have already met the best one." Cang Hailangchen said firmly.

The water in the sea, the cloud in Wushan, which symbolizes the best one?
Seeing her leave the rockery, Cang Hailangchen followed her at a leisurely pace.

After Cang Hailangchuan finished speaking, Lu Shiyan didn't say anything, as if she wanted to use her silence to make him give up.

However, the sea waves and dust still don't have many thoughts of giving up.

"President Lu, maybe you don't believe me, but you are really my demon."

"When I met you in the qualifying match that time, you made me fall into the trouble that professional players were not as good as passers-by players, but I never hated you."

"I met you again when I was at the training base last time. Although I didn't know your identity at that time, it was also the second time we met."

"Now that I think about it, maybe it's all fate, it's God who destined me to meet you."

Hearing Cang Hailangchen's words, Lu Shiyan's expression finally fluctuated a little.

"Fate...Langshen, I'm sorry, I'm not a person who believes in fate."

"In the past, maybe I would still believe in those illusory fates, but now I only believe in what one person told me, that everything depends on man's efforts, and man can conquer nature!"

Hearing Lu Shiyan's words, the corners of Cang Hailangchen's mouth finally revealed a trace of bitterness.

If the two cannot even agree on this aspect, it is no longer a violation of beliefs, but a violent collision of values.

Canghai Langchen breathed a sigh of relief, and said quietly:
"Fate, how can it be changed, just like a person's life, no matter how glamorous he was, he cannot escape death."

"In the end it turned into a lonely grave, a pile of loess, this is the inescapable fate of everyone."

After Cang Hailangchen finished speaking, a smile appeared on the corner of Lu Shiyan's mouth.

What he said was very similar to what he said to Luo Xia at that time.

At that time, Luo Xia also enlightened her word by word, helped her establish the direction of life, and made his shadow more deeply in her heart.

After sorting out her thoughts, Lu Shiyan began to recall what Luo Xia said at that time.

"Langshen, people cannot escape death, but people can enjoy the process of life."

"If everyone is born just to die, then his life will be meaningless."

"We can't escape death, but we can work hard to make our lives wonderful."

"People, you can't always avoid the present in order to avoid the future, so you won't be happy no matter what you do, what do you think?"

Hearing Lu Shiyan's words, Cang Hailangchen fell silent.

After a long time, the sea waves and dust said faintly:
"President Lu, within two years, when you step into the society and lose your innocence, you will understand that you have to believe in fate."

"It's like our team was defeated by the EAF team. No matter how despicable their methods are, if we lose, we lose. This is also our fate."

After Cang Hailangchen finished speaking, the smile on the corner of Lu Shiyan's mouth grew stronger.

"Langshen, why don't you think about it, since the world is full of malice towards you, why...don't overthrow the world!"

Hearing Lu Shiyan's words, Cang Hailangchen was slightly taken aback.

It was hard for him to imagine that the word 'dry' could be said from Lu Shiyan's mouth.

He also noticed that after Lu Shiyan said these words, she smiled happily like never before.

It was a smile he had never seen before.

Luo Xia's figure could not help flashing in Lu Shiyan's mind.

These words were exactly what Luo Xia had told her before, and she hadn't forgotten a single word.

The waves of the sea will not know that another boy's figure has already been imprinted on Lu Shiyan's heart.

He couldn't even imagine how deeply that figure would imprint on her heart.

(PS: The way a gentleman teases a girl is different from that of ordinary people, but it is useless——"Quotations from Master Piaopiaoyu")
(End of this chapter)

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