Chapter 963 Leaving (Third)

Seeing the two returned to the e-sports club so quickly, Cang Hailangchen understood in his heart.

When the two of them walked from the teaching area to the rockery, Lu Shiyan had already deliberately led the route this way.

At that time, Canghai Langchen was only concerned with observing the spring water on the rockery, and talking with Lu Shiyan.

He didn't notice at all that the route Lu Shiyan took him had quietly changed a long time ago.

He was not familiar with Xincheng University, and it was his first time here. Even if he paid attention, it would be difficult for him to notice that Lu Shiyan had changed his route.

"At that time, she had already made up her mind to reject me..." Cang Hailangchen said silently in his heart.

How could he not understand that when he came back here, he would no longer be able to say those words to Lu Shiyan.

Lu Shiyan is very aware of this, so she has been deliberately shifting the route to the e-sports club.

And the timing was just right.

"Langshen, let's go in, your teammates should be waiting impatiently."

"I think, after you go in, Langshen, you shouldn't tell them what happened today, right?" Lu Shiyan smiled and said to Canghai Langchen.

Hearing what she said, Cang Hailangchen nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Lu Shiyan didn't say anything, and walked to the e-sports club first.

Seeing her beautiful back, Cang Hai Langchen shook his head with a wry smile.

"Extremely smart and perfect girl, unfortunately, I will never be with you..."

After finishing speaking, Cang Hailangchen sighed lightly, and followed quickly.

Lu Shiyan showed him around the campus, so there was no reason for her to go back first.

If so, others will definitely see that something is wrong.

Seeing her walking towards the e-sports club, Cang Hai Langchen could only follow quickly, and never had the chance to talk to Lu Shiyan about those conversations between men and women.

Lu Shiyan did this on purpose, she had expected that the sea and waves would follow.

That's why Cang Hailangchen said that she was an extremely smart girl.


"Sister Yan, you are back."

Seeing Lu Shiyan and Cang Hailangchen coming back, Qiu Yunyun greeted her.

Here, she is the one who waits most anxiously.

Although she didn't make that phone call to Luo Xia, the speculation in her heart didn't weaken at all.

Seeing that the two finally came back, she immediately went up to meet them.

"You little girl, what's the matter?"

Lu Shiyan stretched out her jade finger and tapped Qiu Yunyun's forehead, smiling.

"No... nothing."

Lu Shiyan's expression was very natural, and the corner of Cang Hai Langchen's mouth always had that gentle smile on it.

No matter how Qiu Yunyun looked at it, the state of the two of them at this time was no different from when they went out.

"It seems that I was really thinking too much." Qiu Yunyun thought in her heart.

"team leader."

Seeing the return of the sea and waves, Chen He and the others put down what they were doing and walked to his side.

Cang Hai Langchen nodded slightly to them, then turned his gaze to Lu Shiyan.

"President Lu, we have gained a lot from today's competition, and the scenery of the also very beautiful."

"It's getting late, we should go back too."

Hearing Cang Hailangchen's words, Lu Shiyan nodded slightly.

"Langshen, since that's the case, I won't send you off."

Hearing that the eyes of the sea and waves lingered on Lu Shiyan for a few more breaths, her expression was a little complicated, she didn't look any further, and turned to leave.

Seeing that the waves of the sea were about to leave, Chen He and the others also hurriedly followed.

After they left, the e-sports club returned to its former calm.


(End of this chapter)

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