Chapter 968 Guardian Mad Demon (Second Update)
Hearing the sudden loud noise from the door of the training room, Chen He and the others were shocked.

Someone told their captain to get out?

This... What kind of joke is this? !

There are still many security guards at the entrance of the training base. How did this person get in?
Listening to the voice, it seems to be a girl.

Several people looked, and sure enough, at the door of the training room, they saw the figure of an angry woman.

But her dress is a bit weird.

The lower body is a pair of jeans, which completely wraps the two beautiful legs.

Although the two jade legs cannot be seen clearly, one can still judge how beautiful and powerful they are from the outline of the legs.

The upper body is wearing a gray jacket that doesn't match the jeans, no matter how you look at it, it looks like it was made temporarily.

What surprised these people was that she had a silver blindfold on her face!
The silver blindfold directly blocked half of her face, only exposing her attractive red lips.

She also wore a peaked cap on top of her head.

The hair seems to be short hair, or it may be long hair, and it is directly coiled in the hat, and it is not exposed at all anyway.

There was a weirdness about her whole attire.

When the few people were a little dazed, the visitor had already walked in front of them.


Seeing her approaching, the person named Xiao Yun who was closest to her in the WSF team spoke.

"Which one, talking about mother-in-law, this lady is looking for Chao Hai Lang Chen, are you Chao Hai Lang Chen?" the woman said a little arrogantly.

Hearing that the person named Xiaoyun opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything

Seeing that the person in front of her was silent, the woman pushed him away impatiently.

Chen He also came back to his senses, and said, "Miss, you..."

"Miss, you are only a miss, and your whole family is a miss!"

In the middle of Chen He's words, the visitor immediately became angry and interrupted his words.

Hearing this, Chen He was stunned for a while, and he didn't dare to say anything for a while, but he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

"Just now, it was clearly you who yelled at Miss Ben and Miss Ben, but now don't let others shout like that..."

At this time, Cang Hai Langchen's mood had completely calmed down, the initial surprise had passed, and there was a very gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hello, I am the sea and the waves, what do you want me to do?"

His voice is very gentle, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

He is also very good at addressing women.

Cang Hailangchen doesn't have the habit of calling other girls beauties, because that would seem very frivolous to him.

You can neither be called a beauty nor a young lady, and you don't know the age of the other party, and you can't use such titles as a lady indiscriminately.

He simply replaced it with a 'hello'.

Hearing Cang Hai Langchen's words, the woman sized him up, and even though she was wearing a blindfold, she could tell her expression turned cold.

"Okay, you are the waves of the sea, right? It's your good apprentice who bullied me?"

Hearing this, Chen He and the others were startled, and then they laughed unconsciously.

Their captain will bully others?

Don't talk about them if you say it, basically anyone who knows the sea and the waves will not believe it.

"It's enough to know that you are the dust of the sea, and today I am here to teach you a lesson!"

As she spoke, the woman stretched out her hand and grabbed Cang Hailangchen's collar.

Chen He and the others were taken aback, and hurriedly stood in front of Cang Hailangchen.

Someone is secretly preparing to call the security department.

The woman glanced at them and said, "Don't even think about calling the security guards, I've knocked down the dozen or so security guards."

"Miss Ben has a suggestion for you. Next time you hire security guards, you should hire some stronger ones. Now those are too invulnerable to fight, and they will fall down with a light push."

Hearing the woman's words, Chen He and the others were stunned for a moment.

No...can't fight?

Not strong?
Others don't know, but do they know that four of the security guards in the training base are retired armed police officers!
No matter how you look at it, you can't fight, and your body is not strong, so you can't get on top.

But they knew that this strange woman should not have lied.

Because they secretly called the security department... they couldn't get through at all!
Cang Hai Lang Chen didn't show much anger, nor did he show much nervousness.

He gently pushed away Chen He and the others who stood in front of him with tense faces, and said in a gentle and elegant way: "Hello, there may be some misunderstanding between us."

"I ask myself that I have never bullied anyone, who is your apprentice?"

Hearing Cang Hailangchen say this, the woman sneered.

"Hehe, you want to renege on your debt, don't you? It's Shi Yan's good apprentice who bullied me, so I'm going to leave it like this?!"

The woman who rushed in suddenly was none other than Ling Yan.

After today's match with the WSF team, Lu Shiyan naturally told Ling Yan what happened today.

Of course, what happened when she went out alone with Cang Hailangchen was automatically erased by her.

Lu Shiyan truthfully explained the situation of the game to Ling Yan, including the lineup and the trend of today's game.

There was no complaint or dissatisfaction in her words.

The battle with the WSF team did not discourage Qiu Yunyun and the others, but instead made them realize the reality and not be so smug.

In Lu Shiyan's view, this is also beneficial.

However, the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.

From Ling Yan's ears, Lu Shiyan seemed to have been wronged so much.

With her character, how could she bear it?

What is the number one AD in the national service, if you really want to offend her good apprentice, you can still beat her!
Almost after hanging up the phone, Ling Yan casually drove out a Maserati from Jin Yuena's huge and scary garage, and killed the city.

She didn't want to expose her figure, so she bought a coat and hat at a nearby store and put them on.

Ling Yan also wanted to buy a mask, but it would be inconvenient to speak while wearing a mask, and she didn't have the habit of wearing a mask.

She instinctively thought of the silver blindfold that Jin Yuena gave her, put it on without much thought, and rushed in all the way.

The dozen or so security guards on the road were knocked down by her directly, knocking them unconscious.

It didn't take a while, but I couldn't wake up.

She also kept an eye out, took away all the communication tools of the security guards, including mobile phones, and put them in a place out of their sight
Even if those security guards wake up, they are not afraid of them contacting other people or something.

This period of time was enough for her to settle her own affairs.

As she said, today she came to teach the sea and the waves for Lu Shiyan.

As for how to teach the waves of the depends on her mood!

(End of this chapter)

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