Chapter 970 It's Not Injustice (Part [-])

Hearing Ling Yan's words, Cang Hailangchen was slightly taken aback.

Afterwards, he nodded lightly and said, "Senior, please tell me."

After Cang Hailangchen finished speaking, Ling Yan raised her eyebrows slightly.

"It's very simple, just bet that within a year, my good apprentice Shi Yan will beat you like I did today."

"One day, she will stand at the height you look up to!"

After Ling Yan finished speaking, Canghai Langchen was silent for a while before saying: "Langchen, I will remember the bet made by senior."

"The teachings of the seniors today, Langchen also remembers in his heart, will definitely remember, never dare to forget."

Hearing Cang Hailangchen's words, Ling Yan frowned slightly.

"Changhailangchen, why do you always speak so politely, seniors, is this lady so old?"

Hearing the words, Cang Hai Lang Chen showed a wry smile, and said: "My father told Lang Chen what education was since he was a child, and Lang Chen dared not forget each other."

Hearing what he said, Ling Yan became a little impatient.

"Forget it, you can call it whatever you like. Although we are about the same age, from other aspects, you are not wronged by calling me a senior."

Hearing Ling Yan's words, Cang Hailangchen's heart moved.

What does it mean?
After finishing speaking, Ling Yan quickly realized that she had made a slip of the tongue, her expression was slightly unnatural, and she quickly changed the subject.

"Okay, just remember what you said today."

"In the future, if you dare to go to City H to trouble my good apprentice Shi Yan again, I will beat you hard!"

After finishing speaking, Ling Yan gave them a hard look, and left here directly.

It wasn't until she left that Chen He and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, they were really afraid that Ling Yan would be unhappy and do it directly.

They could tell that although this person was a girl, the five of them together might not be an opponent.

The dozen or so security guards outside are already vivid examples.

After Ling Yan disappeared at the door of the training room, Cang Hai Langchen sat on the seat and sighed softly.

"It seems that I have been watching the sky from a well."

Sighing lightly, the sea waves said.

He has always regarded himself as the number one AD in the national server.

Even though he is very humble and polite, he is also very proud of this in his heart.

But after a series of events during this period, he felt that he was really sitting on the sidelines.

In the beginning, he was suppressed by Lu Shiyan during the qualifying match. At that time, it could be said that he had just been discharged from the hospital and was not in good condition.

The last time Luoxia and the others came to the training base, his bot lane was completely broken by Luoxia's interlocking routine.

Even the second time, it can be said that he didn't cooperate well with those members of the WSF youth academy who had assembled hastily. What about this time?

This time, it's a real combat between the two sides. Even this time, the two heroes use the same hero, Ezreal.

Ezreal is also a hero that Cang Hai Langchen is very good at.

But the fact is that he is still not Ling Yan's opponent, and he was suppressed miserably.

Under the successive blows, even he was a little shaken.

He even wondered how many masters there are in the folk, and how unrealistic he is as the number one AD in the national server.

Hearing Cang Hailangchen's words, Chen He said: "Captain, don't belittle yourself too much."

"AD doesn't really need this kind of solo ability, the most important thing is to see and assist the coordination ability of two people."

"She can be slightly better than you in terms of operation. In fact, when the two of us fight in the bottom lane, she may not be our opponent."

Chen He's words are correct, in the bot lane AD, of course, one can't just look at the pure solo operation ability.

However, upon hearing what he said, a wry smile appeared on the corner of Cang Hai Langchen's mouth.

"Chen He, even if this kind of solo duel is not the most important thing for AD, the difference between the two sides should not be too great."

"She suppressed me, not at 01:30. I can still judge this point."

Hearing that Chen He was at a loss for words for a moment, and didn't know what to say.

To be honest, just now, just one person can see how big the difference in strength between Cang Hailangchen and Ling Yan is.

The solo battle between the two was not even stalemate at all. From the beginning, Ling Yan had been fighting against the waves of the sea.

Both of them use EZ, but Cang Hailangchen's position seems to be predicted by Ling Yan in advance, and she will hit her Q skill every time.

And his Q skill, but almost never hit a few.

Also, from the handling of some details, it can be seen that Ling Yan's handling is much better than that of Cang Hai Lang Chen.
"Zixin, how about you go out and see the security guards outside?"

"If they're okay, it's still early and we're going to train."

After explaining everything, Cang Hailangchen leaned on his seat, not knowing what kind of mood he was in.

This feeling of ups and downs was the first time he felt it.

Not only was he frustrated in reality because of Lu Shiyan's incident, but he was severely suppressed and beaten in the game.

This was a huge blow to him.

And thinking of Ling Yan's last words, he still couldn't help but move in his heart.

"Although we are about the same age, but from other aspects, you are not wronged by calling me a senior."

Thinking of Ling Yan's words, Cang Hai Langchen frowned slightly.

What exactly does this sentence mean.
Outside the WSF team training base, in a deserted corner, Ling Yan took off all her disguise.

Then, she stretched comfortably.

"Huh, it's really dangerous, I almost slipped my mouth."

Ling Yan patted her flat chest and said with some fear.

She knew that her last sentence was a little too much.

With Cang Hailangchen's intelligence, he didn't know if he would think of something.

"Forget it, even if he thinks of something, there is probably no place to verify it." Ling Yan said to herself.

She still remembers how embarrassing it was when she first met Lu Shiyan and searched for her information on the Internet in front of her.

There is not even a single normal photo of her on the Internet, and the introduction is only a few scattered words.

In addition, she was wrapped so tightly today, even if Cang Hailangchen really guessed something, there is no way to verify it.

Thinking of this, Ling Yan felt relieved.

In fact, even if this identity is really exposed, it doesn't matter too much, it's just that she doesn't want to cause trouble for herself.

As far as she is concerned, the days when she was in the professional arena, and the flame sparrows that other countries in the world could not lift their heads up, have become a thing of the past.

After the matter of the WSF team was settled, Ling Yan thought of something, and slowly took off the silver blindfold on her eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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