Chapter 972 Is it about to start? (third change)
"Master, what is this?"

After being slightly surprised in Lu Shiyan's heart, she asked Ling Yan again.

"It's nothing. Someone gave it to me. I don't need it. I think you are more suitable."

"Haha, Shiyan, it's like it was born for you, you wear it much more suitable than me."

Seeing Lu Shiyan wearing the silver blindfold, Ling Yan was very satisfied.

After Ling Yan finished speaking, Lu Shiyan stretched her hand to her face, trying to take off the silver blindfold.

She knew that even if Ling Yan wanted to get such a precious thing, it would take a lot of effort.

What Ling Yan said was suitable for her, and it was just a rhetoric that she wanted her to accept the blindfold.

Lu Shiyan has now realized the magic of this blindfold, even if it is worn by anyone, it can perfectly fit the skin, there is no question of whether it is suitable or not.

However, Ling Yan seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and grabbed her hand directly, her face became slightly serious.

"Shiyan, let me tell you first, if you want to return it to me, then you don't need to waste your energy."

"If you give it back to me, I won't take it. If you don't want it, I'll just throw it away."

Hearing what Ling Yan said, and seeing that she didn't look like she was joking, Lu Shiyan hesitated for a while, and finally put down her hand slowly.

Seeing this, Ling Yan was completely relieved.

"That's right, um Shiyan, after such a long delay, I should go back, let's go."

Saying that, she took Lu Shiyan's hand, pulled her up from her seat, and walked out of the Internet cafe.

Seeing Lu Shiyan's figure which obviously troubled her, Ling Yan couldn't help but think about other things.

"It seems that it's not just the blindfold, but also to blackmail Nana with other things."

"If it really doesn't work, if I want to pester her, I must ask her how her figure is tied up, and I will also tie it up for Shiyan."

In Ling Yan's heart, she was already trying every means to get Jin Yuena's idea.

But Ling Yan had forgotten that those who set their minds on Jin Yuena ended in failure in the end...


"Well, Luo Xia, you are right, there should be some other things added to these places."

In Modu, the fast hotel where Su Chunyu and Luo Xia are located.

It was already getting dark, and she was still discussing game analysis with Luo Xia.

Luo Xia just told her his thoughts all at once, and now she is extremely tired, lying on the bed in a large font.

After resting on the bed for a while, Luo Xia casually raised his head and looked at her.

However, just seeing this, he was stunned for a moment, unable to move his eyes away...

"Well, that's about it, Luo Xia, what do you think?"

Su Chunyu still looked down at the notebook with his head down, and asked Luo Xia without raising his head.

After a while, she didn't hear from Luo Xia.

With some doubts in her heart, she raised her head slightly to look at Luo Xia, and found that he was staring straight at her.

She lowered her head slightly, her pretty face turned red instantly.

But seeing Luo Xia's dull gaze, although Su Chunyu was shy, she was more ashamed and happy.

"Bad guy, I'm going to take a shower."

With a blushing face, Su Chunyu snorted softly, put away the notebooks and pens, and walked towards the bathroom with brisk steps.

Luo Xia looked at her back for a while, with an incomparably relaxed and contented expression on his face.

In his opinion, such a day is really not for the gods.

"Ring Ling~"

At this time, Luo Xia's cell phone rang suddenly, interrupting his thoughts.

Luo Xia casually looked at the phone, and when he saw the number on it, he was shocked.

"Why would this goblin woman call me at this time?"

Luo Xia muttered something in a low voice, a little hesitant for a moment, if possible, he really didn't want to answer.

The more times he dealt with Jin Yuena, the more he couldn't see through this woman.

Just when Luo Xia was gritting his teeth and was about to not answer the call, and was about to let the phone die by itself, he didn't know what came to his mind, and his heart suddenly moved.

"Could it be the good show she said last time, is it about to start?"


(End of this chapter)

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