Chapter 975 Stupid Sbwc! (third change)
After Jin Yuena finished speaking, Ling Yan thought about the scene in her heart, and said, "It should be very uncomfortable."

"To be honest, if this is the case, these mad dogs are quite pitiful."

If it is really like what Jin Yuena said, after working hard, I find that everything is in vain, and I still watch what I want to fight for being taken away
Ling Yan felt that this was really pitiful.


Hearing this, Jin Yuena smiled and said, "Swallow, let me tell you, these mad dogs have bitten many people, and they have hurt their owners time and time again."

"In the end, I stole a big piece of meat from the owner's house and used it as their food. If so, do you still feel sorry for them?"

After Jin Yuena finished speaking, Ling Yan was slightly taken aback, and then her attitude changed 180 degrees.

"No, I just think they deserve it!"

Jin Yuena smiled slightly, with a lazy smile, and said, "Yes, they really deserve it."

"Thinking of the feeling of them trying their best to fight for food, being bitten all over their bodies, and seeing the food flow away in front of them"

"Hehehe, it's really interesting~"

Saying that, Jin Yuena chuckled lightly, stretched out her tongue and licked her plump red lips, her expression was extremely seductive, extremely alluring.

Seeing Jin Yuena like this, Ling Yan understood that Jin Yuena was having bad ideas again.

I just don't know who is unlucky this time
Ling Yan was still thinking about Jin Yuena's words in her heart.

"A group of mad dogs, what exactly do they mean?"


In the express hotel where Luoxia and Su Chunyu are located in the capital city.

Luo Xia was still thinking about what Jin Yuena said to him just now, Su Chunyu walked up to him with brisk steps, and leaned against him naturally.

Seeing that Luo Xia was in a daze and also looked thoughtful, Su Chunyu asked softly, "Luo Xia, what are you thinking?"

"Oh, I was thinking, it's going to be the quarter-finals of the college league and the semi-finals."

Luo Xia didn't tell a lie, except for the matter of Jin Yuena, he was thinking about this matter just now.

Hearing this, Su Chunyu nodded lightly, and said: "Then are you still planning to go back? The venue of the competition will be in Shanghai, and you will have to make an extra trip when you go back."

After Su Chunyu finished speaking, Luo Xia said: "Xiaoyu, I have to go back. I can't just wait for them to come to me just because the competition venue happens to be in Shanghai."

"We are a collective and I can't do something like this."

Hearing what he said, Su Chunyu was not surprised, she smiled and said: "I knew you would say that, when are you going back, tomorrow morning?"

"Well, tomorrow morning." Luo Xia nodded.

"Okay, then you can go back, next time I come back... maybe I will give you a surprise."


Hearing what she said, Luo Xia asked curiously: "What surprise?"

However, Su Chunyu shook his head, with a narrow smile on the corner of his mouth, and deliberately put it off without telling him.


White Country, San Francisco, Bill Graham Municipal Auditorium.

In the rest area of ​​the EAF team, all the members of the EAF team were there, and everyone had a look of laziness on their faces.

They just finished the first game of the second round of the group stage and are now resting.

The group stage is divided into two rounds, with three games in each round, a total of six games.

After today's game, they have played four games, and these four games
Their record is a total defeat!
But on their faces, there was no trace of remorse, and there was a bit of joy on everyone's faces.

It is hard to imagine that they are a team that lost all four games.

"It's finally over, it's really troublesome to fight against these garbage teams!"

The one who spoke was Wssb, the captain of the EAF team, but he spoke fluent Korean.

The EAF team is a team composed of one Chinese player and four Korean players, and even the captain is Korean.

With such a team, it is really difficult for the audience to have a sense of belonging. Coupled with their record in the global finals, the Internet has already received a lot of criticism.

But a few people, but no one cares about this.

Speaking, Wssb called another Korean aid teammate and asked, "Sbwc, let's take a look at the betting, what's the current odds like?"

In the EAF team, the four Korean aids headed by Wssb all have a more or less neutral look, which is related to their native culture.

And this Sbwc is overly neutral, resulting in a trace of femininity in his body.

Sbwc smiled sadly, and said, "Don't worry, captain, when the round of the group stage is about to end, it has already reached 1:11."

"Although the increase is slow now, there must be a ratio of 1:13, 500 million invested, and 500 million paid out!"

Hearing this, the faces of several people showed joy, 500 million yuan, divided among the five of them, is 300 million yuan.

This huge sum of money is higher than their one-year signing fee.

Everyone in the industry knows that even in the period when S5 introduced a large number of Korean aids, the annual signing fee of a Korean aid was only a few million.

The 300 million was just a few fake games they got, how could they not be happy!
Smiling a few times, Sbwc boarded a black net to check the odds of the game.

However, in the next second, his face froze completely.

He even rubbed his eyes several times to make sure that he was not mistaken, and his whole body was petrified.

The odds are not around 1:13 as he thought, but there are many more zeros.

And these zeros are all in front of the decimal point.

Counting with trembling hands, and after roughly calculating the amount, Sbwc seemed to be dumbfounded.

The current odds are 1:0.000001.

If their principal is 500 million, they can earn only five yuan if they invest in it? !
(End of this chapter)

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