Chapter 977 Assi! (Second more)

Wssb's body kept trembling, as if he was about to crush his teeth, but Xuelian Cangming finally reacted at this moment.

"Sbwc, that is to say, someone invested 500 billion on the point that we can't get out of the line."

"This 500 billion has led to an earth-shaking change in the funds of both parties, which in turn has affected the frequency?"

Hearing this, Sbwc's face turned pale, but he still nodded.

After being confirmed, Xuelian Cangming moved his lips, not knowing what to say for a while.

What they rely on this time is that they have the behemoth FKT in their group, and the other two teams are very weak.

In this case, many people think that their EAF team has a relatively high probability of qualifying, so they bet all their funds on their qualifying.

It can be said that there are very few of them who have not qualified.

Under the comparison of the funds of the two sides, the odds of them not getting out of the line are very high, reaching one to ten.

But now a full 500 billion is on the line that they can't get out of, which has completely changed the balance of funds between the two parties.

Now their odds are not to mention high, they are simply ridiculously low!

Having figured this out, Xuelian Cangming's face turned blue and white.

With this kind of odds, they can only get five yuan for betting 500 million yuan. Even with a principal of 500 billion yuan, they will win 5 yuan.

He really wanted to say one thing - as for it! ! !
The local tyrants who can come up with 500 billion yuan are still short of 5 yuan?
However, when this local tyrant was happy, he completely pushed them into the abyss, causing their long-term efforts to be completely in vain.

At this time, Wssb's mood stabilized a little bit, and what he thought of became the last hope in his heart.

"Sbwc, you're sure you're not mistaken. We watched it when we finished the group stage. The odds were around 1:11."

"The second round of the group stage was just one game, how could there be such a big difference?"

Be aware that the betting limits for the second round are very high.

The later the game, the higher the betting limit and taxes.

If there is no such restriction, as long as they are not fools, everyone will bet directly on the fifth or sixth game.

For example, after their EAF team lost all five rounds, if they directly suppressed them and couldn't get out of the line, it must be a steady profit without losing money.

Because even if they win the last game, they still have a group record of 1:5 and cannot qualify.

It is precisely because of this restriction that Wssb feels very strange, who would do such a thankless thing?
Hearing Wssb's words, Sbwc said: "Captain, there is no mistake, the betting time is displayed here."

"The 500 billion was cast just 3 minutes before the end of our game, which means that the first game of the second round of the group stage was not over yet."

Hearing Sbwc's words, Wssb was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes almost burst into flames, and the raised veins could be seen on his forehead.

"Axi! We've been bullied!"

At this moment, how could he not understand that they were definitely being bullied.

Looking at the current situation, it was obviously premeditated, otherwise, how could everything be so coincidental.

500 billion is not a small amount. This kind of fund mobilization, no matter how big the consortium is, must have a certain amount of preparation time.

What's more, how could it be so coincidental, just 3 minutes before the end of their first game, not when the first game started.

Three minutes before the end of the first game, everything is a foregone conclusion, and it is impossible to change it.

When the opponent clearly believed that they would lose this game, they were extremely relieved to suppress the 500 billion.

After losing four games in a row, the chances of them appearing are slim.

The opponent didn't give them any reaction time at all, and they couldn't make any adjustments on the field.

After Wssb finished speaking, the others also understood.

Under the anger, their faces were slightly distorted, but there was nothing they could do.

This kind of local tyrant who can throw 500 billion at will, what can they do?
In this case, the rich can really do whatever they want.

The opponent forced their odds to be minimized, and they could only watch helplessly.

"Captain, what should we do now?" Xuelian Cangming asked with an extremely ugly expression.

Now in the team, he is the one with the most irritable heart.

He is different from Canghailangchen, Maple Leaf Setting Sun and others, he is not fighting for the so-called dream at all.

With the name of the number one mid laner in the national server, he has always been out of money, planning to make a last profit when e-sports is still hot.

Because he knows that his reputation is already rotten now, even if he retires to live broadcast and sell cakes, he will not have a high income.

It's better to rely on the signing fee for several years, and then use some loopholes in the rules of the game to raise benefits for yourself.

Now that he has lost at least 1000 million, how can he not be angry?
Wssb's face was extremely ugly, and he said, "Sbwc, can you find out who voted for the 500 billion?"

Hearing this, Sbwc showed a wry smile, "Captain, do you think this is possible?"

After Sbwc finished speaking, Wssb gritted his teeth and didn't say a word.

The bettors of this kind of game are kept absolutely confidential, and it is impossible for him to find out easily, unless the boss behind the game leaks it to the outside world.

However, a local tyrant who can spend 500 billion lavishly does not even have to think about it. Even the boss behind the gambling game does not dare to provoke it easily.

Not to mention leaking the information of these 500 billion local tyrants, it is estimated that not only will it not be leaked, but the information will be well protected.

Wssb almost gritted his teeth and said, "In this case, we must qualify!"

Hearing Wssb's words, the others were stunned.

Now that they have lost four games in a row, is there still a possibility of qualifying?

Seeing other people's expressions like this, Wssb said: "Now, FKT is unbeaten, and the scores of the other two teams are not high."

"As long as we can win tomorrow's AHH and FKT, we will be able to compete for the theoretical qualifying spot. With our strength, we will definitely be able to qualify against the other two teams in the future!"

Hearing Wssb's words, the others all looked at each other in blank dismay.

What Wssb said is indeed correct. If they can beat AHH and FKT tomorrow, they will have the same score as the other two teams.

That is to say, he fell into that kind of theoretical qualifying situation, which can be said to be extremely rare.

Their real strength is stronger than the other two teams, the Baodao team and the wild card team, and if they win these two teams, they can qualify.

But all of this is based on one premise - win AHH and FKT!

AHH is easy to say, but can they really beat FKT?
Seemingly knowing what the team members were thinking, Wssb said: "If you can't win, you have to fight. Someone dares to play us like this, so we can't let him go like this!"

"We have to qualify and let him lose all the 500 billion!"

(End of this chapter)

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