Chapter 984 Can you, lend it to me? (third change)

Luo Xia thought about it for a long time but didn't understand Mu Xueyi's matter, so she simply stopped thinking about it.

He knew that although Mu Xueyi was a little stubborn, she still had her own principles.

In order to get revenge on Luo Xia, she would find a random boy to be with him, in Luo Xia's view, she would never do it.

And Luo Xia doesn't think that his charm is so high...

Without thinking about Mu Xueyi, Luo Xia suddenly thought of something else.

"By the way, Yunyun, tomorrow is the time for the competition, when are we going to go there?"

It was only then that Luo Xia remembered that he cared about the college league.

"Tomorrow morning, sister Yan said that we are very close to the magic, so we don't need to go so early, and there is no arrangement for the competition to go early."

Hearing Qiu Yunyun's words, Luo Xia nodded.

What Qiu Yunyun said was the same as what he thought in his heart.

"In this case, there is still one more night tonight, which is just right." Luo Xia thought in his heart.

If he goes tomorrow, he just has one more night tonight, so he can take a good look at what Jin Yuena is talking about.

In his heart, there was also some expectation.

At this moment, Luo Xia felt a faint fragrance coming from behind him.

And this smell, only one person has it.

"Ah, Luo Xia, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, so I won't chat with you."

Qiu Yunyun glanced at Luo Xia with a half-smile, and found a reason to leave.

Luo Xia turned around backwards, and sure enough, a pretty face that overwhelmed the country and city appeared in front of him.

"Shiyan, I'm back." Luo Xia smiled.

When he smelled the faint fragrance just now, he knew it was Lu Shiyan who came.

Lu Shiyan never used any perfume on her body, but she always had a faint fragrance on her body.

Luo Xia knew that it was the smell of shampoo and shower gel, which was extremely pure and natural.

This kind of smell can only be found on her body, and it smells really good.

"Well, it's good to be back, Junior Brother Luo, are you having fun in Shanghai?"

In the e-sports club, Lu Shiyan would not call Luo Xia by his name directly, but called him Luo Xuedi as before.

In addition to worrying about being misunderstood by others, the more important reason is that this title is exclusive to her.

It is also her unique little happiness.

Hearing this, Luo Xia gave a dry cough and said, "Ahem, it's okay."

Lu Shiyan's words didn't mean anything else, she just asked him how his visit to Shanghai was going, but Luo Xia obviously thought of other aspects.

In addition, Yunyun just asked him how he was 'playing', he really couldn't help but be biased...

"That. Shiyan, I still have class, so I'm leaving first."

After finishing speaking, Luo Xia turned around and left without saying another word, which seemed to mean running away.

Thinking of Luo Xia's embarrassing expression just now, Lu Shiyan was slightly puzzled.

She thought about it for a long time, but no matter what, she couldn't think of anything wrong with what she said just now.

But looking at the direction Luo Xia left, there was still a beautiful smile on her pretty face.

As she said, just come back...

It wasn't until Luo Xia disappeared at the door of the e-sports club that Lu Shiyan turned around and walked into the small training room.


Luo Xia ran outside the e-sports club, took a breath of fresh air, and rushed to the classroom.

He did have classes in the morning, although only a few sporadic ones.

As usual, time began to flow slowly again.

The students began to attend classes, and the e-sports club also began to operate normally.

Unfortunately, Xia Rou, Zhong Xiaodie and Mu Xueyi had classes this morning, and Ke Bei was also dragged away by the little fat man and others.

There is only one Qiu Yunyun who looks very hardworking, but is still a bit playful in her bones.

Lu Shiyan simply gave her leave and stayed in the small training room by herself to train.

For the whole morning, she stayed in the training room by herself.

She didn't stop until around noon.

After completing the training goals she set for herself, she stretched and leaned gently on the seat.

After a short rest, Lu Shiyan sat upright in her seat.


At this time, with a soft bang, the door of the training room was pushed open.

Lu Shiyan looked to the door and found that it was Mu Xueyi.

"Xueyi, is get out of class over yet?"

Looking at Mu Xueyi, Lu Shiyan asked softly with a faint smile on her lips.

"Well, get out of class is over."

Mu Xueyi walked to Lu Shiyan's side, nodded lightly and said.

After finishing speaking, Mu Xueyi twitched again, tapped the ground with her toes, and wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything several times.

Lu Shiyan noticed her abnormality, and asked softly, "What's the matter, is there something wrong?"

"Well, there's a little thing."

Mu Xueyi said, "Sister Yan, aren't we going to Shanghai to compete tomorrow? Yuanzhou's family has some property in Shanghai."

"He invited me to a dance."

Hearing this, Lu Shiyan smiled slightly and said, "This is a good thing."

Naturally, she also noticed that Mu Xueyi and Hui Yuanzhou were getting closer these few days.

But she didn't care too much about these things, let alone gossip or discuss anything.

And looking at Mu Xueyi's reaction now, the two might really be together.

Hearing Lu Shiyan's words, Mu Xueyi's voice weakened, "The clothes are okay, but I don't have a piece of jewelry..."

Hearing Mu Xueyi's words, Lu Shiyan was slightly taken aback.

She also knew a little about Mu Xueyi's family situation.

The princess dress on Mu Xueyi's body, if you look closely, it's actually a bit old, let alone jewelry.

But how can I help her?

Lu Shiyan's situation is not much better than Mu Xueyi's. All of her financial resources are based on a little part-time job after school, which is only enough for living expenses.

She instinctively thought that Mu Xueyi came to ask her to borrow money to buy jewelry, but she really couldn't afford to lend it to her.

However, to Lu Shiyan's surprise, Mu Xueyi didn't come to borrow money.

She also directly skipped the step of borrowing money and then buying jewelry, but...

"Sister Yan, can you lend me your beautiful necklace?"

When speaking, Mu Xueyi's eyes flashed a strange color that Lu Shiyan didn't notice.

The beautiful necklace she was talking about was naturally the necklace she saw at Lu Shiyan's place by chance that time.

That is, the necklace that is exactly the same as Su Chunyu's neck!


(PS: It's the beginning of the month, and I saw other authors asking for a monthly pass, so I'll ask for it too, although I don't know what the monthly pass is for...

I wrote a setting chapter in the middle of the night yesterday, and I only wrote half of it. It should be released after finishing it in the afternoon.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder and perfectionists can't afford to hurt, God knows why I made so many settings...)
(End of this chapter)

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