Chapter 990 Really Different (Third)

After Jokkr finished speaking, there were more bullet screens on the live broadcast of the game.

How could the audience not understand, according to Jokkr's tainted milk theory, when he said that the GAA team would win, he thought in his heart that the EAF team would win.

Hearing that he "loves" the EAF team so much, the audience couldn't help but slammed the barrage.

After these few games, the popularity of the EAF team has been very low, and there are not many spectators watching this game.

However, even so, Jokkr's words caused the barrage to swipe the screen, and one can imagine how many audiences were speaking.

Under Han Ying's reminder, Jokkr's eyes slanted slightly, and he glanced at the barrage on the small screen beside him.

Immediately afterwards, he froze for a moment, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Why did he manage to say what was in his heart, and was considered poisonous milk...

"Forget it, poisonous milk is poisonous milk, anyway, EAF team can't win today's game." Jokkr thought in his heart.

However a few minutes later.
The sound of a notification made Jokkr's eyes widen!

Less than 2 minutes later, a beep sounded.

In the EAF team, the single-blood Lian Cangming's clockwork won the first blood of the opposing mid-laner Ryze!

Seeing the situation on the field, Jokkr was slightly dazed.

This... what's the situation? !

Seeing this scene, Luo Xia's gaze fluctuated slightly.

Turning to look at Lu Shiyan, she found that there was also a momentary look of surprise on her face.

Turning his eyes back to the screen, Luo Xia also nodded secretly in his heart.

He could feel that the style of play of the EAF team had changed a bit, and the rhythm of the play had also become faster.

Seeing the outbreak of blood, the audience was a little taken aback.

Counting this one, the EAF team has played five games.

This was the first time in their team that they got first blood.

"Damn it, the mage is awesome, and this milk gave the EAF team a first blood?"

"It's really 6 to no good. I didn't expect the mage's poisonous milk to be so accurate and effective so quickly!"

"Could it be that the EAF team can really beat the GAA team in today's game?"

"What are you thinking, how can this rubbish No. 4 seed team be possible!"

"That's right, even if you take first blood, the garbage is still garbage!"


After the first blood erupted, the barrage of the live broadcast of the game started again.

I have to say that Jokkr's milk is too poisonous.

Just took a sip and said that the EAF team will win, but now the EAF team has won the first blood so quickly.

Taking the first blood early, still gave a brush with a very stable development, and at the same time restricted the development of the opposite Ryze.

In this way, it will be very uncomfortable for the other side.

Some viewers couldn't help but wonder, could the EAF team really win?
However, it is only a small part of the audience who think so.

In the hearts of most viewers, they still didn't have much hope.

When the EAF team played against the AHH team in Baodao for the first time, they had an advantage in the early stage, and they lost as soon as they played a team.

When I played FKT, I lost again, and then I have been losing until now, without winning a game.

Having been hit so many times, the audience no longer believes in the EAF team.

If you talk too much, the one who gets slapped in the face is often yourself.

Seeing the outbreak of the first blood, Han Ying also analyzed: "Well, the EAF team got the first blood very well."

"Ryze was caught and killed once at this time, which has a great impact on his rhythm."

The mid laner Ryze of the EAF team sent first blood so early, obviously he was not solo killed by the clockwork of Blood Refining Cangming so soon.

Even if there is a gap in strength between the two sides, Ryze will not be solo killed so quickly.

Ryze's death was mainly because he didn't expect Thresh to be in the grass on the sidewalk at the beginning of the game, and he seized the opportunity at the right time and hooked him directly.

In this way, Ryze could only surrender his blood with hatred.

After Han Ying finished speaking, Short Hair also said: "It seems that the state of the EAF team has improved today, at least they are no longer so conservative in their style of play."

"In terms of lineup, they also chose very aggressively."

Hearing what Shorthair said, many spectators who were watching the game agreed.

In any case, the lineup selection of the EAF team today is quite reasonable.

At least it wasn't like before, it was a well-regulated lineup, some of them were just waiting to die.

In this game, the EAF team is on the blue side, and the GAA team is on the purple side.

The lineup of the blue side is Dashu in the top lane, Clockwork in the mid lane, Mantis in the wild, and Ice and Thresh in the bottom lane.

The lineup of the purple side is the top laner Worm, the mid laner Ryze, the wild boar girl, and the bottom lane female policeman and Fengnv.

From the lineup point of view, although the EAF team is not the kind of fierce lineup, but the offensive is already very strong.

When they played against the WSF team in the double F battle before, their bottom lane strength was not as good as that of the WSF team, so they could only mix with the combination of Wheel Mom and Fengnv.

In this world competition, he often mixed like this, mixed up, not only failed to resist, but also killed himself.

In today's game against the wild card team, they took a strong combination of Ice and Thresh.

There is no meaning of resisting pressure in the bottom lane, and it is almost impossible to fight with the opponent.

The female policeman has a long range and has a range of 650 yards, but Han Bing also has a range of 600 yards, which is not much worse than the female policeman.

Not to mention Thresh, who was just a basic attack in the early stage, but he was extremely strong.

Originally, the female police and female lineup was still very strong, and the online suppression was very strong in the early stage.

After pressing the opposite side under the tower, you can also use the range to slowly grind the tower.

But when it comes to Ice and Thresh, especially the two very strong Ice and Thresh, it's not enough to watch

In the battle between the two sides, the policewoman and Fengnv were pushed back to the tower by Han Bing and Thresh!

It can be seen that the EAF team is still very strong, otherwise it would not be able to play a full BO5 with the WSF team and compete for the No. 3 seed team.

Although their bottom lane combination is not as strong as the WSF team and the QWG team, in terms of overall strength, it is still stronger than such a wild card team.

Down the road, it turned out to have achieved a strong suppression effect.

As for the jungler, although the junglers of both sides have not started the first wave of Gank, the jungler of the EAF team is obviously much more reasonable than the jungler of the GAA team.

Naturally, Mantis couldn't see the specific location of the pig girl, and must be trying to figure out the pig girl's wild route by relying on experience and consciousness.

Needless to say in the middle lane, Clockwork just took away the head of the opposing mid laner Ryze, which must be a big advantage.

Even the big trees that were easily suppressed by the big bugs in the early stage are now in a [-]-[-] situation with the big bugs.

It is enough to show that the top laner of the EAF team is much stronger than the top laner of the GAA team.

Looking at the situation on the field, Luo Xia's eyes froze slightly.

"EAF team, it's really different from before..."

(End of this chapter)

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