Chapter 994 Fight of Trapped Beasts! (first update)
"Swallow, you scared people~"

After Ling Yan finished speaking, Jin Yuena said charmingly.

Her voice was crisp and soft, and her expression was weeping. She looked like a witch sent by the demon world to seduce all living beings.

Ling Yan came back to her senses and said, "Nana, are you joking?"

Hearing Ling Yan's words, Jin Yuena blinked her beautiful eyes mischievously.

"Do you think I'm joking?"

Ling Yan: "."

In fact, from the time Jin Yuena told her, she knew that Jin Yuena was not joking.

Jin Yuena is definitely a person who walks the talk!
"Don't worry, Swallow, there will be absolutely no problem. Didn't you also say that it is impossible for a mad dog to defeat a lion?"

Seeing what Ling Yan wanted to say, Jin Yuena spoke first.

"You also said that the strength gap between the two sides is there."

Hearing Jin Yuena's words, Ling Yan also remembered what she had said before.

She said before that even a group of mad dogs can't beat a lion.

After all, the basic strength gap between the two lies there.

However, at that time, she never thought that what Jin Yuena was referring to was the mad dog and the lion.
"Nana, this is a competition after all, no matter how strong a team is, there are times when they make mistakes. What if FKT loses?"

"That female secretary of yours is really too. She doesn't know the severity at all, and she doesn't know how to advise you on such a big matter."

Ling Yan was worried about Jin Yuena, and at the same time, she also complained about Luo Zhixuan.

500 billion, this is not a small amount, and Jin Yuena invested in it so easily.

What if you lose everything?
Hearing Ling Yan's words, Jin Yuena smiled slightly and said, "It's none of Zhixuan's business, on the contrary, I appreciate her courage and determination."

"With this kind of courage and decisiveness, you are the one who can do great things."

As Jin Yuena spoke, she made no secret of her admiration for Luo Zhixuan in her tone.

She knew that Ling Yan cared about her and worried about her, so she would not feel disgusted, but only felt warm.

But if other people try to dissuade her because of the indecision of a little money, she will feel very disgusted.

This point of Luo Zhixuan made her appreciate it very much.

As she spoke, she exhaled lightly, and said, "Yanzi, you are the famous Yanque, and your understanding of this game is no worse than mine."

"You should be very aware of the gap between the EAF team and FKT. It's really rare for this kind of worry to appear on you~"

After Jin Yuena finished speaking, the worry in Ling Yan's tone didn't decrease at all.

"I'm worried about you! Even with your ability, it's not easy to adjust the 500 billion quietly, right?"

"I don't know how many people are jealous of your position. Be careful of being targeted by the board of directors. What should I do if I control your shares?"

After Ling Yan finished speaking, Jin Yuena's beautiful eyes, which had been half-closed, quietly opened, and a cold light flashed in them.

"Holding? Just relying on that group of trash, it's impossible for them to do it in 100 years!"

At this moment, Jin Yuena's temperament directly changed drastically, and she unconsciously carried a supreme chill.

Ling Yan even felt that the temperature of the air had dropped a little, and goosebumps rose up her arms.

She finally knew how Jin Yuena got the title of Ice Queen in the mall.

Just relying on the cold power on her body, it is enough to make all opponents tremble with fear.

However, in the next second, Ling Yan only felt a lightness on his body, and the chill in the air disappeared.

It seemed that everything just now was just her illusion.

Jin Yuena was still lying there lazily, her jade face was full of endless charm, as if the coldness just now did not emanate from her body.

"Swallow, don't worry, I will do everything for myself, don't worry."

With one side of Jin Yuena's beautiful eyes, she said, "Five mad dogs may have the power to fight a lion."

"But what about five bitten, bruised, exhausted mad dogs?"

As she spoke, Jin Yuena wrote a few words lightly in front of her.

Her font is very elegant at first glance, but upon closer inspection, it is very strong and powerful, giving people a majestic feeling.

Ling Yan looked and found that what she wrote was only four words——

Battle of the trapped beasts!

Seeing these four words, Ling Yan was puzzled at first, but after a little thought, she seemed to understand something.

"Nana, you mean."

Hearing Ling Yan's words, Jin Yuena nodded slightly.

"That's right, EAF team wants to beat GAA team, and then win FKT for a theoretical qualifying spot. Why doesn't GAA team want to avoid this situation?"

"This round won the EAF team, and the GAA team can directly secure the second place in the group."

"If you lose, you have to wait for EAF and FKT to finish and compete for the second place in the group depending on the situation."

"In this situation, Yanzi, what do you think the GAA team will do?"

After Jin Yuena's words reached this point, Ling Yan had already fully understood.

As Jin Yuena said, if they won this round, GAA would be able to secure the second place in the group.

If they lose, it is very likely that they will have to play two more theoretical qualifying games. The gap between the two is not usually large.

Now, the GAA team can be said to be forced to the edge of a cliff, and they will definitely counterattack!
If it was before, the EAF team might not have to spend too much effort to win the GAA team.

But in this case, it is more than twice as difficult for them to win.

In the game, Xuelian Cangming, Wssb and others will feel that the GAA team has become stronger, which is also the reason.

What they were facing was not a GAA team in a normal state, but a GAA team that was desperate to fight back!

This game has consumed a lot of their strength and energy, even if they can win, it will definitely be very difficult.

Exhausted, they go to face FKT again, what are their chances of winning?
Thinking of this, Ling Yan felt a little relieved.

She remembered again the theory of the human heart that Jin Yuena told her.

It has to be said that Jin Yuena's control over people's hearts has really reached the extreme. She must have thought of today's situation on the day she placed the bet.

If this is not the case, even if she acts as she pleases, she will not easily invest 500 billion in it.

At this time, Jin Yuena's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

"Swallow, the scariest thing is not failure, but failure after countless attempts."

"You said that these five mad dogs first bit each other with five other cats that were cornered, and after being exhausted, they went to grab that big piece of meat with five lions."

"In the end, when I saw that big piece of meat flowing away in front of my eyes, would these five mad dogs really be driven crazy?"

When it came to the end, Jin Yuena's beautiful eyes obviously had a dangerous gleam.

Obviously, she has roughly imagined what kind of scene it will be.
(End of this chapter)

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