Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 112 Slave Market

Chapter 112 Slave Market
Just when the guards in the palace were arresting Feng Qingge all over the city.

Feng Qingge was showing up at the slave market with Lu'er.

"Miss, what are we doing here?" Lu'er wondered with a small face.

Feng Qingge smiled: "I plan to buy a few people back."

Since she decided to enroll in Shengtian College in a month, her new home naturally needs someone to take care of her.

While thinking silently, Feng Qingge looked up at a high platform in front of her.

On the half-meter-high platform, nearly a hundred slaves were kneeling densely.His hands were tied behind his back by hemp rope, and his clothes were torn, no different from being wrapped in a piece of rag. All of them looked blank.

The peddler greeted him with a flattering face.

"Oh, my lady, how many slaves do you want to buy to return to the present? The slaves here are all strong and healthy, young and old...Miss, if you buy it, you will definitely not suffer a loss."

"How do these people sell?" Feng Qingge opened her mouth.

"For Ms. Hui, there are ten gold coins in the first three rows, and three gold coins in the back."

When the peddler saw that the business was coming, he immediately said with a smile on his face.

Feng Qingge nodded, and looked up the high platform silently.

On the high platform, the slaves kneeling in the first three rows were basically strong young men, among them were a few pretty women who were trembling with fear under the scrutiny of the buyers.And the further you go, the older you get.

"What about the one over there?"

Feng Qingge turned her gaze to a corner.

There, there was only a young boy kneeling alone.

He was wrapped in a tattered dress, revealing dark purple welts inside.A delicate face, a little sallow due to malnutrition, a pair of black and white eyes, but showing stubbornness.



Feng Qingge raised her eyebrows silently.

The peddler's face changed: "Oh, miss...you must not buy that one. There were a few customers before who bought that kid back. Who knows, he ran away within three days."

"I'm asking about the price."

Feng Qingge interrupted him coldly.


The hawker stretched his tone in embarrassment, and then gritted his teeth cruelly.

"How about it. If you really want to buy him, miss, you can pay a gold coin. But the little one is ugly. If he runs away by himself, miss, you can't rely on the little one."

a gold coin...

"Deal." Feng Qingge nodded.

They picked out a few more slaves from the first three rows, including those slightly attractive girls, a total of a dozen or so, and turned to look at the peddler.

"Just these few, calculate the total amount."

"Oh, miss, you are really generous. You look like a lady from a wealthy family. These slaves, the younger ones will give you a [-]% discount, a total of [-] gold coins."

The peddler rubbed his hands excitedly.


Sixty gold coins...

He really hit a big deal today...

Even with a [-]% discount...

He can also make a steady [-]% profit...

The peddler looked eagerly at the gold coins in Feng Qing's pocket, his eyes straightened with joy.

"Come here, go and pick out the deeds of sale of these people and give them to this young lady."

"Miss, what else do you want to buy? How about I show you around?"

"No need." Feng Qingge shook her head.

Put a dozen contracts into the storage ring, and carefully looked at the dozen slaves.

Those few pretty girls finally stopped trembling, looked at Feng Qingge with grateful eyes, knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"Thank you, Miss, for buying the slave...Thank you, Miss..."

(End of this chapter)

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