Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 1169 Where did you go?

Chapter 1169 Where did you go?
In the medicine field.

Feng Qingge worked hard all afternoon before finally planting all the newly bought herbs.

After finishing this matter, Feng Qingge checked the age of the remaining medicinal materials in the medicinal field.

All the medicinal materials that are more than 1000 years old are opened up in another medicinal field, and they are replanted carefully.

Then from the square well, some light blue well water came up.

Carefully holding it with his hands, he poured some well water on each of the freshly planted herbs.

After finishing these things, Feng Qingge wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Elder Chao Feng said hello.

Then his feet flashed, and he flashed out of the space again.



When he returned to his room again, it was completely dark outside.

In the quiet night, a curved crescent moon hangs in the sky, surrounded by a few sparsely dotted stars, emitting faint starlight.

The whole house was dark and quiet.

Only through the faint moonlight coming in through the window, some vague outlines can be roughly seen.

Feng Qingge stretched towards the sky.

Hammering his shoulders that were terribly sore from a busy day, he walked towards the bed.

Just walked a few steps...

Feng Qingge keenly felt that there was an aura coming from inside the room.

Feng Qingge suddenly stopped in her tracks, and spoke out vigilantly from the darkness.


With a quick swipe of his finger, he took out a white spar for lighting from the storage ring.

The other hand clasped all five fingers, clasped a row of silver needles silently in the palm of the hand, and looked forward with cold and sharp eyes.

With the hazy moonlight outside the window, one can only vaguely see a vague figure in the darkness.

Feng Qingge narrowed her eyes slightly, holding the spar in her hand, and stood there coldly.

"Ha ha."

In the darkness, a low-alcohol and clear laughter sounded.

Feng Qingge just raised the spar in her hand, and was about to take a better look.

A gust of wind suddenly flashed in front of him.

In the fierce wind, a slender and tall black figure quickly approached Feng Qingge.


Feng Qingge snorted coldly.

Keenly caught the direction of the strong wind.

Feng Qingge raised her hand neatly, and struck out more than a dozen silver needles sharply.

"Ding ding" several light sounds came out from the darkness, and the dozens of silver needles were all nailed to the window sill, and they all fell through.

Feng Qingge shuddered suddenly, and quickly retreated backwards.

In the blink of an eye, that gust of wind hits head-on.

In the darkness, someone who came hit Feng Qingge's wrist with one hand and knocked off the crystal used for lighting.

The other big hand stretched out and hugged Feng Qingge's exquisite waist tightly.

In an instant, Feng Qingge felt herself crashing into a firm embrace exuding a cold aura.

A strong ambergris aroma rushed into the nostrils quickly.

A familiar and pleasant man's breath poured into her mouth and nose overwhelmingly.

"Where did you go, huh?"

In the darkness, a pleasant voice sounded from beside my ear.

Yun Linghan hugged that exquisite body in his arms.

Under the wonderful touch, I never want to let go.

Yun Linghan's eyes became brighter.

Suddenly he raised his hands, and hugged the little woman in his arms horizontally.

Two strong arms, working hard at the same time.

Taking steps in the dark, he strode towards the big bed.

(End of this chapter)

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