Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 1262 Entering the Fusion Realm

Chapter 1262 Entering the Fusion Realm

"Damn! Is this dead girl deliberately entertaining my old man?"

Looking at the spiritual power fluctuations that quickly disappeared without a trace.

Feng Lao immediately blew his beard and stared from mid-air.

But at this moment, Feng Qingge's whole body, as if nothing had happened, was still sitting quietly cross-legged.

Breathing up and down, in a rhythmic rhythm.

The whole person seemed to be asleep, and the purple mist between his nostrils was shaking regularly.



In the boundless consciousness.

At this moment, Feng Qingge felt that she had merged into a mysterious state as if in an instant.

This state is very mysterious.

She felt that her body was completely integrated with the surrounding environment and air.

Not only that, every pore on her body was slightly stretched.

Feeling comfortable all over, Feng Qingge could feel all kinds of information coming from her surroundings.

"Where am I?"

Seeing the vast expanse of whiteness around her, Feng Qingge made a sound with some doubts.

While thinking about it, he suddenly felt some changes in the ground below him.

Feng Qingge lowered her head and looked down with a puzzled expression.

I saw a large piece of green grass suddenly appeared in the originally vast whiteness.

The grassland is tender green as a whole, and the leaves are stretched upwards, exuding vitality.

A gust of wind blows, and the large grassland sways slowly with the breeze.

Feng Qingge was surprised to find that her mind seemed to be fused with that large piece of tender green leaves.

My own visual senses, along with the growth of the grass, rapidly expanded outwards.

But wherever the grass grows, she can use those leaves to "see" every corner of the surrounding area clearly.

This feeling is simply wonderful.

"Could it be... this is the fusion environment that the teacher said?"

Slowly close your eyes and feel the comfort of the upper and lower pores of your body stretching out.

Suddenly, a word jumped into Feng Qingge's mind.

Feng Qingge was startled.

As if catching something, he quickly opened his eyes.

Fusion realm.

About this statement...

She once listened to the teacher and mentioned it inadvertently.

Once you enter the Spirit Sect, you will have a state of mystery and mystery, which is called a fusion state.

As the name suggests…

This kind of state means that the body of the warrior can blend with the surrounding environment and scenery at will.

Thereby transforming into the environment with the body, relying on the spiritual consciousness on the surrounding scenery, so as to control the mind and replace one's senses and touch with the environment.

Give the simplest example.

If you are alone, in the dangerous World of Warcraft forest.

As long as one reaches the state of integration, one can use the surrounding flowers and trees to emit divine consciousness to explore the surrounding terrain and the status of monsters.

In this way, you can greatly reduce your own danger and avoid those powerful monsters and enemies, so that you can survive better in the forest of monsters.

Fusion environment.

Only after comprehending this level can one truly step into the Spirit Sect.

After thinking about this point clearly, Feng Qingge raised a smile on the corner of her lips.

He simply relaxed his whole body, closed his eyes again, and let out his consciousness.

Let your consciousness, relying on those tender green leaves, let your thoughts roam freely from that large green ocean.

(End of this chapter)

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